Mega Thread VICBias - Genuine Discussion Part 2

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So are you saying traveling isn't the issue, only when they have to play footy?

So anyone who travels, then travels again to play is an idiot?

Hang on 11 brownlow medalists seem to have no problems traveling either, doesn't seem to hamper their year.

West Coast, Brisbane and Sydney, seem to handle traveling ok also, they are in the top most successful AFL clubs.

There must be something we are all missing, seeing as you seem to think your the expert, could you please tell us all what we are missing here?
I think you're completely fixated on being on a plane that you've totally missed the point, which is entirely unsurprising.

I'll let you think about it and try to figure it out.
I didn't think you could tell us.
So you really aren't the expert then.
It's been covered plenty of times in this thread and I've mentioned it numerous times myself.

I'm not wasting my time because you've forgotten what's been said already and are too lazy to use the search function.

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I think most of us are less concerned with what the AFL does and more sick of the constant bias from the Vic media, who masquerade as 'national'.

I mean, the midweek tackle just had a segment on how Melbourne were 'hard done' by because they 'should' have Harley Reid but were unable to offer picks 2 years in advance.

Newsflash, they could've offered up a player instead.

Then Reid was on Talking Footy the other week and they spent half the time telling him he was homesick(despite him saying he never has been) and how great he'd look playing for Geelong.

They'd lose their shit if a 'National' show broadcast from Perth spent 10 minutes trying to convince Patrick Cripps to move back to WA, for instance.

I've never really understood the carry on about bias in the media. I live in SA - of course the media over here is stupidly biased towards Port and the Crows, as I'd assume is the case in WA, ditto with the Vic based media - thehy've all got a target market. I never understood why people cared whether or not Eddie's commentary was biased towards the Pies or why Pies fans carry on about Hodge and Dunstall being biased against us. Bias and barracking is one of the things that makes the game so engaging. Protecting the sanctity of footy commentary to be free from bias? Why? Who cares? It's a very different thing to bias from the AFL.
I've never really understood the carry on about bias in the media. I live in SA - of course the media over here is stupidly biased towards Port and the Crows, as I'd assume is the case in WA, ditto with the Vic based media. I never understood why people cared whether or not Eddie's commentary was biased towards the Pies or why Pies fans carry on about Hodge and Dunstall being biased against us. Bias and barracking is one of the things that makes the game so engaging. And whether it's from fans or the media, it's a very different thing to bias from the AFL.
It's because the 'National' media is incredibly biased towards Vic teams/players.

That's absolutely fine if it's local media but when it's broadcast nationally, for a national audience, it's very much an issue.

Go and look at how contentious free kicks and potential reportable offences are discussed during games, for instance.

You won't hear much if a Vic club/player is the beneficiary of it but it'll be major news all week if it's the opposite.

They will literally campaign to get big name Vic players off reportable offences(unless blatant) during games but endlessly dissect non-Vic team's players and talk about how they should be getting multiple weeks for the same offence.

They do the same for free kicks. Will laugh it off it a Vic team's player gets away with something and froth at the mouth and spend half the HT break complaining about it if it's the non-Vic team.

It's nauseating.
It's because the 'National' media is incredibly biased towards Vic teams/players.

That's absolutely fine if it's local media but when it's broadcast nationally, for a national audience, it's very much an issue.

Go and look at how contentious free kicks and potential reportable offences are discussed during games, for instance.

You won't hear much if a Vic club/player is the beneficiary of it but it'll be major news all week if it's the opposite.

They will literally campaign to get big name Vic players off reportable offences(unless blatant) during games but endlessly dissect non-Vic team's players and talk about how they should be getting multiple weeks for the same offence.

They do the same for free kicks. Will laugh it off it a Vic team's player gets away with something and froth at the mouth and spend half the HT break complaining about it if it's the non-Vic team.

It's nauseating.
Just wait until Robbo is pissed on 360 and we can look on in wonderment at a neutral rambling
It's been covered plenty of times in this thread and I've mentioned it numerous times myself.

I'm not wasting my time because you've forgotten what's been said already and are too lazy to use the search function.
What a load of crap.
saying such and such said travel is bad, is not proof.
saying we were just better to overcome it, is not proof.

11 brownlows and all those premierships, disputes what you are saying.

All I have seen from you is, we want to be better than the Vics, give us an unfair advantage or all your flags have asterisks.

Put an asterisk on all the flags if you want, we couldn't give a rats.
What a load of crap.
saying such and such said travel is bad, is not proof.
saying we were just better to overcome it, is not proof.

11 brownlows and all those premierships, disputes what you are saying.

All I have seen from you is, we want to be better than the Vics, give us an unfair advantage or all your flags have asterisks.

Put an asterisk on all the flags if you want, we couldn't give a rats.
jurassic park deal with it GIF
It's because the 'National' media is incredibly biased towards Vic teams/players.

That's absolutely fine if it's local media but when it's broadcast nationally, for a national audience, it's very much an issue.

Go and look at how contentious free kicks and potential reportable offences are discussed during games, for instance.

You won't hear much if a Vic club/player is the beneficiary of it but it'll be major news all week if it's the opposite.

They will literally campaign to get big name Vic players off reportable offences(unless blatant) during games but endlessly dissect non-Vic team's players and talk about how they should be getting multiple weeks for the same offence.

It's nauseating.

I don't agree with you at all. When it involves a big Vic club it gets heaps of press whether it is in their favour or against them.

They're pitching primarily to the Vic market, becasue it's the biggest earner for them in terms of advertising and viewers, so if Carlton get lucky with frees in a close game against Freo - it's a big story, because all the non-Vic supporters hate Carlton and want to declare them undeserving. But then if they get ripped off it's a big story too. Ditto if it's Collingwood - for or against
I don't agree with you at all. When it involves a big Vic club it gets heaps of press whether it is in their favour or against them.

They're pitching primarily to the Vic market, becasue it's the biggest earner for them in terms of advertising and viewers, so if Carlton get lucky with frees in a close game against Freo - it's a big story, because all the non-Vic supporters hate Carlton and want to declare them undeserving. But then if they get ripped off it's a big story too. Ditto if it's Collingwood - for or against
yeah I dunno. Perhaps it's confirmation bias but it seems they greatly favour Vic teams in this kind of reporting.

I remember a game we played vs WB a few years ago. They were throwing the ball left right and centre and the one time Jamie Cripps got away with one, they spent 5 minutes raging over it.

That's just one example of many.

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I don't agree with you at all. When it involves a big Vic club it gets heaps of press whether it is in their favour or against them.

They're pitching primarily to the Vic market, becasue it's the biggest earner for them in terms of advertising and viewers, so if Carlton get lucky with frees in a close game against Freo - it's a big story, because all the non-Vic supporters hate Carlton and want to declare them undeserving. But then if they get ripped off it's a big story too. Ditto if it's Collingwood - for or against
It's pretty simple to work out.
For a start it's still the VFL, clubs here mean more to the media than non_Vics.

Know one outside of those states gives a rats about those clubs, so they get their 5 minutes, then the media moves on.
The media want to be paid, ads pay the bills, listeners/viewers generate the ads, so the media go where the money is.
yeah I dunno. Perhaps it's confirmation bias but it seems they greatly favour Vic teams in this kind of reporting.

I remember a game we played vs WB a few years ago. They were throwing the ball left right and centre and the one time Jamie Cripps got away with one, they spent 5 minutes raging over it.

That's just one example of many.

Were you good at the time or winning the game? I think game day commentators tend to favour underdogs and/or the team that's behind in the game.

Although sometimes it's the story that they're selling - Collingwood comebacks - a bloke's 200th, etc...

During the week shows defiintely favour stories about the big vic clubs - but that's not always a positive - the negative stories become far bigger too.
Were you good at the time or winning the game? I think commentators tend to favour underdogs and/or the team that's behind in the game.

Although sometimes it's the story that they're selling - Collingwood comebacks - a bloke's 200th, etc...
Pretty sure we were losing, from memory. Could be wrong though.

Just wait to see if there's a contentious tackle, or the likes, this weekend. If it's a big name player from a Vic club, they'll be instantly campaigning to get him off. If it's an interstater, they'll be discussing how many weeks.

Happens all the time.
Oh well if you know why the media is Vic centric, then you tell us all.
I'm trying to explain it, if you think i'm wrong, then you explain it, as i'm sure you know.
Again, if the locally broadcast VIC media wants to behave biased towards their local teams then I don't see the issue. The other states do it as well.

Nobody cares what SEN Melbourne say, other than maybe having a laugh about it when it goes up on Youtube.

If it's a nationally broadcast game/show that's supposedly made for a national audience then that's where the issue lies.
Again, if the locally broadcast VIC media wants to behave biased towards their local teams then I don't see the issue. The other states do it as well.

Nobody cares what SEN Melbourne say, other than maybe having a laugh about it when it goes up on Youtube.

If it's a nationally broadcast game/show that's supposedly made for a national audience then that's where the issue lies.
Jeeze mate, try reading.
There are many more viewers/listeners in Vic, Vics, don't care about non-Vic clubs, they don't want to hear about them, put them on for too long and they will turn off.
So, the media look after the Vics because that brings money, money is all that drives the media.
Again, if the locally broadcast VIC media wants to behave biased towards their local teams then I don't see the issue. The other states do it as well.

Nobody cares what SEN Melbourne say, other than maybe having a laugh about it when it goes up on Youtube.

If it's a nationally broadcast game/show that's supposedly made for a national audience then that's where the issue lies.
Would you interested in a trade for Dwayne Russell and Robbo for Xavier Ellis and Andrew Embley. Those 2 WA boys go ok i reckon.
Jeeze mate, try reading.
There are many more viewers/listeners in Vic, Vics, don't care about non-Vic clubs, they don't want to hear about them, put them on for too long and they will turn off.
So, the media look after the Vics because that brings money, money is all that drives the media.

They're trying to appeal to a national audience and there's more people in NSW, for starters.

You don't grow a business by only pandering to people who already consume your product, you expand it.

Being Vic-centric only serves to work against growing the game nationally.

And like I said previously, it's understandable that Vic teams will be given more airtime, because there's more of them.

That isn't the issue here. The issue is being clearly biased toward the interests of Vic clubs, instead of simply reporting on goings on.

Victoria's been milked by the AFL and there's nothing left to gain there. If they're serious about being the national game, then they need to do more to appeal to people outside of Vic.

That starts with getting competent people in the media and not people who still think it's the VFL from 40 years ago.

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