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I know before i said i like the new changes, but after a while the brightness started to give me a head ache so i changed it back and i dont have a head ache anymore and comparing the 2, old 1 is much better
The thing that annoys me the most is all the Firefox users treating people who use IE like second class citizens. :rolleyes:

I don't mind it, tripped me out the first time but I'll get used to it
More ads than billboards at the dome per page....can we reduce the ads please....or people will start to call if flog footy for another reason!
Re: New skin??

The old skin still doesn't have the side bar

The old skin will be retired. We've left it there for people to compare the two and find any old features that they want in the new one.
Re: New skin??

The old skin will be retired. We've left it there for people to compare the two and find any old features that they want in the new one.

The was nothing wrong with the old skin.

I love the way you say you leave the old one there so people can see the difference and add things they like to the new one, but you completely ignore the fact that everyone just wants the old skin.
The thing that annoys me the most is all the Firefox users treating people who use IE like second class citizens. :rolleyes:

I don't mind it, tripped me out the first time but I'll get used to it

Who uses IE these days? It's crap, switch over to Firefox.

The old skin will be retired. We've left it there for people to compare the two and find any old features that they want in the new one.

Why retire it?

The new skin blows :thumbsdown:
Not too bad, liked it the old way though. Seperated posts + boards better on the old one in my opinion. Thanks for the people in this thread telling people how to change it back, will do it right away..!

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I'm happy to read that Supporters club members will not see ads in future.

Can't see the benefit in the placement of the menu on the left if it doesn't remain visible as you scroll down through the posts. Might as well keep them in the current horizontal menu at the top of the page while adding the new functionality.
I don't like it, the sidebar is extremely annoying and makes the page look all wrong. If we 'need' a quick link thing, can't it be at the bottom or top of a page?

Also, the colours are quite bad, but I can live with that. I don't see why we shouldn't have a choice between the two like we do at the moment, that way it pleases the people that like the old one and the people that like the new one, or make it that way for subscribers at least.
Re: New skin??

I don't want crap I don't need down the left hand side of my screen.

I run two windows on a 16x9 monitor.
Re: I don't like it! Change it back!

I don't mind it. Get rid of all the white, way too bright. Looking at it long enough would give you eye cancer. Also kill off the sidebar. It angers me.

Other than that I'm cool with it. Although I'm currently using the old skin until that sidebar gets killed.
I'm not opposed to change, but a few suggestions:

  • The colour scheme makes it look like a stock-standard, 100 member forum. BigFooty's better than that - it should have its own trademark colour scheme
  • Seeing as how the sidebar doesn't move, it should be at the top, so as not to cramp the rest of the page.
  • If the change is about ads (as it may well be - and you have every right to make a buck out of the site), as was suggested in another thread here a while ago, why not have every 10th page one clicks on a whole page ad? That annoys the user 10% of the time, instead of 100% of the time with the cramped screen. Arguably, your sponsors get more advertising as well.
  • Please leave the old skin as an option.

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