Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hizbullah - Houthis

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Interesting he (publicly) blames USA and UK, not Israel and Jews.

Take the US and UK out of the region and Israel's gone.

He's said before and fairly recently, that the old Jewish can stay but everybody else who's gone in from Europe or anywhere else, has to go. The old Jewish would be the ultra orthodox (minority) who oppose Zionism. I thought they were Hasidic but I think they're Haredi.

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Interesting he (publicly) blames USA and UK, not Israel and Jews.
USA is The Great Satan. It’s not just about Israel. Israel is bearing the load, the banner, for the West. We must get behind them.
USA is The Great Satan. It’s not just about Israel. Israel is bearing the load, the banner, for the West. We must get behind them.

If the West ceases to have any influence over the Israeli government, then maybe we don't.

Does the West have influence?
I don’t think anyone knows to what extent Netanyahu is willing to go. He’s seemingly trying to escalate a regional war to suck the US in and avoid any consequences for the actions of the IDF under his orders.

IMO Netanyahu would face the possibility of dying in prison if his aims were achieved, it's not a deterrent.
If the West ceases to have any influence over the Israeli government, then maybe we don't.

Does the West have influence?
There's a very good WSJ article, NAVIGATING ‘THE WEIGHT OF AMERICAN INCOMPETENCE’, explaining the geo-politics of current conflicts in the world, how they are linked, and how the USA is bungling its approach to them. It gives a much wider perspective of the motives of Russia and Iran and the future ramifications if either of them is enabled to be victorious. I recommend you read it.

The failed Iranian missile attack against Israel should convince the US that it faces linked threats in Europe and the Middle East: Russia and Iran both aim to challenge American power. Washington has ignored the link between these adversaries, and thus is also alienating two US partners, Ukraine and Israel, and disrupting their ability to strategise.

There's a very good WSJ article, NAVIGATING ‘THE WEIGHT OF AMERICAN INCOMPETENCE’, explaining the geo-politics of current conflicts in the world, how they are linked, and how the USA is bungling its approach to them. It gives a much wider perspective of the motives of Russia and Iran and the future ramifications if either of them is enabled to be victorious. I recommend you read it.

The failed Iranian missile attack against Israel should convince the US that it faces linked threats in Europe and the Middle East: Russia and Iran both aim to challenge American power. Washington has ignored the link between these adversaries, and thus is also alienating two US partners, Ukraine and Israel, and disrupting their ability to strategise.

Who owns the WSJ? You need to spend some time in the real world with real people.
Who owns the WSJ? You need to spend some time in the real world with real people.
Is that really all that's important to you, where the article comes from?

Would you like to comment on the content? What's "unreal" about it?
Is that really all that's important to you, where the article comes from?

Would you like to comment on the content? What's "unreal" about it?

It's true that a masthead and its political leanings undoubtedly plays a role in determining what does or does not get posted as 'news' and the perspective taken on world affairs, the centre right pro-US editorial position of the WSJ is somewhat balanced by its commitment to journalistic standards, having won 39 Pulitzer prizes.

But the starting point for contemplating an article should surely be the credibility and background of the authors rather than the masthead:

One of whom has serious journalistic and analytical credibility on the topic of middle east geopolitics and military engagement of the US:

While the other has serious credibility and insider knowledge of US political and diplomatic affairs:

Of course no one comes to this issue at this time without some form of bias, and that's especially true of US commercial media outlets such as the WSJ. But the credentials of the two authors and the fact it does not hide behind the fact that it is an opinion commentary is something to be respected, even if its conclusions are debatable.

The bigger issue is that social media is dominated by the TL;DR crowd who are are simply unable to read beyond headlines and lede paragraphs, especially if it clashes with their own perspective. It's probably not surprising to find that far too many people in Australia with no connections or understanding of the region who have taken strong and shouty positions on the latest developments in the Middle East fall into this category. And informed debate has suffered.

An article definitely worth the short read even if I disagree with its position. Thanks for posting.
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Is that really all that's important to you, where the article comes from?
Absolutely. I always ask myself "why am I reading this? Why is this being presented to me instead of other information?"

Would you like to comment on the content? What's "unreal" about it?
In a nutshell: the article is intended to make you scared of events and people that do not affect you and are no threat to you and your family, friends, and community, and hence subjugate you. To accept, perhaps even celebrate, your taxes causing death, harm, destruction, famine and poverty in far-away countries, and being donated to big business, instead of assisting you, those close to you, and your local community. IMO.

It's true that a masthead and its political leanings undoubtedly plays a role in determining what does or does not get posted as 'news' and the perspective taken on world affairs, the centre right pro-US editorial position of the WSJ is somewhat balanced by its commitment to journalistic standards, having won 39 Pulitzer prizes.

But the starting point for contemplating an article should surely be the credibility and background of the authors rather than the masthead:

One of whom has serious journalistic and analytical credibility on the topic of middle east geopolitics and military engagement of the US:

While the other has serious credibility and insider knowledge of US political and diplomatic affairs:

Of course no one comes to this issue at this time without some form of bias, and that's especially true of US commercial media outlets such as the WSJ. But the credentials of the two authors and the fact it does not hide behind the fact that it is an opinion commentary is something to be respected, even if its conclusions are debatable.

The bigger issue is that social media is dominated by the TL;DR crowd who are are simply unable to read beyond headlines and lede paragraphs, especially if it clashes with their own perspective. It's probably not surprising to find that far too many people in Australia with no connections or understanding of the region who have taken strong and shouty positions on the latest developments in the Middle East fall into this category. And informed debate has suffered.

An article definitely worth the short read even if I disagree with its position. Thanks for posting.
Sweet kid!
Take the US and UK out of the region and Israel's gone.

He's said before and fairly recently, that the old Jewish can stay but everybody else who's gone in from Europe or anywhere else, has to go. The old Jewish would be the ultra orthodox (minority) who oppose Zionism. I thought they were Hasidic but I think they're Haredi.

Can't believe that's what Iran's supreme leader put on social media. Get rid of the Jews apart from the old ones that are herded into communities (that worked really well for the Jewish diaspora in Yemen who were effectively removed by the Houthis for daring to be Jewish) which effectively means the destruction of Israel as a state.

Demanding Sharia law effectively be introduced into all ME states. Only old school Jews can remain herded into communities. The rest are expelled simply for being Jewish to who knows where. This is sounding familiar.

Unfortunately for Khameni many ME states seek trade and tourism from western states. Good luck convincing the likes of UAE to introduce ultra strick Sharia law. They aren't giving up their trading partnerships with western nations and 10s of millions of visitors every year. The Saudis also are seeking greater political power now when the oil money is flowing for when it eventually drops off. They aren't going to rely on Iran for security.

The most galling thing about it all is Iran's leadership does not invest a cent into humanitarian for its partners in Lebanon/Gaza. It's all offensive weapons all provided with the sole purpose of eliminating the majority of Jews from Israel and thus the destruction of the state of Israel.

The people of Iran themselves chipped in 30m which is commendable:

While the US government since Oct last year has provided over $1 billion in humanitarian aid to Gaza:

with another $336 million announced just this Monday.

Iran's government provides nada. Iran with its current stated aims is the biggest threat to security in the ME by far. It must be noted that they have some of the best attack drone and missile tech in the world, even if their air force is outdated.
Absolutely. I always ask myself "why am I reading this? Why is this being presented to me instead of other information?"

In a nutshell: the article is intended to make you scared of events and people that do not affect you and are no threat to you and your family, friends, and community, and hence subjugate you. To accept, perhaps even celebrate, your taxes causing death, harm, destruction, famine and poverty in far-away countries, and being donated to big business, instead of assisting you, those close to you, and your local community. IMO.
I see. You don’t like this particular information. It’s all about your taxes at work. You’re being subjugated (!?). It’s got nothing to do with large hostile nations positioning themselves in the pursuit of power. I’m glad you’re not scared.

I know Australia is a very long way away from Europe and the Middle East. We’ve never known conflict, or existential peril. Most of us have never even heard a gunshot in our lives! Things that are happening over there are like watching a movie and we’re interested but we’ve assigned our own concepts of who are the goodies and who are the baddies, according to our education and the narrative that’s being constructed among groups we admire or follow.

But my god, the disconnect is extraordinary.
... they have some of the best attack drone and missile tech in the world, even if their air force is outdated.
Have they lost the keys? Forgotten the log-in details?

Are you old enough to remember the first gulf war? Remember the fear-mongering? Scuds! Republican Guards!

This is the 2024 defence budget of a nation that actually does "have some of the best attack drone and missile tech in the world": $939bn The budget of Iran (#33 globally), one of the most heavily sanctioned States in the world? $10bn (which needs to pay for ~600,000 full time personnel and ~350,000 reserves)

Does anything jump out at you when comparing the military expenditure of two states that, according to you, "have some of the best attack drone and missile tech in the world"?
Have they lost the keys? Forgotten the log-in details?

Are you old enough to remember the first gulf war? Remember the fear-mongering? Scuds! Republican Guards!

This is the 2024 defence budget of a nation that actually does "have some of the best attack drone and missile tech in the world": $939bn The budget of Iran (#33 globally), one of the most heavily sanctioned States in the world? $10bn (which needs to pay for ~600,000 full time personnel and ~350,000 reserves)

Does anything jump out at you when comparing the military expenditure of two states that, according to you, "have some of the best attack drone and missile tech in the world"?

We've been through this before, you already know the answers.

Iran has the biggest missile program in the ME and one of the best in the world

So much so that Russia goes to Iran for missiles to attack Ukraine these days. They have the ability to manufacturer Shahed attack drones in mass volumes - the Russians also buy these en masse.

And before you try to ascribe this to sanctions Iran is more heavily sanctioned than Russia.

Their ability to launch mass attacks of missiles and drones at Israel absolutely is a huge threat as well as their continued supplying of tens of thousands of long range rockets to Hezbollah/Hamas.

I really would question the motivations of anyone who tries to play down the threat of Iran and proxies to Israel.

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Current WAR CRIMES Israel - Hamas - Hizbullah - Houthis

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