Was the Tyson Stenglein free kick the worst you have ever seen?

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oporto said:
Carp......Barry was running to the empty pocket to create space & receive the kick (ie creating an another option). The line he was running was to run behind Stenglein,

He ran straight at him for a considerable distance before swerving.

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Rocket23 said:
In answer to Bunsen's constant question. Yes he was running towards Stenglein, but where in the rules does it say you are not allowed to run at someone?
Congratulations. Admitance is the first step to recovery. Unfortunately many others can't even concede he was heading straight for him before he veered.

There is a rule: the man on the mark is in a protected area. You're not meant to be there. The interpretation is that if you run in a line that is missing the man on the mark then it's ok, but if you run AT the man on the mark and get to close it's not ok. It's called blocking.

We've seen this happen before this year when a player ran up to the line between the kicker and man on mark and veered away at last moment. Was paid 50m for being too in the protected area.

The fact is he was not going to run into him until Stenglein moved towards him from the mark.
Free kick has already happened by then.

There is nothing illegal in running at someone at all as long as you don't make contact.
Go check the rules. They're actually on this thread. Not allowed to go close to (and hence run at) the man on the mark. What don't you understand about this?
Rob said:
And even if that was true (as opposed to the much more plausible explanation that he was making a lead into space),
What's plausible got to do with it? He either did run at him or he didn't. Have a look at the footage and you'll see he did run at him. Not negotiable.

Now that we have established he did run at him you have to ask why? Hardly the actions of someone who's sole intention is to run to space.

that's not illegal, as long as he runs behind the man on the mark.
Yes it is. Go read the rules. Someone's posted them on this board. Read and weep.
luthor said:
People can argue all day and all night about what Barry intended but unless there is a mind reader amongst us, his intentions will remain unknown.
No need to know or speculate.

FACT: Barry ran at him
FACT: Barry got too close
FACT: rule book says you're not allowed to run that close to the man on the mark.
bunsen burner said:
Congratulations. Admitance is the first step to recovery. Unfortunately many others can't even concede he was heading straight for him before he veered.

There is a rule: the man on the mark is in a protected area. You're not meant to be there. The interpretation is that if you run in a line that is missing the man on the mark then it's ok, but if you run AT the man on the mark and get to close it's not ok. It's called blocking.

We've seen this happen before this year when a player ran up to the line between the kicker and man on mark and veered away at last moment. Was paid 50m for being too in the protected area.

Free kick has already happened by then.

Go check the rules. They're actually on this thread. Not allowed to go close to (and hence run at) the man on the mark. What don't you understand about this?

I am not denying Bunsen that technically it is a free kick. But technically you are not allowed to do a lot of things in our great game eg: Punching the arms. But it still happens. Common sense says there was no free kick and on this occasion there was no common sense shown!
Rocket23 said:
I am not denying Bunsen that technically it is a free kick. But technically you are not allowed to do a lot of things in our great game eg: Punching the arms. But it still happens. Common sense says there was no free kick and on this occasion there was no common sense shown!
Thank you.

I've only said from the start that I don't have a problem with the free. Bit soft, but not really that bad a decision. Not near as bad as what people are making out and there were certainly worse decisions.
scottywiper said:
Bunsen, the umpires have admitted it was an error.
Can you?

I still don't have a problem with it being paid. You shouldn't be able to block the man on the mark. I have no sympathy for Barry or any Swans supporters on that decision. Should have just run past without trying to block.
bunsen burner said:

I still don't have a problem with it being paid. You shouldn't be able to block the man on the mark. I have no sympathy for Barry or any Swans supporters on that decision. Should have just run past without trying to block.
Even the umpire's boss has said it was an INCORRECT decision, which really must mean something, the replay showed it to be incorrect, it was incorrect to everyone except most Eagles supporters, be a man and accept that you got lucky before you lose all respect.

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It took 237 posts but yes this is the end of it. The worst free kick i've ever seen.

In the context of the match and being a final.... the worst.... the stakes have never been higher...

Just to clarify.. (again!)

If Barry Hall initiated contact (which wasn't the case on this occasion), the umpire was totally justified in paying a free kick for bumping/blocking.

A 'stop-play' penalty (that's what the VFL Umpire Academy called it) is for when a player of the same team (including the the player who was the free) interferes with the man of the mark, without actually giving away a free. (or bad/blantant enough to reverse the free) This isn't a law, more a match management/control technique.

Play would also be stopped if both players contribute to each other's interference. (Which is more like what happened.)

A free kick can't be paid if a player from the same team runs into the protected area, the umpire can only stop play and order him out.

Of course, if it's the opposition team that runs into the protected area, it's a 50m penalty.

Jimthegreat said:
Even the umpire's boss has said it was an INCORRECT decision, which really must mean something, the replay showed it to be incorrect, it was incorrect to everyone except most Eagles supporters, be a man and accept that you got lucky before you lose all respect.
Might just stop you there champ:

1. I said I don't have a problem with the decision. I still don't. It's not the point blank mistake that people are making out. Barry wasn't just running past him - he was blocking. Even if we assume it's wrong, it's not the be all end all people are making out. Borderline decisions go the wrong way every game.

2. I've said from the start hat the Eagles got a much better deal with the umpiring. I simply said I didn't have a problem with that particular free. So I don't know where you and others get off on this "your biased" and "be a man" tripe. I think it was the correct decision and don't have a problem with it, and I have provided reasonable evidence to suggest why this decision wasn't even close to "the worst free kick ever". I've seen 150 worse ones this season including 4 or 5 in the same match.
Macca19 said:
Hansen was two metres behind Barry.

Bunsen Burner - you are a fool of great magnitude - shut the f* - u* = c*que up about this - you obviously have never even played the game - been an umpire I'd bet - stupid one too!
bunsen burner said:
Might just stop you there champ:

1. I said I don't have a problem with the decision. I still don't. It's not the point blank mistake that people are making out. Barry wasn't just running past him - he was blocking. Even if we assume it's wrong, it's not the be all end all people are making out. Borderline decisions go the wrong way every game.

2. I've said from the start hat the Eagles got a much better deal with the umpiring. I simply said I didn't have a problem with that particular free. So I don't know where you and others get off on this "your biased" and "be a man" tripe. I think it was the correct decision and don't have a problem with it, and I have provided reasonable evidence to suggest why this decision wasn't even close to "the worst free kick ever". I've seen 150 worse ones this season including 4 or 5 in the same match.

The free kick was an incorrect decision, the AFL umpiring boss has admitted that, 99% of all non-eagles supporters have said that, it cost Sydney the match, it cost Sydney a home preliminary final and a week off. Under the circumstances, it is cleary a contender for the worst free ever. If you cannot see that, then you truly are biased.
bunsen burner said:
What happened tonight does not happen all the time and your delusional if you think it does.

Do you not think Barry was running staright at Stenglein for a fair amount of time?

So you think it's cool to feign running into the man on the mark? You don't think that person on the mark has a case to protect himslef if he believes he's going to be mown down? And that insludes take a step to meet the contact.

You saw wrong.

Sure it does. If Stenglein thought there was going to be a collision then he had every right to meet it.

All I see is a few knobs who won't admit that Barry ran at him before veering.

Barry can run wherever he likes, it doesn't matter if he does run past the player on the mark, it it still not a free kick. He can make a beeline for the player on the mark and then pull out at the last minute and it is a perfectly legal thing to do.

Twice today a melbourne player ran into a geelong player standing on the mark, nothing came of it. This happens on a weekly basis and the umpires just tell the players to settle down, they don't give the opponent a free kick. The decision was wrong, why can't you admit that?
bunsen burner said:
Might just stop you there champ:

1. I said I don't have a problem with the decision. I still don't. It's not the point blank mistake that people are making out. Barry wasn't just running past him - he was blocking.

Quote from Geoff "the goose" Geischen

"The umpire processed it wrong - Stenglein was entitled to stand the mark, which he was, and Leo Barry's entitled to run past, to run down field to receive the ball or to make some space

Blows your theory about Barry charging at him Bum Burner - or not being allowed in the area....
WestCat said:
The free kick was an incorrect decision, the AFL umpiring boss has admitted that, 99% of all non-eagles supporters have said that
I'm with you so far...
it cost Sydney the match, it cost Sydney a home preliminary final and a week off.
This is where people are losing me. How do you figure that if that kick hadn't been paid to Stenglein, then West Coast could not possibly have won the match in the eight or nine minutes that still remained?
Banjo said:
Bunsen Burner - you are a fool of great magnitude - shut the f* - u* = c*que up about this - you obviously have never even played the game - been an umpire I'd bet - stupid one too!
Why the use of an alias? Too scared to let me know who you are?
WestCat said:
The free kick was an incorrect decision, the AFL umpiring boss has admitted that, 99% of all non-eagles supporters have said that, it cost Sydney the match, it cost Sydney a home preliminary final and a week off. Under the circumstances, it is cleary a contender for the worst free ever. If you cannot see that, then you truly are biased.
Get your hand off it.

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Was the Tyson Stenglein free kick the worst you have ever seen?

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