Yeah just took the new tracks for a spin.
The Zelda, F-Zero and Excitebike tracks are outstanding.
Dragon track ok.
The Ice Outpost level is bland as hell. They phoned it in on that one.
Retro track selection is a bit of a mixed bag. Wario's Gold Mine is a great track... Yoshi's Circuit is not the most exciting track design but it's a good technical driving track. Another Rainbow Road track though... *sigh* you trolling us Nintendo? :/
Great value DLC for $10 though.
Yeah weakest is the "Chinese Bowser" one or Ice Ice Outpost.
I really like Yoshi's for driving ... and I really dig the Excitebike crossover.
F-Zero is great for a bit of speed.
Characters kinda suck - Link is awesome, but I'd also like to get something that isn't a "version" of another character. Like where's Diddy Kong? Really sick of those bizarro Bowsers.