Player Watch Welcome to Port Adelaide Esava Ratugolea, Finally

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Chris Scott's still got him locked in the changerooms at the cattery. Still hoping he can change his mind
Is it GMHBA where they have the upstairs overlooking the player rooms?

CS: "It puts the signature on the contract. It does this whenever it is told."
ER: "Mister... my new club paid 25, 76 and 94. Whatever ransom you're askin' for, they paid it."
CS: "It writes the signature on the contract or else it gets the hose again."
CS (to Mackie): "Yes, it will, Andrew, won't it? It will get the hose!"
ER: "Okay... okay... okay. Mister, if you let me go, I won't - I won't press charges I promise. See, my new coach is a real good guy... I guess you already know that."
CS: "Now it places the contract in the basket."
ER: "Please! Please I wanna go to Port! I wanna go to Port please!"
CS: "It places the contract in the basket."
ER: "I wanna see my daddy! Please I wanna see my..."
CS: "Put the ****ing contract in the basket!"
Has Esava said a word about coming to Port yet? I gather he hates the media because I've never heard him speak.

he's (say the line Bart) learning about the club

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Is it my imagination or does he pronounce his surname as Ratagolee? So, no strong A at the end.

Wouldn't be like the incredibly professional AFL commentary we have to not check the pronunciation on a player's name, would it?

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