Universal Love Welcome to Richmond Adem Yze

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Just read this page full of posts and the general tenor of those posts is overly harsh at best, for the following reasons:

1. Any coach coming to a faltering club that has been on one track for years and given the imprimatur to invoke change cannot be fairly judged on their first half season, longer if they don't get a chance to field a stable team in that time.

2. Yze has walked into a perfect storm for a coach. Off field changes galore at the club, unfair umpiring, unprecedented injury & stability issues. That is basically all he has known.

3. If we are looking to judge him based on what has happened so far then judge him on the team's performance in matches before the fair chance to compete was removed.....

Rd 0 Give him a mulligan for his first game in charge interstate away v a coach who knows us inside out with no Lynch, no Martin. Lost by 5.9 to the Suns.

Rd 1 We were probably beating Carlton until injuries took their toll late and we lost by 5 points with a -7 free kick differential that appeared to involve some significant bias towards Carlton. Carlton are currently 2nd Premiership favourite.

Rd 2 Beaten by 5.0 by Port at the MCG but a punishing 10 free kick deficit and key midfielder Hopper missing v a Port team not miles off full strength.

Rd 3 Beat current hot Premiership favourite by 0.5 as Lynch in particular came back to his best. Martin and Hopper missed. 2 savage injuries late to Lynch Balta and Baker gets suspended.

Later, in Rd 13 we got a game against Adelaide where they had significant outs in Walker, Milera, Rankine, Murray, Crouch, Thilthorpe and probably some others, so they were vulnerable and Richmond cashed that under Yze, comfortably, despite our own travails.

Those are the only realistic chances Yze has had to compete on any sort of level terms with the opponent, and with fair umpiring he comes out of that 3-2 v a strong group of opponents, including beating both the flag favourite and second favourite.

The coach cannot control unfair umpiring or injuries. The former has cost him by my calculations on average around 9 points per game on the scoreboard, and the latter has decimated any chance he had of fielding near full strength teams or even stable teams well below full strength. The most troubled areas by injuries have been our midfield and forward line. But let's just have a look at who has played forward for us outside our best 7 forwards:

Best 7 forwards:

Balta Lynch Lefau(who had never played with any of his team-mates to any real extent before this season)
Martin Bolton Graham Rioli Jnr

Who else has played there:

12 matches Campbell - 19yo in first real season. No previous experience playing with the team.

11 games Mansell - is probably the only player of all these who has had time to settle into his role, and consequently is very close to being in the best 7 forwards if he is not already.

9 games Sonsie - Very limited experience both in the team and forward line. We suspect he will be more a mid than a forward as he settles into his career.

5 matches Koschitzke - for reasons that could not be pinned on Yze, he has not been good enough. He had no previous experience playing in our team.

5 matches Cumberland - played out of necessity, sub 20 gamer with very limited experience playing with most of the other forwards he has played with. Every chance of being delisted.

3 matches - Ryan, limited experience in the team & even less in the role.

3 matches(2 mainly in the forward line) - 31yo Naismith, no previous experience in this team

2 matches Green - 19yo debutante no previous experience in this team

1 Match Coulthard - not near his best handful of games prior experience in the team's forward line but none with the players he actually played with.

1 Clarke - Another who was played when not near his best due to necessity, limited AFL experience, almost none with the forward line he actually played with.

Dusty, Lynch have clearly played games way below their best for physical reasons, out of necessity. Others to be tried forward: Baker, Pickett. 19 players have played matches in our forward line. There were years we would have got this deep into the season that figure would be closer to about 10 players.

So on average there have been at least 4 forwards there each week who would and should not be playing there in a near full strength team, and even the players who have played have not been able to get continuity with each other due to injuries. This is in a sport that relies on teamwork as much as any sport does. So familiarity with team-mates around you is hugely beneficial.

That is just the forward line, the midfield is at least as ugly, and even more important to the team's fortunes.

It has got so comically bad the club would simply be saying to Yze let's make the best of this, blood youngsters, learn for the future and make sure we get a very high draft pick.

No supporter can even begin to make fair judgements of Yze at this point. In fact if you go by the small sample of games where he had any realistic chance of competing, he comes out of that very decently.

It appears we may have a new nomination for the Noble Prize for Literature.

**** dude, that shit was even too long for me
But still blame the coaching staff is pathetic. Not even the best coaches would have as much better. End of the season changes will happen to the playing group, fitness and medical staff. As I noted you wanted Dimma sacked as well like for like


But by default of your own words, you are saying that he is not one of the "Best Coaches".

Don't we want "Elite" coaches? I don't think anyone is stating to sack him. I'm certainly not. I would ride his contract (still don't know the length of ?), UNLESS one of these fabled "Best Coaches" became available. If one did come available and he was still tracking the same we see right now? I would likely make the brutal call and move on from him to get the guy we want
I'd be stunned if in his contract there wasn't a clause around professional behaviour, standards etc. You cannot pay a guy $1m a year to lead a bunch of elite young men & have him sleeping with the younger marketing girl on work trips while he is still taking his wife out to company banquets a few months earlier. And if we had to buy him out then we should have been able to negotiation a favourable outcome considering the circumstances. Doubt he would have wanted a messy break up in both his work & private life being played out in the media for all to pick through.

If he took the club for unfair dismissal than whatever - proves more he needed to go. Not how a strong leader takes accountability for their own actions.
Oh god, here goes the puritan amongst us again…

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Oh god, here goes the puritan amongst us again…

Whatever, rather be that than a shit bloke. And Dimma was that.

Its life mate, get over it. Sometimes the best blowjobs you ever get come from the biggest bitch in the room. When those cases happen, just lay back and enjoy the ride - but don't fool yourself into marrying her for life.

iron man eye roll GIF
Whatever, rather be that than a shit bloke. And Dimma was that.

Its life mate, get over it. Sometimes the best blowjobs you ever get come from the biggest bitch in the room. When those cases happen, just lay back and enjoy the ride - but don't fool yourself into marrying her for life.

iron man eye roll GIF
Sorry my mistake, not puritan, you’re like the taliban …
Game plan is dire as they come.

1. Kick in short
2. Long kick down the line
3 ???
4. Profit

Best case we get a boundary throw in on the wing. More likely case is an intercept mark or opposition sharks it at ground level.

Most boring football to watch. Rather get pumped by 90 points every game and show some dash and dare than this absolute tripe.
The style of footy we're seeing is a result of not having the players needed to execute the game plan that Yze wants us to play.

Our best midfielders and key forwards have been sitting in the stands most of the season and in Baltas case when he returned from injury he was forced to go back into the back line.

For the first half against Carlton we were able to play the style of game that Yze wants us to play, strong contested footy and our team defensive structure was very good. Unfortunately it fell away in the 3rd quarter when Carlton got on top.

If we can keep our better players on the park for the rest of the year we will start to see more consistency in terms of playing the way Yze wants.

But by default of your own words, you are saying that he is not one of the "Best Coaches".

Don't we want "Elite" coaches? I don't think anyone is stating to sack him. I'm certainly not. I would ride his contract (still don't know the length of ?), UNLESS one of these fabled "Best Coaches" became available. If one did come available and he was still tracking the same we see right now? I would likely make the brutal call and move on from him to get the guy we want
Hard to be an Elite coach in your first season? Not many would be.
Yze was a great H/B and had the most disposals by foot for the season more than once in his career. He played alotta games at the G and I think he’ll want to play that way when he’s got more players who can complete a pass under pressure.
Earlier in the year when Ross came back from injury we looked a lot better moving the ball but at the moment we don’t have enough players who can make the decision and execute quickly with 45 kicks.
We’ve got a H/B who can free wheel in Rioli, id like to see us develop Brown to take on high level passes like a Blakey or Sicily.
I hope he doesn’t build his game around the Jayden Short 55 mtr bomb
We have no gameplan.

We have no system to move the ball

We have no system in how/where to kick inside 50

We have no system to force turnover

We have no defensive system

What has hurt us as much as the injuries is that the support coaches like Rutten and Teague had contracts that we decided not to pay out, so essentially Adem moves into Hardwicks bed and had no ability to make his own bed with his own coaches.

This off season will be huge. If we dont allow Adem to higher his own coaches to instruct the list his way completely we will be ****ed.

The good, it is fixable and all Adem needs to show me next year, with a full preseason with his coaches is his method and if it stacks up. if it does not, I will be happy to allow him time to readjust to see if he is a senior coach.

Alot of the blame for this mess, outside of injury should be on the admin of the club that allowed this scenario to happen. Allowed the off season from hell to be done, that broke half our list, allowed Rutten and Teague to be allowed to much of a say in how things should be done and Adem being to polite to push back and do it his way.

I guess selling bricks was more important.

Just my random thoughts
Mate some valid points , but your missing the big picture , were is the heat and accountability on the footy department running the show. Livingstone and Blair all under Gale shouldn't escape criticism. There last 2 seasons they haven't seen the writing on the wall , standards dropped, short cut appointments etc. Easy to blame Meehan , but who appointed him. Add to that poor recruitment it was either one Taranto or Hooper not both and giving away so many picks. Still puzzling why Balme was told this is your last year and wanted to stay on. We need his calm head and experience even as part time

Simple support Yze put the best coaches around him , fitness and medical recruitment team etc. Starts from the top down. Standards slipped bigtime.

💯 agree with you once Gale made his decision to go to tassie thankyou very much goodbye.

Heat needs to be on a few senior players to their turnovers and brain fades and effort inexcusable not negotiable that's not on Yze.
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Don’t like to spend too much time in the mother in law thread (monotonous whining) however tell me this

In 80s we were that shite we only had one good player in flea until knighter appeared we had two

Right now we’d have 8 or more players that’d step into any side
Bakes vlas nank Rioli balta Bolton TT hopper prob a couple more yet like the 80s were miles off it with no chance of a win most weeks and a canyon size gap bw us and finalists

What gives

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Hopefully the club put the right assistant coaches around Adem. Gotta make changes in that area.

I understand the importance of getting the best coaching staff possible, but how does anyone know who is performing well or badly in the coaching department?
It's always been a bugbear of mine that this narrative just gets put out there and all of a sudden Rutten and Teague are useless. They might be the problem, but I remember Truck did a ripper job pre Essendon, and Teague had us scoring heavily when he was in charge of the attack. Back then we had a settled playing list and senior players on the park.
In a year of rolling disasters on the injury front I find it difficult to assess any of the coaching staff with certainty.
When he came in he made some big moves:
Baker, our best defensive BP went to midfield.
Bolton our quickest midfielder went forward.
An aging Dusty went from predominantly forward to midfield.
Why?! We had already tried and tested this. I was hoping he would just try this for a few weeks before he realized the error of his ways and then put them back in their best positions. But no, he continues to persist with this dumb shit.
Baker moved in 2022.
Bolton been a forward capable of centre work his whole career and still runs through the middle.
Dusty midfield? this year. Looks the opposite. Has started forward.
How much of the downturn is due to injuries and how much is down to coaching/system. The team on paper actaully looks pretty good despite the injuries, but we are still statistically the worse team in the competition and we aren't the only team that plays young players
IMO the issue we have at the moment is that Yze has a vision for how he wants us to play which is quite different to how a lot of the senior players have been used to playing.

Yze has stated that he wants us to have a strong team focused defensive structure when we're not in possession, which is as he said back when he was appointed, a tweaking of how we played under Hardwick, where we were strong defensively, but certain players had a licence to be more attacking knowing that teammates were covering for them defensively.

I believe that Yze doesn't want players 'cheating' offensively, the whole team has to be switched on defensively when we're not in possession and unfortunately there have been plenty of examples I've seen this year where players aren't quite buying in to that requirement completely. It's not like they simply don't follow Yzes instructions, it's more that their efforts at times aren't what we need them to be. Whether it's not quite being up in the structure where they need to be, or putting in a half hearted effort when they need to be chasing hard it just lets the team down and causes the system to breakdown.

It's no shock to find that some of the players I'm talking about are also those that are mentioned in trade chatter as looking at their options for possible moves. I've mentioned a few times over the last month that anyone not fully buying in should move on and allow us to bring in players through the draft/trade/free agency that are willing to buy in to Yzes vision for the club and team under his leadership.

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