Western Region Football League team (Part 1)

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Re: Western Region Football League team

Spot on whisty
The safest place is on the ground when you play the colts but they get young blokes coming through thinking there gangsters
Im from braybrook & the last time colts travelled down our way when dougy hawkins played you never seen so many blokes cringe & duck there heads like colts did that day they never scared us on or off the ground

And you can talk about gangsters yourself. Braybrook has always been full of them. Hero's strutting around like they are 10 foot tall but only full of wind really.
Re: Western Region Football League team

What a load of crap !!!
I played in that match to prove it districts had 2 twins (i think) that wore runners & both killed us as i remember it parks were 6 goals up then districts stormed home to win by 3 or 4 points there were a few blues but nothing out the ordinary to say we ran to our cars is a LIE after the game we had a drink behind the glass windows i know mano was there
& as for 1 of our players being hit in the old rooms (m) hit frank zocolli our rover over the head with a fdl record weighing aprox 1 ounce as i remember frank was BOG that day & we won by 15 goals
I have plenty of respect for colts on the ground as they did for us they were great games to play in
But for some unknown reason your storys seem to change as the years go on a little fight turns into 8 blokes getting bashed 2 blokes getting knifed & 3 blokes getting shot
Try & get your lies straight before coming back on
Just for the record.There was no glass windows at Districts in fact their rooms were more like a replica of jika jika at Pentridge.Who the **** is Mano ?Think you might have wrong game at wrong ground then again maybe you might have had concussion that day and might be confused,after all Districts handed out a fair bit of punishment to Parks that day.
Re: Western Region Football League team

Not an actual side but just naming a few in different areas... might get some discussion going from all teams.

Backs - bright, magnusson, linton, kairns, martin, thorn(new), lubke(new)

Mids - mcgoldrick, acreman, travvy, older(new), harrison, glowacki, foley, mentha, donovan, quinn, lyons

Forwards - goring, carroll, king(new), connor, woods(new), hedditch, bunworth(new)

Rucks - millar, matt harper(new), mcinneny

i know we wont at any stage have all these guys available, due to VFL or injury but thats a list of guys to choose from. shows our strength in the midfield, with our weakness probably being a ruckman short.

Would put Hill into those group of defenders. New fella from the bush who has showed very solid form in the two praccys so far.

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Re: Western Region Football League team

What a load of crap !!!

If you want to talk clashes between both partys find out what happened at the elephant wheelborow in st kilda OR the marque in sth melb when there was a broken jaw & another was bloke sleeping ive got plenty of respect
for colts on & off the ground but parkside in there hayday didint back down from anyone on or off the ground

Bale colts also have alot of respect for parkside on and off the field, not keen to keep this topic going but i have been back at the club 13 years and do not know of any incident between the clubs off the field at either of those venues or any where else for that matter.could you pm me the details?????.
With the incident at colts,it was definately 1 on 1 i was right there but parkside won the main event and that was the footy but i can tell you also that on several occasions 1 former colts player and former prez had all at parks terrified no one would say boo back...Fact......lets leave all that sh it behind anyway.....parkside have been the best wrfl team over along period of time and a real shame they have been relegated to div 2 but knowing how great they are i'm sure they will be back and be a force again in div 1 before we know it.
Also a great effort by ali,juegan and p.davis having a crack at div 2 and really putting the club first, to get them back in div1.
Re: Western Region Football League team

heard a small rumour today that obe1 has moved on very strange if true.

This rumour may have started with obe1 not attending the weekend's praccy game???? but definately not true he had family commitments,and we all know family first footy second.....well for praccy games anyway
Re: Western Region Football League team

Not an actual side but just naming a few in different areas... might get some discussion going from all teams.

Backs - bright, magnusson, linton, kairns, martin, thorn(new), lubke(new)

Mids - mcgoldrick, acreman, travvy, older(new), harrison, glowacki, foley, mentha, donovan, quinn, lyons

Forwards - goring, carroll, king(new), connor, woods(new), hedditch, bunworth(new)

Rucks - millar, matt harper(new), mcinneny

Forward line looks like the weakest link but anymore background on these new forwards. Where they from and resume
Re: Western Region Football League team

Not an actual side but just naming a few in different areas... might get some discussion going from all teams.

Backs - bright, magnusson, linton, kairns, martin, thorn(new), lubke(new)

Mids - mcgoldrick, acreman, travvy, older(new), harrison, glowacki, foley, mentha, donovan, quinn, lyons

Forwards - goring, carroll, king(new), connor, woods(new), hedditch, bunworth(new)

Rucks - millar, matt harper(new), mcinneny

Forward line looks like the weakest link but anymore background on these new forwards. Where they from and resume

I thought the same thing....give us some info on the new blokes, herd kairns will be good,got a fair leap on him,good for spoiling???? mite turn him into a forward
Re: Western Region Football League team

Any predictions for round 1 games and margins?
Could give good insight to where people think various clubs are at?
Re: Western Region Football League team

ray jensen will announce his retirment tomorrow night at spotswood football club training, it come as big news. spoke to him at the gjm yesterday and he said his body has just had enough and he cant even get through a training session at the moment. that is a really big loss for the boys.
Re: Western Region Football League team

ray jensen will announce his retirment tomorrow night at spotswood football club training, it come as big news. spoke to him at the gjm yesterday and he said his body has just had enough and he cant even get through a training session at the moment. that is a really big loss for the boys.

Thats a fair loss for the woodsmen, with Montebello retiring as well, thats 2 big bodies gone from the side, but by the sounds of things have plenty of depth to cover. Heard new signing O'Keefe from bush goes alright just walked in off the street and wanted to play. It's amazing when a team starts to have success how people just want to get on board.

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Re: Western Region Football League team

Did anyone get to see the sunshine game yesterday?

How did Morgs go? Should go pretty well at Sunshine a type of player they were after, just needs to get the attitude right sometimes suffers from Richo syndrome when the ball doesn't go to him but can play.

The new player Woods wouldn't happen to be Luke Woods who played there years ago?
Re: Western Region Football League team

ray jensen will announce his retirment tomorrow night at spotswood football club training, it come as big news. spoke to him at the gjm yesterday and he said his body has just had enough and he cant even get through a training session at the moment. that is a really big loss for the boys.

If true it will be a massive loss,as crackers said the other day he would walk into any senior metro team and he did make his spotty team mates walk taller and as much as everyone takes pot shots at him,from what i saw he played it fair and showed great form in offering to play for less to keep his team together....more players should learn from that.
As for monty retiring.....have not heard that one from my spotty sources????when did this happen?
Re: Western Region Football League team

If true it will be a massive loss,as crackers said the other day he would walk into any senior metro team and he did make his spotty team mates walk taller and as much as everyone takes pot shots at him,from what i saw he played it fair and showed great form in offering to play for less to keep his team together....more players should learn from that.
As for monty retiring.....have not heard that one from my spotty sources????when did this happen?

it happened about 2 weeks ago at training. got the news of ray
Re: Western Region Football League team

If true it will be a massive loss,as crackers said the other day he would walk into any senior metro team and he did make his spotty team mates walk taller and as much as everyone takes pot shots at him,from what i saw he played it fair and showed great form in offering to play for less to keep his team together....more players should learn from that.
As for monty retiring.....have not heard that one from my spotty sources????when did this happen?

Hey Rock you may need to have a chat with your spotty sources, monty retired about 2 weeks ago citing a re-occuring knee problem that has hampered for some time now. Heard this from a long serving person at spotty.
Re: Western Region Football League team

Not an actual side but just naming a few in different areas... might get some discussion going from all teams.

Backs - bright, magnusson, linton, kairns, martin, thorn(new), lubke(new)

Mids - mcgoldrick, acreman, travvy, older(new), harrison, glowacki, foley, mentha, donovan, quinn, lyons

Forwards - goring, carroll, king(new), connor, woods(new), hedditch, bunworth(new)

Rucks - millar, matt harper(new), mcinneny

Forward line looks like the weakest link but anymore background on these new forwards. Where they from and resume

forward line will go well this year.

Goring - reigning Club B & F
Carrol - key forward last year, played an important role when injury free
Grainger - back from albanvale, looking fit & has had 2 good praccy matches
King - From yarraville, will be more effective playing in a better side
Harper/ Lupke - 2 tall options from wyndhamvale, both likely forward options
Connor - Training the house down after pre xmas training with willy
Basingwaith (spelling) - small crumber, good form in praccy matches.
Donovan - Had a big pre season, a gem in the clinches.

There will also be on-ballers rotating through there. foley is also a mobile option that can go in there too.

The forward line will definately be stronger than last year.
Re: Western Region Football League team

ray jensen will announce his retirment tomorrow night at spotswood football club training, it come as big news. spoke to him at the gjm yesterday and he said his body has just had enough and he cant even get through a training session at the moment. that is a really big loss for the boys.

Thats a fair loss for the woodsmen, with Montebello retiring as well, thats 2 big bodies gone from the side, but by the sounds of things have plenty of depth to cover. Heard new signing O'Keefe from bush goes alright just walked in off the street and wanted to play. It's amazing when a team starts to have success how people just want to get on board.

If spotswood football club were on wall street their shares would have plummeted causing all sorts of chaos. You can't replace players of that quality with their voice and leadership.
Crackers will be soley the man they will look to now i hope he has been working out at the gym on his back and shoulders.
Re: Western Region Football League team

forward line will go well this year.

Goring - reigning Club B & F
Carrol - key forward last year, played an important role when injury free
Grainger - back from albanvale, looking fit & has had 2 good praccy matches
King - From yarraville, will be more effective playing in a better side
Harper/ Lupke - 2 tall options from wyndhamvale, both likely forward options
Connor - Training the house down after pre xmas training with willy
Basingwaith (spelling) - small crumber, good form in praccy matches.
Donovan - Had a big pre season, a gem in the clinches.

There will also be on-ballers rotating through there. foley is also a mobile option that can go in there too.

The forward line will definately be stronger than last year.

King will be really good for you guys,the young fellow can play!!!
As for grainger and carrol personally don't think they will be the forwards to take you to a premiership and not sure the two bloke from wyndamvale will help that cause either,conor and foley should play forward and do well,and with the mcgoldrick also the forward line will be better than last year how ever still think it's your weakest area but just my thoughts but your overall depth looks very good.
Good luck travvy hope you guys go well.....
Re: Western Region Football League team

If spotswood football club were on wall street their shares would have plummeted causing all sorts of chaos. You can't replace players of that quality with their voice and leadership.
Crackers will be soley the man they will look to now i hope he has been working out at the gym on his back and shoulders.

Along with my good self, monty and ray struggled to touch the footy in the gf, so i think spotty will be ok once they get over their on field leadership loss,crackers could be the man was easily the stand out player last year.Also if molan can have a injury free year monty's loss will be covered ok and pelar could play chb/fb and cover for ray,spotty will still be a force in 08.
Re: Western Region Football League team

If spotswood football club were on wall street their shares would have plummeted causing all sorts of chaos. You can't replace players of that quality with their voice and leadership.
Crackers will be soley the man they will look to now i hope he has been working out at the gym on his back and shoulders.

not sure how true it is that he is retireing, he has been training and moving pretty well, dont think he has missed a session. in saying that he has had a few niggles from bout mid way last year that he has carried through which may be affecting him more than he lets on. hopefully its not the case as he is a big leader around the club and the best team person i have played with. will wait and see tommorow night i guess.

praccy match thursday against darley looking forward to that, get to see some of our new boys in action, they looking pretty sharp at training. tipping a big year for luke molan, if he goes injury free he will star
Re: Western Region Football League team

Bale colts also have alot of respect for parkside on and off the field, not keen to keep this topic going but i have been back at the club 13 years and do not know of any incident between the clubs off the field at either of those venues or any where else for that matter.could you pm me the details?????.
With the incident at colts,it was definately 1 on 1 i was right there but parkside won the main event and that was the footy but i can tell you also that on several occasions 1 former colts player and former prez had all at parks terrified no one would say boo back...Fact......lets leave all that sh it behind anyway.....parkside have been the best wrfl team over along period of time and a real shame they have been relegated to div 2 but knowing how great they are i'm sure they will be back and be a force again in div 1 before we know it.
Also a great effort by ali,juegan and p.davis having a crack at div 2 and really putting the club first, to get them back in div1.
Re: Western Region Football League team

There are a few people getting a little excited about who's tougher than who and who's done what at the end of the day there is always someone tougher than the next bloke ,and we are all here to play footy and what's the game is over what happens on the field stays on the field.
I can recall one day at braybrook i got knocked clean out from behind but we won the game and that was the main thing, and c gaylard looked after me when i got hit,not to sure who done it but it was not gaylard......but there is good and bad blokes on every team just as there is great players and average player and some are tougher than others..........but if anyone gets on here and bags people without putting a name to it is pretty weak, everyone is entitled to an opinion but let's put a name to it.....enough of that crap lets talk footy

COLT08 You are not from colts as hoath did not make the trip so he didn't play well.
A solid hit out in 38 degrees reserves won easily but seniors lost by about 4 or5 goals pardo,and rutley were good of the new blokes wittmar got through ok we had no hoath,brannan,winters,stevens,mullett,chisnal,d.jacob,perkins,murphy,cox.
Corowa were probably more match fit than us as we got off to a good start in each quarter but they finished alot better,big ground and hot conditions.

There is a big difference between O & M and the Western Region. Corowa were mid range last year... although they have picked up some quality players. A big ground and hot conditions, two factors that both clubs must deal with on the day!
Re: Western Region Football League team

There is a big difference between O & M and the Western Region. Corowa were mid range last year... although they have picked up some quality players. A big ground and hot conditions, two factors that both clubs must deal with on the day!

I thought there was but after what happened on the week end i think it's alot closer than people may think.I know corowa had a few out but we had alot of very good players out and i thought we were very good early but droped off due to heat and match fitness, i would love to play the game with a full list and after a few hitouts under our belt.....also our reserves kept their's goal less for three quarters and won very easily with a few 16 year olds running around.....but was a great hit out and something we have booked in for next year already
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