"Welcome To Country" Speeches .......... Gone Too Far Now ??

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Do you have an issue with the national anthem played before big games? ANZAC Day games?

Yes. And they built all those pyramids they found just outside Moe.
Do you consider the national anthem as Political/Racial etc?
I don't.

No they didn't, completely different design and build.
I am on it and have said in the past I don't understand people labelling it 'racist', or even 'shit tbh. You follow who you want, just curate it accordingly...

No one in here ignores the fact bad stuff happened, everyone knows that. Invasion was inevitable, none of us were here for it, and the standard of 250, or even 50 years ago, was different to now. What some of the people in here struggle with is people not feeling guilty over history
Well, yeah, I don’t think white Australians should personally feel responsible or guilty for the events of the past. But, they are responsible for what they do today and need to understand that this caused generational issues/trauma.

It’s no secret that white Australians still control this society until today as a result of past events. Meanwhile, Indigenous Australians still have little control over policies and the regular Australian way of life.

So, history plays a big role in how things are in this country today. I agree that many white (and other) Australians acknowledge what happened in the past, but many don’t acknowledge how that impacts today.

For current white Australians, they are responsible for the current inequality between themselves and Indigenous Australians. They continue to uphold a system where Indigenous Australians are limited in what they can contribute to the broader society. Aside from whether we agree with Welcome To Country or not, just look at the backlash it gets every day. Also, look at the referendum results. I strongly believe that the fear of giving “too much power” to Indigenous Australians resulted in a landslide “No” vote.

The way I see it, current white Australians as a collective have made it clear time and time again that they do not want to be on equal footing with Indigenous Australians in this society. The fallout of this whole Brendan Kerin incident serves as another piece of evidence to me.

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Well, yeah, I don’t think white Australians should personally feel responsible or guilty for the events of the past. But, they are responsible for what they do today and need to understand that this caused generational issues/trauma.

It’s no secret that white Australians still control this society until today as a result of past events. Meanwhile, Indigenous Australians still have little control over policies and the regular Australian way of life.

So, history plays a big role in how things are in this country today. I agree that many white (and other) Australians acknowledge what happened in the past, but many don’t acknowledge how that impacts today.

For current white Australians, they are responsible for the current inequality between themselves and Indigenous Australians. They continue to uphold a system where Indigenous Australians are limited in what they can contribute to the broader society. Aside from whether we agree with Welcome To Country or not, just look at the backlash it gets every day. Also, look at the referendum results. I strongly believe that the fear of giving “too much power” to Indigenous Australians resulted in a landslide “No” vote.

The way I see it, current white Australians as a collective have made it clear time and time again that they do not want to be on equal footing with Indigenous Australians in this society. The fallout of this whole Brendan Kerin incident serves as another piece of evidence to me.
Bold 1: They have no more or less control individually compared to anyone else? We vote, what are they missing that others supposedly have? They also make up 2% of the population, how much 'control' or 'say' should that % have? I'd say relative to the numbers they have a MASSIVE say on things as a collective. Much more than I do

Bold 2: Not at an individual level we don't, not at all. I go to work, I go home, just like anyone else. How much of indigenous Australia's "inequality" is due to living location? Can you really expect heaps of nice jobs in rural areas? How many companies have ATSI specific hiring in the cities (lots). Health outcomes, again if you live nowhere near a hospital what can be expected? Life expectancy is a statistical gap but what on earth would you like "white Australia" to do about that? Genetics, location, drinking, exercise, so much plays a part.

The backlash over WTC, especially the weekends one is ridiculous, no other way to describe it. I guess for me on any indigenous culture stuff is it doesn't resonate with me and I'm not remotely interested. Nothing to do with me, just like Diwali, Ramadan, Chinese NY, Orthodox Easter, etc. Doesn't mean it shouldn't exist but only aboriginal stuff seems to be 'forced onto people' and people are somehow 'racist' not being interested in it.

I believe we have equality of opportunity but what many actually want is equality of outcome which is madness and will never happen
I am on it and have said in the past I don't understand people labelling it 'racist', or even 'shit tbh. You follow who you want, just curate it accordingly...

No one in hear ignores the fact bad stuff happens, everyone knows that. Invasion was inevitable, none of us were here for it, and the standard of 250, or even 50 years ago, was different to now. What some of the people in here struggle with is people not feeling guilty over history

What people seem to struggle with in here is that most Aboriginal people would never want people to feel guilty about the past. All most Aboriginals want is people to listen and learn and not continue to make the same mistakes that are still being made.
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The way I see it, current white Australians as a collective have made it clear time and time again that they do not want to be on equal footing with Indigenous Australians in this society. The fallout of this whole Brendan Kerin incident serves as another piece of evidence to me.

What utter bullshit !!

Nothing would please me more than to see anglo aussies & indigenous aussies walk arm in arm together, we are all aussies after all.

However, both sides of the argument are so far at the end of their spectrum that neither want to concede ground and meet closer to the middle which is why we are in this embarrassing pickle.
What people seem to struggle with in here is that most Aboriginal people would never want people to feel guilty about the past. All most Aboriginals want is people to listen and learn and not continue to make the same mistakes that are still being made.
you can't honestly believe that after listening to that welcome to country, his before cook comment was clearly to derive some agenda or why say it
There is no white Australia, I’m from Irish ancestry. My ancestors were dragged here in chains. The Irish were never considered ‘white’ they were always on the outer until the 1960’s when waves of ‘other’ migrants came to this country. Me and my family have never ‘controlled’ anything other than our own lives and alcohol controlled a lot of them. I never think what should I think or do for white folk, now people want to put the Irish in the whiteness category.
Just be a good person to everyone you personally meet and deal with. From on forums here to high level interactions. And never ever judge someone because of their skin colour, for good or for ill, black, brown, red, yellow, beige, freckles etc. Never assume either, a lot of good meaning people actually are pretty paternalistic towards people of other races thinking they need extra help, how disrespectful and snobby. And never accuse others of racism because they have a different way of thinking about it, especially if they’re genuine but don’t think exactly like you.
There is no white Australia, I’m from Irish ancestry. My ancestors were dragged here in chains. The Irish were never considered ‘white’ they were always on the outer until the 1960’s when waves of ‘other’ migrants came to this country. Me and my family have never ‘controlled’ anything other than our own lives and alcohol controlled a lot of them. I never think what should I think or do for white folk, now people want to put the Irish in the whiteness category.
Just be a good person to everyone you personally meet and deal with. From on forums here to high level interactions. And never ever judge someone because of their skin colour, for good or for ill, black, brown, red, yellow, beige, freckles etc. Never assume either, a lot of good meaning people actually are pretty paternalistic towards people of other races thinking they need extra help, how disrespectful and snobby. And never accuse others of racism because they have a different way of thinking about it, especially if they’re genuine but don’t think exactly like you.

Well said !!

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There is no white Australia, I’m from Irish ancestry. My ancestors were dragged here in chains. The Irish were never considered ‘white’ they were always on the outer until the 1960’s when waves of ‘other’ migrants came to this country. Me and my family have never ‘controlled’ anything other than our own lives and alcohol controlled a lot of them. I never think what should I think or do for white folk, now people want to put the Irish in the whiteness category.

Absolutely. Italians and Greeks were not considered "white" in the 20s and 30s but that distinction was dropped in the 50s.

East Asian/Chinese were not considered "Aussie" for a long time but that was starting to change, up until a few years back when the powers that be decided to make China the number one enemy so we'll so how integrated Chinese people are in Australian society from now on.

But one constant through history is that Indigenous Australians are always be placed well below everyone else and are always a target. This does not look like changing.

The Welcome to Country may be established just enough now that the mainstream probably wouldn't support removing it, especially from major events like footy finals. Nor would any corporation take that plunge. Societal change usually doesn't become regressive once instituted.

Just like last year when Sam Newman called for people to boo the Welcome to Country and no one did, I too predict Pauline Hanson's call for people to turn their backs to the WTC (co-incidentally before the first Prelim final just like Newman) will also fail spectacularly. I guess quite a few will be going to the remaining finals so great chance to see if people actually have "had a gutful" of it.
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Sorry, no they don’t. My girlfriend has skin you would describe as porcelain. Her dad is an indigenous councillor and looks like an elderly Adam Goodes only darker and was a member of the stolen generation.

One of my children has red hair and the other of them is pretty pale in general. On my side they’re all English in heritage. The other is entirely aboriginal.

Sorry to break it to you but your determination on how genetics work doesn’t determine someone’s heritage
Yeah my next door neighbour's mother is a Garlett but his Dad is Swedish, he takes after the latter mainly so superficially he looks about as Indigenous as Dolph Lundgren even though he very much is.
Absolutely. Italians and Greeks were not considered "white" in the 20s and 30s but that distinction was dropped in the 50s.

East Asian/Chinese were not considered "Aussie" for a long time but that was starting to change, up until a few years back when the powers that be decided to make China the number one enemy so we'll so how integrated Chinese people are in Australian society from now on.

But one constant through history is that Indigenous Australians are always be placed well below everyone else and are always a target. This does not look like changing.

The Welcome to Country may be established just enough now that the mainstream probably wouldn't support removing it, especially from major events like footy finals. Nor would any corporation take that plunge. Societal change usually doesn't become regressive once instituted.

Just like last year when Sam Newman called for people to boo the Welcome to Country and no one did, I too predict Pauline Hanson's call for people to turn their backs to the WTC (co-incidentally before the first Prelim final just like Newman) will also fail spectacularly. I guess quite a few will be going to the remaining finals so great chance to see if people actually have "had a gutful" of it.
You see how these bolded parts are at odds with one another right?
I think it has gone too far now because I would think that most people have heard it enough by now and we get it already. It is just over-played and is losing the meaning it was initially trying to communicate and becoming something to endure or simply ignore. I would cut it back and just roll it out now and then if they must, at special events only to maintain the knowledge. Why we are being indoctrinated with it is the issue because this is what it feels like, it is everywhere. Tone it back at the very least. Personally I'd prefer to be done with it completely.
Truth be told its pretty shit but so is the national anthem and any of the pre-game "entertainment". Is a bit of a vibe killer though. Maybe put a max 10 second limit on it and do it as a recorded message or something so people cant go on and on about it
the difference being when the anthem is sung no one gets up before it to deliver their agenda, they just sing the song
We were invaded in 1788 by the British, they came in took over the land, committed genocide against it's people and that was the norm at the time. What is unforgivable nearly two hundred and fifty years on is for sections of the population to still ignore this fact and refuse to believe the inter generational trauma and inequality that's still happening because of this.
Anyone ( modern day white Australians) with half a brain understands the grievances regarding the atrocities committed back then in history.

But this is 2024. We ( the modern day white Australian) cannot be possibly put in the same category as our English, Irish, Scottish ancestors and be dictated to like we came straight outta the Schutzstaffel at birth.

granted ..it’s a tricky situation.

But a lot of this conjecture is totally unfair on innocent parties
Anyone ( modern day white Australians) with half a brain understands the grievances regarding the atrocities committed back then in history.

But this is 2024. We ( the modern day white Australian) cannot be possibly put in the same category as our English, Irish, Scottish ancestors and be dictated to like we came straight outta the Schutzstaffel at birth.

granted ..it’s a tricky situation.

But a lot of this conjecture is totally unfair on innocent parties
I love the way the identification of the "real victims" here gets manipulated.

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"Welcome To Country" Speeches .......... Gone Too Far Now ??

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