We must trade

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Originally posted by Kenny_01
I think Woosha really needs to improve tactically.

yes he probably does! But heck..he's a rookie coach, he's not going to know everything! He will learn!

I dont agree Dogboy- I believe he has respect from the club because he is who he is (captain, fair, all round tough nut) Those who doubted him now know he means business after a much improved season in 2002. Sure, he aint the best coach in the league at the moment. But he will be soon. He has a good club behind him with some good ppl on his coaching panel, with a good list, we should go places soon!
Originally posted by dogboy
You will not win a flag with Woosha steering the ship.

Id come back with an equally witty quip about your coach, but it doesnt seem like you have one. You will not survive in the AFL with too many losing seasons, so you better hope you get a decent one.

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Originally posted by Kenny_01
I think Woosha really needs to improve tactically.

yup i agree with that.

he got out coached a few times this year but i think that he will learn from his mistakes and get better over time. his real strengths are in his ability to motivate the playing group. this is a talent all the great coaches have and is alot harder to teach than tatics.
Originally posted by dogboy
I am simply of the opinion that he is not up to coaching at a premiership level just yet and could well be a little starry eyed about coaching the team that he captained so well for such a long time.
With all due respect, that's a fair bit different to saying that the Eagles "will not win a flag with Woosha steering the ship".
Originally posted by noodle

he got out coached a few times this year but i think that he will learn from his mistakes and get better over time. his real strengths are in his ability to motivate the playing group. this is a talent all the great coaches have and is alot harder to teach than tatics.
That's not a bad position to work from. If a coach is prepared to listen, he can utilise the tactical and strategic input from those around him. Doesn't help at all if the players don't give a rats what he says, though.
3 best tactical coaches in the AFL = Wallace, Eade, Brittain....where are they now?

And with Woosha, there was bloodletting. Michael Smith who i believed was against Wooshas appointed ended up stepping aside midway through the year.
Originally posted by Mead

No offence, but your reasoning would have seen us trade the pick that got us Judd for Daniel Chick last year. I know that for one, I would be absolutely ****ed now if that had have gone through.
Players develop over time. The only way of getting absolute superstars in your lineup at a reasonable cost is by trusting that your squad will develop from within. Take, for example, Adam Hunter, Kasey Green, and Quinten Lynch, Ashley Sampi, Mcdougall, etc etc. Any of these players *could* become absolute superstars. Mcdougall could be the next Wayne Carey, Sampi the next Farmer, Lynch the next Silvagni, or what have you. Unlikely, but possible. Now it is impossible to trade for a player like Silvagni or Carey in the *prime* of their careers, without losing just as much as you gain. The only way to come out ahead in terms of list, is by finding the best young talent possible and sticking with them.
You seem to believe that every club in the AFL will be falling over themselves to take our scrubbers off our hands, and giftwrap their superstars and send them west. It doesn't work like that. So you have to give up something good to get something good- eg Wirrpunda for Chick would see us give up a very talented, youngish midfielder, for a very talented, oldish midfielder? What the heck's the point?

Interesting that you broadened the arguement to Superstars when I was raising the names of Headland, Chick etc. In one breath you call our developing players scrubbers and the next breath you are relying on them to win Premierships. Also we are looking at the likes of Headland who wants to come home and Stenglein, who is no marquee player who might complement our list. Personally I think Chick is well past is best and provides little value to our future. But then again it depends what we would pay for him.

Regards Draft picks. You can never be 100% sure how they will work out. eg 1997 Draft Crabb, Chambers and Jones taken in that order. We didnt take Black because we were looking for certain types of playert instead of the best player available. I tell you now I would rather risk our first round Draft pick this year to pick up Des Headland. Plus I would EASILY give up the likes of Cox or Fletcher to get him.

Knowing someone personally on the Eagles recruiting staff they would not have given up last years Draft 1st round Draft pick for anything. They did their homework and knew the quality of the players in the Draft. With our first pick this year we very well may pick up the likes of Crabb or Brandon Hill. I tell you now fellow posters I would rather have Des Headland walk into my team R1 2003.

Mead you seemed to have lost the gist of the thread somewhere. We are talking about 2003 and what may be available in regards to uncontracted players and young talent and how they may compliment our existing list. Not through the baby out with the bathwater as you think I am suggesting.
Originally posted by ONE EYE

Interesting that you broadened the arguement to Superstars when I was raising the names of Headland, Chick etc. In one breath you call our developing players scrubbers and the next breath you are relying on them to win Premierships. Also we are looking at the likes of Headland who wants to come home and Stenglein, who is no marquee player who might complement our list. Personally I think Chick is well past is best and provides little value to our future. But then again it depends what we would pay for him.

Regards Draft picks. You can never be 100% sure how they will work out. eg 1997 Draft Crabb, Chambers and Jones taken in that order. We didnt take Black because we were looking for certain types of playert instead of the best player available. I tell you now I would rather risk our first round Draft pick this year to pick up Des Headland. Plus I would EASILY give up the likes of Cox or Fletcher to get him.

Knowing someone personally on the Eagles recruiting staff they would not have given up last years Draft 1st round Draft pick for anything. They did their homework and knew the quality of the players in the Draft. With our first pick this year we very well may pick up the likes of Crabb or Brandon Hill. I tell you now fellow posters I would rather have Des Headland walk into my team R1 2003.

Mead you seemed to have lost the gist of the thread somewhere. We are talking about 2003 and what may be available in regards to uncontracted players and young talent and how they may compliment our existing list. Not through the baby out with the bathwater as you think I am suggesting.

Umm not quite sure what you're on about there. The thread's title was 'We Must Trade',You, in your first post, discussed who you would like to trade for, and who you would be prepared to give up, you were saying that West Coast were not going to win premierships with their current list, ergo, we *must* trade. Sounds like a pretty definite attempt to throw the baby out.

All I'm pointing out is that there is no real way to gain from wholesale trading, simply because teams are by and large not prepared to trade players for anything less good then they're going to get. So instead, you fall into the trap of swapping players of comparable value, eg, Wirrpunda for Chick. The result- no quantifiable gain in talent, and some messing with the team chemistry- and good team chemistry wins premierships, simple as that.
Now, my next point, which at the risk of being a gimp, I might suggest you seemed to have lost the gist of, is that given the difficulty of trading for superstars, the only real way of getting elite level players is to develop them from within. I suggest you check around- I think you'd have difficulty finding a player rated in the top 25 in the league who was traded in the prime of his career. So, the only way to get super stars is to develop them from within. Players take time to develop, and there is no guarantee that someone like Green, Munro, Haynes or Embley will not develop into an All Australian calibre player. Most likely they won't which is why, as i noted, their trade value is effectively zilch, but they are worth keeping around for a while on the off chance that they might come of age as Hunter is. Keep in mind that Des Headland was really just another Andrew Embleyish nobody up until this year, and suddenly he is considered the shiznit by all.
Now, there are some exceptions. Headland is perhaps the only available player this year worth giving up something ok for not only because he is arguably the best young talent in the league, but because we may very well have brisbane over the barrel on this one if he is determined to leave anyway. I've been posting for several months saying I'd be ecstatic if Headland came west, and I'd sure as hell sign seal and deliver our draft pick if it would clinch the deal. But we don't *need* him- not to the extent of sending something like Wirrpunda & Cox east to clinch the deal.

Why the pessimism? A lot of people thought that last years list was so poor we would be a bottom 3 side this year. After one year under Worsfold's direction, the list improved from within, and we made the 8. If its all the same, i think I'll wait and if Worsfold can improve the team further in 2 years before pronouncing our list not good enough to win premierships.
Originally posted by noodle

yup i agree with that.

he got out coached a few times this year but i think that he will learn from his mistakes and get better over time. his real strengths are in his ability to motivate the playing group. this is a talent all the great coaches have and is alot harder to teach than tatics.
It is essential that the Eagles retain Micale for at least this season to help Woosha out in this area. Micale is one of the best coaches in ther land, and he would be a great mentor for Woosha, especially on match day.
Mead here are players who changed clubs at the height of their career. This is just off the top of my head:


I think I have made my point.

But I again state that we are looking at uncontracted players who are certainly no Superstars in the top 25 players. I would would suggest having to give up a playe ror two to get better balance in our team to get only one or two players.

The Eagles might not get their man. But we just cant rely on our developing list or you will find that we will end up like Geelong, Bulldogs, Sydney amd St Kilda who rise up as they have in recent history to not win a premiership and then see their Stars fade away and they start the rebuilding process again. You will never build a Premiership team just by Drafting

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We must trade

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