Was the Tyson Stenglein free kick the worst you have ever seen?

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Frodo said:
Stinga stands the mark. Sydney defender take a running charge at him. Stinga turns side on so as to diminish injury. Clear free

You sir are a real ****************. Get a clue you stupid stupid man.
sedders said:
all the whingers here seem to resort to insults when proven wrong. poor guys, you must really be hurting today. dont worry, the season is nearly over :)

A bit like the comment of ******** Tiger, the great british boxer who said of having to fight in Las Vegas against a hometown favourite - "I'll have to knock him out to get a draw". You'll have to leave home one day in this final series perthboy and hopefully its against the swans. Looking forward to the rematch over east? - we are :)

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one of the worst free kicks i have seen, but I am sure there are worse.
Just look at essendon vs... whocares earlier this year. What the heck was the umpire thinking? No one fined him when they said after the match what they felt. The AFL is a joke, and I would consider switching codes to League so that I can watch a game that is less of a joke, and often more fun to watch.
rapier said:
there is teh rule on pages 60 and 61 of the rule book id you enter the protected zone and make contact with the player on the mark its a free kick.

thats the technical side of it, yes i will agree it was a "soft" free kick but it was there to be paid
not in a final, considering some of the attention hall got with no free. was a disgraceful decision IMO.
At first I thought it was a terrible decision but I'm not so sure now. Didn't it have more to do with the Sydney player with the ball looking to play on, therefore Barry came in to sheperd, but then player with ball stopped and did not actually play on?
IMO when I first saw it I thought it was a free kick. Ch.10 pumped up that Stenglein moved into Barry's path, i disagree. He flexed to get ready for the bump from Barry, he didn't go flying across into his path. Comes down to intent, was Barry running to sheapard to allow the guy with the ball to run to the fat side, or was he just running through to create a short pass option?

Probably should have just been a "come on fellas cut the crap" instead of a free kick. Especially in a final. Especially in the fourth quarter of a final. Especially in the fourth quarter of a close final.

That's what happens when you play finals interstate though. Watch for it in WC's home PF and Adelaide's two home finals.
theorangeapple said:
The rule states that you cannot interfear with the man on the mark.

I was directly in line with Barry and make no mistake he was lining stenglien up. There was alot of verbal going on and you can tell by the path Barry took he wanted to get stenglien. Why was he anywhere near Stinger? Barry's man was 15m to the side. I agree its slightly dodgy but Barry should not have been near the mark, he had no reason to be.

Stenglien did brace himself but what is he supposed to do??? Stand with his hands in the air and let some on crash into him??

Carp......Barry was running to the empty pocket to create space & receive the kick (ie creating an another option). The line he was running was to run behind Stenglein, but the tool stepped back a metre. Look at Barrys body at impact, Stenglein hip & sholdered Barry in the chest. If Barry was lining him up he would have turned side on. I agree, one of the worst decisions I've seen and at a crucial time in the game. WCE supporters will take the win but please dont attempt to justify this decision.

On another note Stenglein has been lucky this year.....remember the head high hit on Eckerman.....kid was out of play for 3 weeks and Stenglein got no penalty from the tribunal....hmmmmm
ColdDish said:
You are not allowed to shepherd the player on the mark.

Have a read of the rule book.

He didnt shepherd the player on the mark, barry was running past to create an option, stenglien saw that and he was the one who moved to make contact to try and stop barry from getting away from Hansen to create an option.. Your and idiot if you believe it was the correct decison, disgraceful umpiring!
I wasn't baracking for either team, but thought that it was a terrible decision. Stenglein left his mark and initiated contact. Ump should have told them to pull their heads in, or just let it go.

If I was a Swan supporter, I would have been going nuts.
oporto said:
Carp......Barry was running to the empty pocket to create space & receive the kick (ie creating an another option). The line he was running was to run behind Stenglein, but the tool stepped back a metre. Look at Barrys body at impact, Stenglein hip & sholdered Barry in the chest. If Barry was lining him up he would have turned side on. I agree, one of the worst decisions I've seen and at a crucial time in the game. WCE supporters will take the win but please dont attempt to justify this decision.

On another note Stenglein has been lucky this year.....remember the head high hit on Eckerman.....kid was out of play for 3 weeks and Stenglein got no penalty from the tribunal....hmmmmm
Stenglein was suspended for the Eckerman incident. You have no idea do you.

Barry ran at Stenglein with the intent of shepherding. He made a mistake.

Take your blinkers off.

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To all the Eagles supporters suggesting Barry "Lined Up" Stenglein I have to ask the question. If he was going to clean him up how come Stenglein hit Barry in the chest?

It is pretty hard to shirt front someone without turning to the side and using your hip and shoulder.

In answer to Bunsen's constant question. Yes he was running towards Stenglein, but where in the rules does it say you are not allowed to run at someone?

The fact is he was not going to run into him until Stenglein moved towards him from the mark. There is nothing illegal in running at someone at all as long as you don't make contact.
bfra said:
I wasn't baracking for either team, but thought that it was a terrible decision. Stenglein left his mark and initiated contact. Ump should have told them to pull their heads in, or just let it go.

If I was a Swan supporter, I would have been going nuts.

Well I'm not and I was going nuts anyway.

People can argue all day and all night about what Barry intended but unless there is a mind reader amongst us, his intentions will remain unknown.

IMO the Umpire played God with that decision....plucked a technical free based on what he believed Barry intended and not what on what actually happened.

It's a pity in such a close and keenly fought contest, that the Ump coudn't have used a bit of common sense........technical breaches occur dozens of times during the course of a match.

If they blew their whistle all the time for these, there would be very little footy played and all we would ever be talking about is stupid Umpires.
Frodo said:
Stinga stands the mark. Sydney defender take a running charge at him. Stinga turns side on so as to diminish injury. Clear free

Conveniently forgetting the 3-4 steps he took before contact, which remarkably actually took him well off his mark.
Heard Cox on ABC radio today.
When asked about the free, he said something along the lines of Stenglein at first thought he had given away a fifty metre penalty. He then concluded with something like "we'll take it though".

Now that is a fair response from the big fella.
Now all you WCE supporters, back in your box. ;)
The Swans players were running through the man standing the mark all night. Not 100% sure about the rules, but i'd guess it's not allowed. It's definitely not in the spirit of the game.

Cheating tactics if you ask me.
Official AFL umpires response (Gieschen) was that the free kick was an error.

Rumour has it that the umpire involved will not have any more finals matches
Eagles4Ever said:
The Swans players were running through the man standing the mark all night. Not 100% sure about the rules, but i'd guess it's not allowed. It's definitely not in the spirit of the game.

Cheating tactics if you ask me.

It is allowed if you are following an opponent.
A Swans player can run through the mark if it's a Swans player taking the kick. Listening to 3AW 45 minutes ago. Geishen has OFFICIALLY said the uimpire made an INCORRECT decision and that all Barry was doing was making space for his teammate and Stenglein ran off his line to meet him. Think that helps answer the question.
errors of that magnitude CANNOT be made in a finals match, and I would be very suprised if he ever umpired a finals match again.

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Was the Tyson Stenglein free kick the worst you have ever seen?

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