State of Origin Vic Country | Official Team Thread

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wait what.... I thought damicky claimed me as an Allie since I am from NSW.

Now I am having a bit of trouble - I really loved that Country Roads song as a girl!

You are already on The Allies List

Do you want to choose a Theme Song for us?
You are already on The Allies List

Do you want to choose a Theme Song for us?
I am most happy to play SoO with you Cheese...
Theme Song...hmmmmmm

Best Song Ever In The World... Oh were from Tigerland

Oh we're from all o'er the land
The fighting cheese's
We're from all o'er the land
In any weather you will see us with a grin
Risking head and shin
If we're behind then never mind
We'll fight and fight and win

For we're from all o'er the land
We never weaken til the final siren's gone
Like the Cheese's of old
We're strong and we're bold
For we're from all over
Yellow and Black - Insert our colours pls Mr Cheese?

PS I dont know our name or colours? - please insert for accuracy

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  • #29
I am most happy to play SoO with you Cheese...
Theme Song...hmmmmmm

Best Song Ever In The World... Oh were from Tigerland

Oh we're from all o'er the land
The fighting cheese's
We're from all o'er the land
In any weather you will see us with a grin
Risking head and shin
If we're behind then never mind
We'll fight and fight and win

For we're from all o'er the land
We never weaken til the final siren's gone
Like the Cheese's of old
We're strong and we're bold
For we're from all over
Yellow and Black - Insert our colours pls Mr Cheese?

PS I dont know our name or colours? - please insert for accuracy
This is ****ing sacrilege on multiple levels

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Let's see: we have brahj (Great Southern Coast), ClarkeM (Wimmera), croweater 41 (Wimmera), Elton Johns Wig (Goulburn), FootyGuy13 (Gippsland), manangatang (Mallee), Mobbs (Wimmera), Pickitt (Great Southern Coast), Pie 4 Life (Gippsland), Robertio (Loddon Campaspe) and Tigerturbulance (Great Southern Coast).

We still need confirmation from A Swallow, ant555, AnUltimateRessie, Art Vandelay_, BallaratBulldog, Broken, Dero, Frothies Mcveigh, GotTheGoodes, haydo, Headless, Jabba73, Jhye Clark 13, Knifey Spoony, Mrs Turbo, Paddles_, RobR, royboy2, SarahSmiles, Supersuns, The Half Back, tigland and Wosh
RobR is in Timbuktu mate.
Let's see: we have brahj (Great Southern Coast), ClarkeM (Wimmera), croweater 41 (Wimmera), Elton Johns Wig (Goulburn), FootyGuy13 (Gippsland), manangatang (Mallee), Mobbs (Wimmera), Pickitt (Great Southern Coast), Pie 4 Life (Gippsland), Robertio (Loddon Campaspe) and Tigerturbulance (Great Southern Coast).

We still need confirmation from A Swallow, ant555, AnUltimateRessie, Art Vandelay_, BallaratBulldog, Broken, Dero, Frothies Mcveigh, GotTheGoodes, haydo, Headless, Jabba73, Jhye Clark 13, Knifey Spoony, Mrs Turbo, Paddles_, RobR, royboy2, SarahSmiles, Supersuns, The Half Back, tigland and Wosh

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Why do I act more like a Club Leader in clubs where I'm not in the LG compared to the ones I am?
manangatang Couple of quick questions now that SoO is less than a week away.
1) Who has put they're name to play for us this season?
2) Where are we playing our home games this season?
3) Where do Broken, Headless, AnUltomateRessie and other unassorted Country Vic fit on this map?

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  • #46
View attachment 1723538

Why do I act more like a Club Leader in clubs where I'm not in the LG compared to the ones I am?
manangatang Couple of quick questions now that SoO is less than a week away.
1) Who has put they're name to play for us this season?
2) Where are we playing our home games this season?
3) Where do Broken, Headless, AnUltomateRessie and other unassorted Country Vic fit on this map?

View attachment 1723573
I’m going to prioritise people who have posted in here for decent on-ground spots.

We’re also very open to suggestions for home grounds to play at - we have such good diversity of areas available. We played at Manangatang a couple of tournaments ago, so I’ve had my turn.

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