Well Done Doggies!

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Premiership Player
Jun 29, 2000
AFL Club
St Kilda
I am not a bulldogs supporter but what a terrific game! Well done, that was a sensational performance.

John Barnes, what a cowardly act that was!!! Who knows maybe YOU contributed to the bulldogs win! I hope so, because that would serve you right you mug!
Well said Sav.

Although I love Barnsey and wish he still played for us, you have to admit that would have to be the most stupid thing he has ever done - And that's saying something, after what he got up to at Geelong.

However, I don't think it contributed to the result. Lloyd and Lucas both missing goals from 40 metres in the last quarter were what gave the Doggies a chance.

I have been a big wrap for Essendon this year, but this is a win for the battler and it's great to see.

I remember a saying a few years ago, No Carey, No North, Maybe It's No Hird No Essendon.

Now we know they are beatable, Let's hope the other finalists took note. Flood the backline and above all - SUCK THEM IN. A sure fire way to beat a side who is fast making a habit of thinking they are better than they are.

Bombers, don't just expect to be there in September, you're going to have to earn it. Now that the remaining 7 clubs know how to beat you.

Having said that, I just wish they had bloody won, Because Geelong couldn't go out if they did. Now we HAVE to win both to finish top 4, One to guarantee a finals spot and if we win none, Hawthorn could take our spot. Let's hope it doesn't come down to that.

I never thought I would ever say this but, Go Ayres and the boys tomorrow.

[This message has been edited by gocatsgo (edited 28 July 2000).]
1. Great effort Dogs (again). Loads of respect for knocking off the top two.

2. Haven't seen the incident but the Age site suggests that Johnston just accidently ran into Barnes... what are the facts there guys?

3. Not too upset really, won't be too upset if we lose next week either if it helps re-focus the team for the finals.

End of the day Terry Wallace and the dogs - take a bow!

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Gutless Barnes hope you get 3 weeks,
rnd 22
first final
and preliminary final loss.

The cracks are starting to show, chokers when under pressure, HISTORY WILL REPEAT.
Gutless effort Barnes. 20 metres from the ball and a shoulder to the head when the player wasn't watching.

One thing we know is that Johnson will not stick up for him at the tribunal.

Alessio isn't good enough to carry them in the ruck during the finals.

They also may have lost Hardwick, Mercuri, and god knows how many will go for wrestling, especially Moorcroft who came off the bench to take part in the half time melee.
hmm No Barnesy, Perhaps Give Eastaugh a shot at the ruck job has been ok in the 2's or I we get Really desparate Illja Grgic ...... hmmm no way not that log ..... Anyway Well donew to the Doggies. I thought we were home at 3qtr time but they just outplayed us in the end.... good scrappy game the bombers needed a loss in the end as much as the blues did last week
Is it possible to go through a season undefeated? Well if this years Essendon can't do it, you would have to say maybe its never going to happen. Maybe it will just be the holy grail of football - going through a season undefeated.
Top effort Dogs, I am not a fan of you at all, in fact I very much dislike you for your scratching, eye gouging, treatment of Michael Gardiner etc...But what a great performance! To give a gutsy, no frills performance and knock off the 'mighty' Bombers...maybe we've all been seeing the Bombers only as how the media portrays them and not how they really are. I remember last year after 10 rounds or so we had 1 or 2 losses and we were being compared to our '92 premiership side, people were saying we had brilliant depth etc. etc. We won 1 game out of our last 8 or so...the AFL media has the mentality to get carried away with anything...I'm not saying the Bombers are not great, they are a brilliant side, but perhaps they're not as good as we all thought...As mentioned above, "No Hird, no Bombers..." could this be true? Is their depth really THAT good to cover the losses of players like Hird and Mercuri? Only time will tell..........
No please excuse me, I'm off to get myself psyched up for the 'big' derby on sunday...6,000 tickets left the other day..It should be a sellout! Get behind your side you eagles 'supporters'. I'll be there, rain, hail or shine.

PS - Dogs to win was gonna pay $6.00 odd at the TAB before bouncedown....
dont know what the fuss is
johnson ran at barnes as much as barnes ran at johnson
only difference is johnson shit himself and barnes didnt back away
was a fair hip and shoulder and i have seen it several times
will probably get weeks because the afl have proven they can do whatever they want at the tribunal (eg Hamill incident)
but should get off
Walshy I think you need your vision repaired!

The ball was NOWHERE in the vacinity, Johnson was standing looking at the ball's location and Barnes COWARDLY tried to take out the oppositions BEST player.

Johnson is a pure ball player, he is a terrific role model to this game & if you condone that sort of stupid behaviour then you have no idea about this game!

That is constituted as a charge, and Barnes will hopefully find this out with a suspension at the tribunal shortly.
What an incredible game!

Despite the loss Dutch, the game had everything and I only saw the second half!

I think Dan has said previously that everyone should be willing Essendon on to go through the season undefeated and make history. (Or something to that effect)

I just think that there is nothing better than seeing the underdogs get up like that.

Games like that make being a football supporter so worthwhile.

And while the loss might prove to be a good thing for the bombers, I would be a little concerned that they were not able to stand up when seriously challenged. Some of the skill errors in the last quarter was the sign of a team that were not used to being put under so much pressure. But they will definitely be better for it.

And I didn't see the Barnes incident Dutch but the reaction by Brad Johnson after the match showed how angry he was and that is not a good sign. After the game he ran all the way from the Bulldog forward line to the other side of the ground where Barnes was standing. Johnno gave him a mouthful and then stuck his finger up at him. Somehow I got the impression that he was not too happy and Dumb and Dumber in the commentary box were a little concerened about Barnes' immediate playing future.
Barnes could be having a holiday for a few weeks after the rush of blood to his feeble brain....the f@#2ing idiot doesnt know how valuable he is to the bombers flag chances.The one spot on the ground we have no decent back up is the ruck..imagine if it was Carlton or North they were playing first up in the finals without Barnes and it was Eastuagh vs McKernan/Capuano or Allan/Porter..why do something so stupid when
the game means nothing in terms of the result.Good luck to the dogs but the tribunal results are going to be more important then losing the 4 points....
Rama needs to keep his eyes on the footy..bit timid at times.. needs to watch Mark Johnson
and learn from his attack on the footy and the man.

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Shinboners was right. This was the first game in which a team was close to Essendon during time on in the last quarter, and they cracked. The Bulldogs are excellent in that situation but even so, the Bombers could not clinch a close one.

Now I'm disappointed. Naturally I felt myself willing the Bulldogs on when they were down, because of their underdog status, but as soon as they hit the front I wanted to see Essendon snatch the game back again. Ultimate history will not be made and that's disappointing. The year 2000 becomes just another season.

Perhaps the Bulldogs are the outside chance for this year's flag. I certainly would not have thought it, but in the last three weeks they have beaten the league's two outstanding teams, snapping their 13- and 20-game winning streaks respectively. It is reminiscent of Adelaide's finals performances in '97 and '98. The Bulldogs may wish they had saved those efforts until the finals.

One thing I do NOT want to hear from Essendon or its supporters: "That was the loss we had to have" or "we needed a wake-up call before the finals", or any other such garbage along the we-needed-to-lose lines. I'm sure Essendon had set itself to go through undefeated and they did not need that loss to gain focus.
Last week i said put down your glasses, Essendon and Carlton will be in GF and no one else will get near them. oops

Terry Wallace won this game. He and his coaching staff obviously sat down and disected the Bomber game to devise its downfall. Now I know all coaches do this but in this case the Bulldgs instigated a whole new game plan. They didn't just try a few different match ups or go ultra defensive.

Yes they flooded the backline but they had method in their clearances from defence unlike the Ken Judge version. They were aready the best tackling team in the game but they stepped up 2 gears in that field as well.

2 of the best games I have ever seen in 2 weeks. Cant remember who I barrack for now. I just want to watch more footy.

The Barnes/Johnson incident.
Barnes did line him up. At least he didn't lift his elbow, he woulda killed him. I suspect it was on instruction. Barnes had spent the most part of the first half on the bench. This was the first decisive action he had in the game.

The Moorcroft thing is interesting. He was on the bench and charged onto the field to deck Libba. He was on the field before the siren wen but only just. Don't be surprised if we hear more about that than anything else form the 'melee'.
Game of the year no doubt!!!!!!! What a goal by Grant!!!!!!
I think all you ppl are getting a bit carried away though, oh they've cracked under pressure, chokers ect ect.
Cmon thats the first game they've lost all year and then some, so to start thinking that there gonna lose and all the rest of it is just stupid. They'll be back and prolly better with the unavoidable loss out of the way. I think thats it for the dogs now, they have had there lime light for the year wins over the blues and the bombers. They wont go that far come finals time.
Although all you bomber fans out there was that pressure with misses by lucas and lloyd in the last quarter and then the Fletcher kick in straight to the opposition or was it just simple mistakes??
Cant wait for next week now to see how the Bombers play after a loss. Bombers, loss, same sentence thats weird hehe
Read the posts. What a difference to the other teams. No whinging by the Bomber supporters. Well done Footscray. games . Who knows a loss might do them good? 20 wins , one loss and the world has fallen in.
Footscray played to their strengths, and did it very well. They have beaten the, what is widely regarded, the 3 best teams this year. As a spectacle, I thought the game was very boring, but the scoreboard made it exciting.

Now listen to all the Essendon baggers - hahahah. Gee, this has been building up for 20 weeks eh! Oh yea, we are crap, we are hopeless. We should just give up now after our first loss!!

Also, dont jump on your high horses - expecting half our team to go for that malee. Remember, you can only get suspended for wrestling if you have been fined for it 3 or 4 times before. Both teams will cop fines, which Im sure Footscray dont want given their financial predicament, but I will be very suprised if anyones gets suspened from it.
The only possible suspension from the melee may be Moorcroft...

Barnes... well, can a footballer go any lower?
Interesting call servo... you think Barnes was under the instruction to take Johnson out, like they did to Brereton in the GF?
I was thinking that at the time - it was obviously planned by someone (although maybe just Barnes) cause Johnno was carving them up.

Didn't see the Lloyd incident to comment.

Well done Western... you had 15 other teams and all their supporters riding with you all the way.

Bombers are still well and truly favourites, but the rest of the final 8 seem to be getting more and more even - and a lot of teams are peaking at the right time.

Interesting to see what unfolds come finals week 1.

I told you two weeks ago (in the 'umpires are doing a great job' thread) the Doggies were dead set lay down miseres.

Dave and walshy can vouch for my call

BTW walshy open the other eye. We had a bloke called Brerton who they changed the rules so that you couldnt take a bloke out like Barnes did last night. While not overly malicious, it has been out lawed. Barnes has been playing long enough to know better (then again most players that get reported SHOULD know better still doesnt stop them going the biffo) than what he did.
Well, a top effort by the Dogs last night, but really, the Bombers are still in the Premiership driving seat.

Firstly, the Bombers. Thanks to Daniel mentioning this (and it did cross my mind last night), but the only test that Essendon haven't had until last night was a close game, and against the Doggies, they cracked. But before everyone one else in the finals starts bringing out the champagne, the Doggies were pretty much spent in that last quarter. Only the sniff of a win once they got within a goal got them over. You might want to be within a goal of Essendon by the end of the game, but you have to hold them for the previous 95 minutes to get there. The Doggies played exceptional football, and all teams will need to do that if they're to beat Essendon in the finals.

The tactics. I don't think that too many teams can get away with the Doggies tactics last night. They've an adaptable team and are used to Wallace's tactical innovations. The same thing wouldn't work, for example, for North Melbourne. I can hardly imagine the likes of David King and Byron Pickett kicking the ball forward and then running back to zone the defence.

The Barnes incident. It's all going to come down to where Barnes was looking. It seemed to me that Johnson was running away from the play and ran into Barnes. Now, if Barnes was looking away from Johnson, then it was accidental. But if Barnes was looking at Johnson (who wasn't looking where he was running), then Barnes will get suspended as he could've moved out of the way.

Essendon. I don't think Sheedy will be too worried. Firstly, it will remind the Essendon players that they can be beaten. Secondly, there will be no talk of undefeated runs in the finals. Thirdly, Sheedy can plan for any more close finishes. The only thing that will stop the Dons will be injury and suspension.

The Doggies. A great effort. They've beaten North, Essendon, and Carlton (twice). They'll be the finals wildcard. On paper, their team doesn't look that impressive, but they play with plenty of heart and have plenty of finals experience. Ironically, the remind me of their nemisis, the Blight led Adelaide where injuries forced them into using new tactics that resulted in two premierships.

In the end though, to win 20 in a row and losing only two games by a combined margin of 12 points over the last season and a half is a magnificent effort. Especially in a footy world with drafts and salary caps. The Bomber fans can be proud of their team. I wasn't there last night, and I didn't see it on TV, but I hope the red and black army gave their players a standing ovation as they left the ground.
Shins, we were further in front last night than last week against Carlton in the last quarter, so how can you say "it's the first time" Essendon's been tested? Anyone recall the melbourne/adelaide/swans games perchance?

Good call on the tectics, Wallace clearly outcoached Sheedy, though I wonder whether the same tactices would be effective on the larger MCG.
Point taken Dave.

But it'd be fair to say that Essendon had those games wrapped up by the time time on started in the last quarter. The only situation where I have doubted Essendon is at the start of time on, final quarter, and the margin is a goal either way. But, a team still has to be good enough to put the Bombers in that situation, and out of 21 games, only the Doggies have managed it.

Still, I figure that out of those games, Melbourne and Carlton would've felt that they could win, Adelaide...well....who knows(?), and I reckon the Swans would've been surprised at their lead at 3/4 time and have memories of their last quarter fade outs fresh in their minds. So you could say that the Bombers were truly tested in two of those games and came out with (pardon the pun) flying colours.
Originally posted by WCE2000:
Is it possible to go through a season undefeated? Well if this years Essendon can't do it, you would have to say maybe its never going to happen. Maybe it will just be the holy grail of football - going through a season undefeated.

Hey WCE a west australian team has done it East Fremantle cant exactly remerber if it was 1940 or 49.

and Port Adelaide did it in 1914 right thru to the Grand Final and defeated a challenge from East Fremantle, Then Carlton threw down the Gauntlet to Port For the "Champions of Australia" title. Port won that, then Port played a combined South Australian side and defeated them.
Port went through the last half of the 1913 season right until midway through 1915 before suffering the sting of defeat.

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Well Done Doggies!

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