Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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You specifically mentioned all UN resolutions
Yes I did, as I literally copy pasted the question you asked me and deleted "new found" because you seem to know a lot about UN resolutions. Which is why I am asking what's called a "follow up" question. So do you know the answer or not?
Yes I did, as I literally copy pasted the question you asked me and deleted "new found" because you seem to know a lot about UN resolutions. Which is why I am asking what's called a "follow up" question. So do you know the answer or not?

Israel had breached at least 28 UNSC resolutions before Hamas and Hezbollah breached 1 apiece.

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Where did you get the at least 28 breaches claim from though?

Here's a study guide from 2007.

I don't believe there is a UNSC mention of Hamas before that date, first I can see Hezbollah mentioned is around 2006. But both did exist before that date.

As such, I think you'll find it difficult to debunk "Israel had breached at least 28 UNSC resolutions before Hamas and Hezbollah breached 1 apiece."

It may be possible to debunk, but you'll need to work for it.

Enjoy your homework!
Here's a study guide from 2007.

I don't believe there is a UNSC mention of Hamas before that date, first I can see Hezbollah mentioned is around 2006.

As such, I think you'll find it difficult to debunk "Israel had breached at least 28 UNSC resolutions before Hamas and Hezbollah breached 1 apiece."

It may be possible to debunk, but you'll need to work for it.

Enjoy your homework!
I am not out to debunk it. For all I know it could be correct. It wouldn't surprise me if it was true or close to being true. I just don't take random claims made on social media as gospel, I know that infuriates some people around here :eekv1: I like to know where a claim comes from.

What on earth is that geocities link lol? I am not even going to click that. Is that really where you got the figure from?

The UNSC won't direct resolutions toward Hamas or Hezbollah, because they are interested in state behaviour, not non-state actors. They are mentioned in them, but generally they arent the focus. Terrorist organisations aren't known for caring about UN resolutions or international law in general.
I am not out to debunk it. For all I know it could be correct. It wouldn't surprise me if it was true or close to being true. I just don't take random claims made on social media as gospel, I know that infuriates some people around here :eekv1: I like to know where a claim comes from.

What on earth is that geocities link lol? I am not even going to click that. Is that really where you got the figure from?

The UNSC won't direct resolutions toward Hamas or Hezbollah, because they are interested in state behaviour, not non-state actors. They are mentioned in them, but generally they arent the focus. Terrorist organisations aren't known for caring about UN resolutions or international law in general.

It's a study guide on International law. It has all the information you need, and lists the relevant UNSC resolutions.
Here's an introduction to geocities in a format you may be more comfortable with.

It's a study guide on International law. It has all the information you need, and lists the relevant UNSC resolutions.
Here's an introduction to geocities in a format you may be more comfortable with.

Wait... did you just count all the resolutions that mention Israel from between a certain time period? If you didn't, can you take a screenshot of the part of the study guide you are linking that talks specifically about Israel breaching those UNSC resolutions?
Wait... did you just count all the resolutions that mention Israel from between a certain time period? If you didn't, can you take a screenshot of the part of the study guide you are linking that talks specifically about Israel breaching those UNSC resolutions?


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Imagine if Bevan (Human) Shields had access to this kind of resource during his formative years.
He would distort the truth anyway. Rolling in the Israeli mud is such a profound life experience that he will forever cover up breaches on international law that Israel commits.
I seem to remember someone calling IDF a terrorist organisation just recently. Can't for life of me remember who it was - do you?

Yep, I’d lump them all in together as terrorists.

In summary you're happy to dismiss what Hezbollah & Hamas are because well they're just a bunch of terrorists. Considering this you surely couldn't have been the person who was labelling IDF as a terrorist organisation because you'd also be dismissing their actions as "just a terrorist organization"

Who’s ever dismissed it?

Quoted from a report by IAGS nonetheless. But let's not let facts get in the way of your stories.

You’ve been pulled up on this multiple times. It’s just you being deliberately disingenuous.

The amount of civilians Hezbollah & Hamas have attempted to murder is many times magnitude greater than the inverse.

Actual murdered ones though Zidane. You get more upset about imaginary dead people than actual dead people. Tens of thousands of women and children actually dead.

So what you're saying here is IDF are bad because they actually go to the efforts of protecting Israeli civilians

No they’re bad because they’re committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and violating IHL and IHRL on a weekly, if not daily, basis.

Oh and also quite likely actually committing genocide. That’s bad too.

where your mob

Who’s mob? This isn’t a team sport for some.

This would explain why you're so dismissive of events in Gaza where Hamas have murdered Palestinian civilians in large scale massacres.

I mean aside from calling them terrorists, hoping they’re brought to justice and at no point have I ever been bothered by actual dead combatants. Sure. It’s not as though I’ve spent months banging on about the dead civilians specifically or anything.

You try to hide your rhetoric but really everyone can see right through it.

And we’re back here again

Mate you’ve spent months justifying and diminishing Israel’s slaughter. You put on a veneer of criticism, but it’s only surface level. Before accusing anyone of anything, you should probably look in the mirror.
Ben Gvir has threatened to withdraw his party from the coalition if Netanyahu makes a ceasefire deal with Hezbollah, which could mean the collapse of the Netanyahu government.

Says a lot about the state of the Israeli government that the ICC wants arrest warrants issued for Netanyahu yet he’s not extreme enough for some.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas Conflict

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