Play Nice WADA v Essendon 34: Guilty, 2 Yr Susp. (backdated to Mar 2015). Affects 17 current AFL plyrs.

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One would expect if they knew they were legal, they would have filled in the forms correctly when they were drug tested, instead of omitting them completely. They didn't. Any of them. I wonder why...

Hang on, how many times did they fill these forms out? ;)
Ignorance before the law is no excuse. They are told & told about their responsibilities of what they take or are given. No excuses.

We break the law we get judged. if we have. extenuating circumstances, it gets weighed up be the beak. CAS gave those guys leniency, despite deliberate deception. But the should not be paid.

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"As to sanction, the Players cannot show lack of significant fault or negligence in
committing the anti-doping rule violations because, inter alia, they signed the consent
forms to receive the prohibited substance, received the injections and failed to disclose
the injections on doping control forms."

P13, pt 82.

Bang, --- Smoke,----Gun.
If they're getting their salary, the AFL will at least make them doing community work.....right?

Or are we seriously looking at another Hird scenario? They'll all go do business courses in France?

Gil also said quitely on 360, that they will help the players do any courses etc
Are you serious?

They are dirty campaigners that think everybody is against them.

I say just gtfo *Watson*.

When you think about it, name any Watson that is any good?
  • Shane Watson - Fail
  • Tim Watson - Fail/Campaigner
  • Jobe Watson - Drug Cheat/Fail/Campaigner
Bomber Thompson. Where does he sit in all this? Anywhere? He seem's to have ducked out the back door.

Not looking for a witch hunt. Just curious.

some dons supporters are filthy with BT in that they believe its his fault
Forgive me as i have been skipping pages .

But I cant for the life of me see why the Bombers will be crap for years to come.
They will loose 17 players for a season, they may well get a # 1 draft selection .
If all the players stay i cant see how they will be crap.

Have any of the players said "im out"?
Has the AFL said no number 1 draft pick ?

I expect former players now at other clubs and delisted players wanting $$$.for lost payments other than that what else can damage Essendon long term ?

As i see it 2017 will be back to normal for Essendon

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At the end of the day its going to be pretty obvious as to what unfloded re. players and what they knew etc...i.e. the didnt know etc..then there is no way they wouldnt be lining up the class actions as we speak...but I can bet my bottom dollar they will do diddly squat ;)
If clubs are required to keep ASADA constantly informed on player locations (residence, holiday locations,etc), why on earth aren't they required to inform of what supplements/medications the club has administered to the players?

I know there's a requirement on the player but why not have the clubs do it too? (even if just for expediency)

I think you'll find that it is the responsibility of the individual athlete to keep ASADA informed of their whereabouts, for testing purposes. What would be the point of giving the responsibility to teams? Expediency? Or wouldn't that just give them the opportunity to 'control the narrative'? Doesn't it fly in the face of the strict liability principle? The athlete is responsible for being the gate-keeper on what substances enter their body. The athlete is responsible for declaring directly to ASADA when questioned what substances have entered their body. If it was the team's responsibility to keep records and inform the powers that be, then every athlete could maintain ignorance, and claim they didn't know what they were given. It is the athlete's responsibility to know what they are given. 'Team sports' is not, and should never be, groupthink for footbots.
I think you'll find that it is the responsibility of the individual athlete to keep ASADA informed of their whereabouts, for testing purposes. What would be the point of giving the responsibility to teams? Expediency? Or wouldn't that just give them the opportunity to 'control the narrative'? Doesn't it fly in the face of the strict liability principle? The athlete is responsible for being the gate-keeper on what substances enter their body. The athlete is responsible for declaring directly to ASADA when questioned what substances have entered their body. If it was the team's responsibility to keep records and inform the powers that be, then every athlete could maintain ignorance, and claim they didn't know what they were given. It is the athlete's responsibility to know what they are given. 'Team sports' is not, and should never be, groupthink for footbots.

Well the PED's must be working because he is really setting the world on fire :rolleyes:

You should engage your brain, his injuries were a result of gaining too much muscle too fast while running so much.

Feel free to keep your head in the sand but there will be players at every club using a chemical advantage.
I think you'll find that it is the responsibility of the individual athlete to keep ASADA informed of their whereabouts, for testing purposes. What would be the point of giving the responsibility to teams? Expediency? Or wouldn't that just give them the opportunity to 'control the narrative'? Doesn't it fly in the face of the strict liability principle? The athlete is responsible for being the gate-keeper on what substances enter their body. The athlete is responsible for declaring directly to ASADA when questioned what substances have entered their body. If it was the team's responsibility to keep records and inform the powers that be, then every athlete could maintain ignorance, and claim they didn't know what they were given. It is the athlete's responsibility to know what they are given. 'Team sports' is not, and should never be, groupthink for footbots.

In the AFL players tell the club, the club tells ASADA. This makes it easier for team travel to games, common training times when they available for testing (the one hour each day). Does cause issues though when players don't tell the club's their movements, which is why number of clubs, not players, have been fined for not keeping whereabouts.
I'm struggling to read this thread and also stay on top of all the new posts - can someone briefly explain whether the players do/do not have a case to file against Essendon?
If they're getting their salary, the AFL will at least make them doing community work.....right?

Or are we seriously looking at another Hird scenario? They'll all go do business courses in France?

lol yer they all head off to Europe for the summer and get paid :) not a bad punishment for doping.
Forgive me as i have been skipping pages .

But I cant for the life of me see why the Bombers will be crap for years to come.
They will loose 17 players for a season, they may well get a # 1 draft selection .
If all the players stay i cant see how they will be crap.

Have any of the players said "im out"?
Has the AFL said no number 1 draft pick ?

I expect former players now at other clubs and delisted players wanting $$$.for lost payments other than that what else can damage Essendon long term ?

As i see it 2017 will be back to normal for Essendon

If nobody sues they will be better next year than they might otherwise have been. Think of it as 12 long term injuries without the wear and tear on the body. If they weren't going to win the flag anyway, it's almost like an Eagles quick sink to the bottom, grab a gun draftee, straight back up again. They do lose a year of these players services and they don't get to manage their fitness but I think we are kidding ourselves if we don't think they'll be monitored in some way.

In my view the Bombers were deflated last year after lifting themselves for 2 seasons in the face of the scrutiny. I think they were/are probably a fringe of the 8 side so inject a possible #1 draft pick and fast track the 2015 draftees out of necessity and they could surge in 2017.

All comes down to whether the players stick together.

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Play Nice WADA v Essendon 34: Guilty, 2 Yr Susp. (backdated to Mar 2015). Affects 17 current AFL plyrs.

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