Western Border Football League - Part 2

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See Casterton have lost 2 quality footballers in McArlein and Ryan, also Abrahansom has put in for a Clearance. Anyone know if the new coach is bringing any players with him to Casterton? Hope for their sake they have some lined up.
Bigant - if it is the Andrew Gould from Imps then Heywood will have a handy type. He played under 18s at Imps and filled in with the reserves and was quite serviceable. He has a heart of gold and has a red hot go, ended up having to wear a helmet towards the end of the season as he tended to put his head where he probably shouldn't have. I think his old man lives in Heywood. Would probably play seniors down there this year if he puts on a bit of weight over the summer, but would be a good kid to have around the club.

His father (Fred) currently lives and works in Mount Gambier having moved here a few years ago from MacCarthur.
Fred and current Heywood coach, Keith Ransom know each other through Super Rules (masters) footy.
What does Rod Morris have against the Portland Footy Club.
His article about England and Sturzaker facing court last week in the Border Watch was really not need.
What relevance does it have to football or sport - especially seeing they haven't had thier case heard yet.
If they can't play because of going to court is when a story should be written!

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What does Rod Morris have against the Portland Footy Club.
His article about England and Sturzaker facing court last week in the Border Watch was really not need.
What relevance does it have to football or sport - especially seeing they haven't had thier case heard yet.
If they can't play because of going to court is when a story should be written!

when was this in the bw?
i do sometimes read it but i must have missed it
are you saying they put a story in the paper about their court case?
What does Rod Morris have against the Portland Footy Club.
His article about England and Sturzaker facing court last week in the Border Watch was really not need.
What relevance does it have to football or sport - especially seeing they haven't had thier case heard yet.
If they can't play because of going to court is when a story should be written!
I wouldnt say he'd have anything against the footy club, you report whats given to you.
Unfortunetly Ashleigh Brown had put up w inuendo after his court case was made public last yr, once it's out in the public forum you ca'nt do much about it.
Even in regional football.
I wouldnt say he'd have anything against the footy club, you report whats given to you.
Unfortunetly Ashleigh Brown had put up w inuendo after his court case was made public last yr, once it's out in the public forum you ca'nt do much about it.
Even in regional football.

Could you give me the exact date when anything ran in the bw about brown's court case. i would like to look that up!
as i said in a previous post i sometimes read that paper and i cant recall anything being written by them
maybe u r getting rumours being spoken about by people and what is printed mixed up
can any1 name a time wen a crt case has been reported on when it has nothing to do with the footy club
I find it very very hard 2 believ that out of all of the footballers in the wb or any league in the areas surrounding it that it is just these 2 that have got in trouble. where do u draw the line?
fact is that they are going to court, it is very doubtful that it will affect their football unless they have doen something really bad. i have heard that these two blokes get into a fair bit of trouble outside of football, but they are two high quality players and i would pick them in my side.
I wouldnt say he'd have anything against the footy club, you report whats given to you.
Unfortunetly Ashleigh Brown had put up w inuendo after his court case was made public last yr, once it's out in the public forum you ca'nt do much about it.
Even in regional football.

What's the standard of footy reporting like in TBW these days folks? :)
fact is that they are going to court, it is very doubtful that it will affect their football unless they have doen something really bad. i have heard that these two blokes get into a fair bit of trouble outside of football, but they are two high quality players and i would pick them in my side.

Well i'm guessing it was'nt in the sports pages for a start....tipping it was in the police/law court news. WGFC were'nt privy to it making the papers etc...and were'nt happy i heard.
Was that the so called Footy Upheaval headlined in yesterdays Border Watch's "Hey Sport did ya hear about" column !? related to the two players mentioned above...

In breif - Growing speculation one powerful club in the WBFL will undergo massive changes this season.
The club - which has enjoyed enormous success - has reportedly sacked two of it's players, in fact the pair have been directed that it's probably in there best interests to leave the district as well.
The players in question are two of the best known & most successful in the WBFL.
No names, no pack drill - not yet anyway.

As written in the Border Watch.

Sacked hey. Might want to check their sources.
Trials & practice matches anyone within the league - Millicent vs Mt Burr at the burr; 3.00 start saturday.

Nat Robbins (Mt.Burr) up against his old club; Johnathon Agnew (Millicent) up against his old club.
Also Millicent to unveil a number of there recruits - Hosking, Gascoyne, Agnew, Murray & a few more that names i can't recall.
Well i'm guessing it was'nt in the sports pages for a start....tipping it was in the police/law court news. WGFC were'nt privy to it making the papers etc...and were'nt happy i heard.

Innocent until proven guilty....isn't that the saying??? Their names haven't been revealed in the police/law court news because it's illegal to do so....it's called contempt of court!! Maybe they're protected species by the police....or maybe their victims aren't so innocent......just think about it!!
I wouldnt say he'd have anything against the footy club, you report whats given to you.
Unfortunetly Ashleigh Brown had put up w inuendo after his court case was made public last yr, once it's out in the public forum you ca'nt do much about it.
Even in regional football.

still waitin for you to give me a date when brown was in the paper about his court case bigant.

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The story about England and Sturzaker was in on March 6 in the sport department.
I really think someone needs to get there facts right, from what I have heard both are playing at Portland this year and there has never been any talk of them getting sacked.
still waitin for you to give me a date when brown was in the paper about his court case bigant.

Christ...i don't know, i was'nt even in the area, it was sent to me & since then i've used it as arse paper !! who cares any way...
The moral of this shizen is your fair game in country footy just as much as your fair game even if your on a afl list...
The story about England and Sturzaker was in on March 6 in the sport department.
I really think someone needs to get there facts right, from what I have heard both are playing at Portland this year and there has never been any talk of them getting sacked.

The print media in this in this situation want too make sure their stories are 100% in those type of gossip columns....or else there very much in the wrong when names are named.
The print media in this in this situation want too make sure their stories are 100% in those type of gossip columns....or else there very much in the wrong when names are named.

What is the difference between the gossip section of the print media and the gossip on this very public and widely accesable chat thread? You can't have a crack at someone when you are publishing it yourself. If its not about football, why are we talking about it on a football thread? Some people have read one apparently wild accusation from one media outlet and ran with it on here. Same as hearing one rumour in a pub from one rumour monger and telling everyone without checking how true it was. You can't just say "Well I didn't start it, someone told me", because if you are speading it, you are a part of it. Can we please get talking about kicking the little red pig skin around again and who is going to do it better than who?
Millicent's practice match over the weekend against mid se club Mount Burr was one of mild success too be totally honest...:cool: While the margin was too be expected, it may take another trial & the round robin competition to fine tune the saints.
Played over six quarters and mix of senior/magoo's & thirds; the saints unveiled all there signings except assistant coach Troy Hosking.

All signings showed that with continued game time would be welcome additions to the team & club. With these added signings it will bring in a fierce amount a competition for spots; with some regular senior players over the years looking like they may have a fight on there hands to keep a spot in the 1's.
They'll get another chance this weekend when they face mid se premiers Hatherleigh @ hatherleigh. One would expect & hope there to be a little bit of niggle in it with former Millcent senior player Brett Sneath now playing for the eagles...whilst the club always looked after Sneath, you would've thought Sneath show some loyality in return in a club you thought he loved....obviously not.
Heard a rumor last week that Sturzaker could be comin into a leadership role at portland (possibly captain..)
Just wondering if there were any other new captains, or predictions for captains, around the league?
I have heard Lancaster may miss the start of the season - but not sure if this is true. May be looking at Sturzaker while he is out?
Lots of rumours. May be wrong, but wouldn't think Sturzaker would be looked at as a possible captain at the moment. England has not been training last i heard but i gathered this is not unusual. This was a couple of weeks ago. I think Portland will be the side that eveyone will still be chasing. Millicent the only side that has seemed to recruit much. Heywood has picked up a guy that sounds like he may be handy, wont be enough on his own though. Is there much going on over the border?
Yeah only was just a rumor I heard that sturzaker may be considered...
Might be a plan to straighten the off-field stuff by giving more responsability on-field.

And I hope Heywood aren't putting all their eggs in the one basket with the new recruit, Dwyer, had a quick look at training on tuesday and don't reckon I'd rate him...
Talks to with Jeremy Ellis travelling back each weekend to play as well as a similar deal for Aaron Gepp.
Good to see a bit of a connection to Millicent's 1984 premiership at the club. With new recruit Chris Murray being the son of Bob Murray, who played at CHF in the 1984 side.

Bob was a good player, well so dad and my uncle tell me, so hoefully Chris is a chip off the old block for the sainters.
Lots of rumours. May be wrong, but wouldn't think Sturzaker would be looked at as a possible captain at the moment. England has not been training last i heard but i gathered this is not unusual. This was a couple of weeks ago. I think Portland will be the side that eveyone will still be chasing. Millicent the only side that has seemed to recruit much. Heywood has picked up a guy that sounds like he may be handy, wont be enough on his own though. Is there much going on over the border?

I heard England hasn't been training because Portland hasn't 'asked' him to go to training!
What happended to turning up to training because you love footy and your club??
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