Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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They AJA are RWNJs, and Avi Yemini is a complete RWNJ, but never believe anything Ghost Pauline posts. At best it's misleading, at worst embarrassing disinformation. 'Founding member' does not really mean all that much.

From the very article Tzedek Collectve referenced:
View attachment 2152478
Looks like the above referred to Jaron Chester might have changed his name to Jared Banks.

Screenshot 2024-10-27 at 8.56.26 pm.png

Day Jaron Chester and Michael Ibrahim ‘pulled over’ Claudia Lowy

Ibrahim family friend Jaron Chester thought it would be fun to pretend to be a policeman and pull a car over in traffic. The victim of his prank? The granddaughter of one of Australia’s richest men.

Brenden HillsCourt Reporter

June 27, 2019 - 10:37AM
The Sunday Telegraph
An Ibrahim hanger-on posed as cop with fake police lights on his car so he could pull over the daughter of a Sydney shopping centre magnate.

It was one of the more unusual stories police heard as their investigation came to a close.

They interviewed private investigator Matthew Seagg who relayed to them a story Jaron Chester told him of pretending to be a police officer to make a traffic stop on Claudia Lowy, the granddaughter of Westfield boss Frank Lowy.

This was all while Chester was driving his mother’s Audi.

Mr Seagg told police Chester had relayed to him that Michael Ibrahim was also in the car.

It annoyed the private investigator because it came at a time where Chester was supposedly afraid of Ibrahim and had been asking Mr Seagg for help.

“Also he was stupid for pulling over Claudia Lowy because I know she has a GPS tracking duress button in her car,” Mr Seagg told police.

Mr Seagg said he had previously seen Chester’s police lights in the car and they were located on the dashboard and could be plugged into the cigarette lighter.

Chester later told the investigator the real police confiscated the fake lights when he was pulled over for driving with a suspended licence.

Chester has not been charged over this incident.'

Screenshot 2024-10-27 at 9.06.30 pm.png
I asked a simple question, as i could not see how original post as anti sematic.

Agree, lobbying is normal, im part of the lobbying industry. But, some on here will deny that lobbying influences outcomes.

I asked a question, why the need for a dig. Im sure jason recliner is a good bloke or not, not my mate.

You reference my dogs, not my donkeys for having alcohol. You must have had to search for that one, or do you keep a database.... a little strange when it was a simple question.

What i am understanding, question anything israel, you are attacked, as you have illustrated. A little sensitive, i suggest
Wow, appears a bit of a team sport, ferezt, whatever name, what do you disagree with, it was a simple question.

Or you just disagree with anything questioning.

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Looks like the above referred to Jaron Chester might have changed his name to Jared Banks.

View attachment 2152812

Day Jaron Chester and Michael Ibrahim ‘pulled over’ Claudia Lowy

Ibrahim family friend Jaron Chester thought it would be fun to pretend to be a policeman and pull a car over in traffic. The victim of his prank? The granddaughter of one of Australia’s richest men.

Brenden HillsCourt Reporter

June 27, 2019 - 10:37AM
The Sunday Telegraph
An Ibrahim hanger-on posed as cop with fake police lights on his car so he could pull over the daughter of a Sydney shopping centre magnate.

It was one of the more unusual stories police heard as their investigation came to a close.

They interviewed private investigator Matthew Seagg who relayed to them a story Jaron Chester told him of pretending to be a police officer to make a traffic stop on Claudia Lowy, the granddaughter of Westfield boss Frank Lowy.

This was all while Chester was driving his mother’s Audi.

Mr Seagg told police Chester had relayed to him that Michael Ibrahim was also in the car.

It annoyed the private investigator because it came at a time where Chester was supposedly afraid of Ibrahim and had been asking Mr Seagg for help.

“Also he was stupid for pulling over Claudia Lowy because I know she has a GPS tracking duress button in her car,” Mr Seagg told police.

Mr Seagg said he had previously seen Chester’s police lights in the car and they were located on the dashboard and could be plugged into the cigarette lighter.

Chester later told the investigator the real police confiscated the fake lights when he was pulled over for driving with a suspended licence.

Chester has not been charged over this incident.'

View attachment 2152820

Are we talking about the Lebanese crime family Ibrahim here?
The issue I and many others have (sorry Leon 123, apparently we are mates now!) is that democracy is supposed to be government by the people for the people. When special interest/minority groups lobby, the State starts to govern for them. They also exert undue influence through the media and through looking after politicians in retirement. This can be seen in many forms such as the BCA preventing wage rises for the lowest paid workers, ex-politicians on boards (and lobby groups), and support of Israel/Jews such as the 'special envoy' (or do we have one now for Islam?) and supporting the occupation (abstaining, selling arms, etc, etc). Most of us don't have the resources to lobby so the lobbying is not representative of anybody other than minority special interest groups. Anybody denying all this is being deceptive, delusional, has never seen any news, or fails to understand what they see and hear. When governments acquiesce to lobby groups, they necessarily divert resources from the majority to minorities (often who already have a greater share of resources, hence they can afford to lobby), and often at the expense of large groups of Australians (e.g. low paid workers). Australia should be governing for Australians, which would include business owners, workers, young people, various religions and ethnicities, and (some) big business and defence contractors. i.e. policies and governing that is inclusive rather than divisive. Rant over - I look forward to some claiming this is somehow anti-semitic without being able to explain how it is anti-semitic!
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The issue I and many others have (sorry Leon 123, apparently we are mates now!) is that democracy is supposed to be government by the people for the people. When special interest/minority groups lobby, the State starts to govern for them. They also exert undue influence through the media and through looking after politicians in retirement. This can be seen in many forms such as the BCA preventing wage rises for the lowest paid workers, ex-politicians on boards (and lobby groups), and support of Israel/Jews such as the 'special envoy' (or do we have one now for Islam?) and supporting the occupation (abstaining, selling arms, etc, etc). Most of us don't have the resources to lobby so the lobbying is not representative of anybody other than minority special interest groups. Anybody denying all this is being deceptive, delusional, has never seen any news, or fails to understand what they see and hear. When governments acquiesce to lobby groups, they necessarily divert resources from the majority to minorities (often who already have a greater share of resources, hence they can afford to lobby), and often at the expense of large groups of Australians (e.g. low paid workers). Australia should be governing for Australians, which would include business owners, workers, young people, various religions and ethnicities, and (some) big business and defence contractors. i.e. policies and governing that is inclusive rather than divisive. Rant over - I look forward to some claiming this is somehow anti-semitic!

We've got a special envoy for Muslims. Muslims also received a massive amount of government support when ISIS was rampaging across the Middle East. How could you have missed it?

Muslims are 3% of our population having recently formed their own political party, Jews are .4%. Yet you earlier suggested they wield too much influence over the media - that is an antisemitic conspiracy theory. Check out some of the threads on the conspiracy board.

The Jewish lobby are individuals and groups in the Jewish diaspora who advocate for Jews and Jewish values and is defined by it's ethnic makeup.

The Israel lobby is something else and is defined by political agenda, where membership isn't limited by faith or ethnicity.
This can be seen in many forms such as the BCA preventing wage rises for the lowest paid workers, ex-politicians on boards (and lobby groups), and support of Israel/Jews such as the 'special envoy'

You have an issue with addressing anti-semitism in Australia? Likening it to "preventing wage rises for the lowest paid workers"?

When governments acquiesce to lobby groups, they necessarily divert resources from the majority to minorities (often who already have a greater share of resources, hence they can afford to lobby),

Hmmm.... Ok i see where you are going.....

Australia should be governing for Australians, which would include business owners, workers, young people, various religions and ethnicities,

Aren't Jews in Australia business owners, workers and young people as well?

I look forward to some claiming this is somehow anti-semitic!

You are a straight up racist.
You have an issue with addressing anti-semitism in Australia? Likening it to "preventing wage rises for the lowest paid workers"?
No. Is comprehension something other people do?

Hmmm.... Ok i see where you are going.....
I don't think you do! 😂

Aren't Jews in Australia business owners, workers and young people as well?
Yep. So why the need to lobby as Jews? Why not just be Australians and let the Australian government govern for all of us?

You are a straight up racist.
You are so weak it's sad.
The issue I and many others have (sorry Leon 123, apparently we are mates now!) is that democracy is supposed to be government by the people for the people. When special interest/minority groups lobby, the State starts to govern for them. They also exert undue influence through the media and through looking after politicians in retirement. This can be seen in many forms such as the BCA preventing wage rises for the lowest paid workers, ex-politicians on boards (and lobby groups), and support of Israel/Jews such as the 'special envoy' (or do we have one now for Islam?) and supporting the occupation (abstaining, selling arms, etc, etc). Most of us don't have the resources to lobby so the lobbying is not representative of anybody other than minority special interest groups. Anybody denying all this is being deceptive, delusional, has never seen any news, or fails to understand what they see and hear. When governments acquiesce to lobby groups, they necessarily divert resources from the majority to minorities (often who already have a greater share of resources, hence they can afford to lobby), and often at the expense of large groups of Australians (e.g. low paid workers). Australia should be governing for Australians, which would include business owners, workers, young people, various religions and ethnicities, and (some) big business and defence contractors. i.e. policies and governing that is inclusive rather than divisive. Rant over - I look forward to some claiming this is somehow anti-semitic without being able to explain how it is anti-semitic!
Don't worry, only people who are desperate to find anti-semitism wherever they look will apply that label to you. I know from experience.

As for lobbying, I agree that it can be a real problem, especially with the powerful and well-resourced lobby groups, as they can then influence government policy making in their interest, even if against the wider interest of the community. Think pharmaceutical, banking, Business Council, Property Council, IPA, etc etc here in Australia and the gun lobby in the US.

A good example in NSW is the registered clubs, they are a real impediment to meaningful gambling reform.

The problem isn't so much that these groups have influence however, it is that they have disproportionate influence compared to others. Think the aged, the unemployed, or gambling addicts, or renters, or bank customers......the list goes on, they have minimal say in comparison. I'm a big animal welfare advocate, the animals via their welfare groups get little to no say in government policy either.

As for the Israeli lobby, I don't have an issue with it per se (although it is clearly another powerful voice) - but when it influences governments not to speak out and/or act against potential genocide and war crimes, mass murder, wanton destruction, forced displacement and starvation, etc etc then yes, I have a problem with it.
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Yep. So why the need to lobby as Jews? Why not just be Australians and let the Australian government govern for all of us?

Exercising your Australian Constitutional right to freedom of political communication sounds more Australian to me than sitting back and doing nothing.

But you do you.

You are a weak bully - it's sad.

Sorry I don't accept racism.

I missed this! Awkward! Well scrap that too, or give us all special envoys!

Islamophobia is a serious problem that Australia needs to address.

You seem to take issue with minorities...
As for the Israeli lobby, I don't have an issue with it per se (although it is clearly another powerful voice) - but when it influences governments not to speak out and/or act against potential genocide and war crimes, mass murder, wanton destruction, forced displacement and starvation, etc etc then yes, I have a problem with it.

How powerful is the Israel lobby here and is this really happening? Genuine question.

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Sorry I don't accept racism.

pinocchio GIF
I don't think that's proof of a powerful Israel lobby.

It's people forming little groups to snitch and cause problems for their adversaries, or engaging in political activism.
Not sure how you could come to this conclusion - Leibler is far from a "little group". As for other groups, their member's links to the powerful Israel and Jewish lobbies are well documented.
It's sad how good and sensitive to racism some people are except when it comes to Jews. Racism in all forms should be called out.

It's absolutely obvious Islamophobia when Pauline Hanson says Halal money goes to fund Islamic terrrorism with absolutely no reason to believe that is true. Yet if someone says Jewish lobbyist money goes to fund terrorism with absolutely no evidence, everyone claps and applauds.

Other things that the same people applaud in this thread: Racist conspiracy theories that Ashkenazi Jews stealing babies. Jews control the media and politicians. Jews in Israel are white and don't belong in the middle east :rolleyes: Jews use the holocaust as an excuse to commit war crimes.

Stuff like this trash gets posted in here and is given a free pass and applauded.

Nobody will engage with this topic properly.
I don't think that's proof of a powerful Israel lobby.

It's people forming little groups to snitch and cause problems for their adversaries, or engaging in political activism.
Where you're going wrong is that you have to believe Jews control the world first... If you believe Jews control the world, then the fact that Jewish lobby groups exist at all is evidence that they have undue power in Australian politics.
Ok. I’ll use a GBR example to link junkets with lobbying, to avoid upsetting Jazny.


"Conservationists have been running a counter-lobbying campaign, trying to convince financial institutions and Export-Import bank of the US not to invest in giant proposed coalmines in Queensland’s Galilee basin, adjacent to the reef, including the Carmichael mine proposed by Indian company Adani"

Where you're going wrong is that you have to believe Jews control the world first...

This isn't at all what people have been saying. It's a trope people like Zidane keep repeating, same as how he claims anyone critical of Israel's actions is pro-Hamas. Or how ZEV labels anything he thinks is critical of Israel as antisemetic.
Nobody will engage with this topic properly.

"Conservationists have been running a counter-lobbying campaign, trying to convince financial institutions and Export-Import bank of the US not to invest in giant proposed coalmines in Queensland’s Galilee basin, adjacent to the reef, including the Carmichael mine proposed by Indian company Adani"


Define ‘properly’
Not sure how you could come to this conclusion - Leibler is far from a "little group". As for other groups, their member's links to the powerful Israel and Jewish lobbies are well documented.

There's also fightback.


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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hezbollah - Houthis

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