We Need to Talk about Over-Celebrating

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No issue with it. Let them have fun. As long as there are no middle fingers (or equivalent) to the crowd, who cares

Well that's introducing grey to it. Like, I've never got the big deal about someone giving me (or anyone) else the middle finger.

Why is that a no-go zone but the players have the green light to scream in the face of an opponent (or the opposition crowd) or teammates of a player who just kicked a goal have carte blanche to run in from everywhere and start shoving the defender who made a mistake or was beaten in a contest to create a goal? I know which one I think is more offensive.

The middle finger was basically a term of endearment when I was growing up and I'm hardly from the wrong side of the tracks.
I guess banging in 10 a week while the rest of the team are useless must take some of the joy out.

This is a non issue , players aren't robots.

So let me get this right

  • don't question the ump at all- don't even point at a replay
  • don't swear
  • don't abuse other players on any topic

and now don't celebrate kicking a goal when the crowd goes wild

Let's get rid of the premiership cup and lap too, it's all rather showy
I'm more than happy for players to flame the umpires.
I guess banging in 10 a week while the rest of the team are useless must take some of the joy out.

This is a non issue , players aren't robots.

So let me get this right

  • don't question the ump at all- don't even point at a replay
  • don't swear
  • don't abuse other players on any topic

and now don't celebrate kicking a goal when the crowd goes wild

Let's get rid of the premiership cup and lap too, it's all rather showy

Saints were a good side that year in 91, played a great final v cats, which was 3 v 4.

They narrowly lost, which was a bit harsh for a 4th side to be put out in week one.

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A mate sent me this a week or two ago. The reason was that when we were kids we were at a house party one night, and whilst the party was going on around us, him and I were watching the footy in this dude's loungeroom. Completely anti-social. But you know, footy.

This game was on. He smoked his first cigarette that night, and went on to become one of the state's great smokers, and I famously drank 9 cans of room temp Foster's and chundered on the host's dog in his backyard.

Anyway, I digress.

I humoured him and watched this clip, and was taken by two things:

1) How freaking good Nicky Winmar was. I'd forgotten.

2) Goal celebrations.

Tony Lockett kicked 10 and dominated, including kicking his 100th - and he barely smiled after each goal. Did his business, and got on with it.

Compare that to today!!

I'm embarrassed by the goal celebrations today. In fact, I'm ashamed of humanity when I see the way Williams carried on last night. Or when I see Aaron Naughton or Stringer carry on after ever single freaking goal they kick, regardless of how difficult or meaningful the actual goal was.

So, players of today - I implore you, tone it down. You look like a dickhead.

Oh, and get off my lawn.

Yes, you’re absolutely right. We can’t have exuberance creeping into this rectitudinous “game” of ours. No, that will never do.

Sheesh mate, did you walk straight off the set of Breaking The Waves?

You’re like the Scotsman who loved his wife so much he almost told her.

A mate sent me this a week or two ago. The reason was that when we were kids we were at a house party one night, and whilst the party was going on around us, him and I were watching the footy in this dude's loungeroom. Completely anti-social. But you know, footy.

This game was on. He smoked his first cigarette that night, and went on to become one of the state's great smokers, and I famously drank 9 cans of room temp Foster's and chundered on the host's dog in his backyard.

Anyway, I digress.

I humoured him and watched this clip, and was taken by two things:

1) How freaking good Nicky Winmar was. I'd forgotten.

2) Goal celebrations.

Tony Lockett kicked 10 and dominated, including kicking his 100th - and he barely smiled after each goal. Did his business, and got on with it.

Compare that to today!!

I'm embarrassed by the goal celebrations today. In fact, I'm ashamed of humanity when I see the way Williams carried on last night. Or when I see Aaron Naughton or Stringer carry on after ever single freaking goal they kick, regardless of how difficult or meaningful the actual goal was.

So, players of today - I implore you, tone it down. You look like a dickhead.

Oh, and get off my lawn.
"Well Bill, I’d go one step farther than that even and say that I think the high five should be outlawed from the game all together, it’s just a bit of seppo bullshit that the West Indies have introduced into the game. And I reckon when it comes to congratulating one of your teammates there’s simply no better way of doing it than with the traditional Australian hug or a kiss or a lick, a grope on the arse, or a bit of a dry root, it’s still the most appropriate way I think of showing one’s exuberance and excitement and it’s certainly the most masculine and manly way of going about it.”
I’m all for banning over-celebration. Carrying on like a bunch of 12 year olds, embarrassing stuff. As is the sprint, post-goal, to the nearest teammate. Do you need to sprint around just to high five someone after kicking an easy goal?

Let’s also get rid of the coloured boots and long hair. Bring back the leather lace ups and short back and sides.

"Well Bill, I’d go one step farther than that even and say that I think the high five should be outlawed from the game all together, it’s just a bit of seppo bullshit that the West Indies have introduced into the game. And I reckon when it comes to congratulating one of your teammates there’s simply no better way of doing it than with the traditional Australian hug or a kiss or a lick, a grope on the arse, or a bit of a dry root, it’s still the most appropriate way I think of showing one’s exuberance and excitement and it’s certainly the most masculine and manly way of going about it.”
I couldn't agree with me more on that one
I thought this thread was going to be about games where the team remain on the field, going around doing laps high fiving the supporters, all clapping & carrying on before going down the race to a huge celebration when it was just a H&A win against a bottom 8 side.
I think people should live their lives and do whatever makes them happy and try to refrain from telling others how to live their lives.

If a player is overjoyed about booting a goal and feels the need to celebrate like crazy, then good luck to him. It adds to theatre and colour of the game.

It’s preferable to angry, ungracious players who feel the sudden urge to stick it up their direct opponent and be disrespectful a-holes. We aren’t privy to all the sledges and niggle which goes on. I imagine it’s quite often a ‘return of serve’. But it’s still a bad look and doesn’t do them any favours. They make themselves look like douchebags.


I feel the same way - not just about players “over celebrating” goals - but also players and fans who go berserk and celebrate a big win like they’ve “won a Grand Final”.

There’s always narky folks on Big Footy and in the media sneering at teams who’ve been belted from pillar to post, but turn things around and “over celebrate” a great win. Why the hell shouldn’t they lap it up and enjoy themselves?

F off, all you misery gutses…
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We really don’t need to talk about over celebrating.

However, we need to talk about the quality of celebrations. The afl players are terrible at it in comparison to soccer players. Lift your game please!

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A mate sent me this a week or two ago. The reason was that when we were kids we were at a house party one night, and whilst the party was going on around us, him and I were watching the footy in this dude's loungeroom. Completely anti-social. But you know, footy.

This game was on. He smoked his first cigarette that night, and went on to become one of the state's great smokers, and I famously drank 9 cans of room temp Foster's and chundered on the host's dog in his backyard.

Anyway, I digress.

I humoured him and watched this clip, and was taken by two things:

1) How freaking good Nicky Winmar was. I'd forgotten.

2) Goal celebrations.

Tony Lockett kicked 10 and dominated, including kicking his 100th - and he barely smiled after each goal. Did his business, and got on with it.

Compare that to today!!

I'm embarrassed by the goal celebrations today. In fact, I'm ashamed of humanity when I see the way Williams carried on last night. Or when I see Aaron Naughton or Stringer carry on after ever single freaking goal they kick, regardless of how difficult or meaningful the actual goal was.

So, players of today - I implore you, tone it down. You look like a dickhead.

Oh, and get off my lawn.

For better or worse or cringey or not, I actually enjoy some character and personality in the game. It's entertainment. If it's over the top, even better, it gives more fuel and potential for them to look like dickheads if they don't back it up.

Happy for them to show something other than a monotonous job back to position.
No issue with it. Let them have fun. As long as there are no middle fingers (or equivalent) to the crowd, who cares
The theatre of a player kicking a big goal at an away game against a hostile crowd then doing a running double handed middle finger celebration to the crowd would be epic.

Big fine? Who cares, it'd be a spectacle and more.
Why though? Sports is much more entertaining when players are allowed to show some personality and character, would you rather they all be boring individuals who just go "Yeah nah team did it's job, was good to see the boys get around it" in every post game interview?
Agreed - the modern player isn't wooden enough for my liking. I want them to be happy to get the chocolates, to give full credit to the boys, and - at most - to raise a single finger when they kick a goal.
season 13 GIF

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We Need to Talk about Over-Celebrating

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