What do we all do for a job

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In my last semester finishing my Business / Creative Industries degree over here in London atm. Also working for Arsenal as a box-waitress for some extra quid to support my travelling habits.
The key to being a teacher is making sure the person you marry/shack up with earns more cash than you!

Shit. My girlfriend is studying to be a teacher.

Way to put me under the pump acuguy.

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Yep, husband is a sparky so after more than a decade of teaching I've given up and had kids instead.

Should I bother saying that being a full time Mum is like working 24/7 without pay or is that just another unwanted female comment? :D

Originally Posted by acuguy View Post
Shit i didn't know women posted on this forum, is there an all male footy forum anywhere

My better half is a stay at home mum and in her previous life she earnt alot more than me! I thought i had it made!
I'm what's loosely termed a spatial scientist. It's a broad term which encompasses cartography, photogrammetry and other mapping-related jobs.

I've been doing photogrammetry for about 7 years now. How it works is you get 2 overlapping images - usually aerial photographs - and capture visible features like roads, creeks, mountains in 3D for use in maps. There's a lot of crap with complex algorithms and geometry but it hurts my head just thinking about it.

The pros:
I'm in the public service which means flexitime;
Our work means little in the way of rigid deadlines and client demands;
It's a job which suits my personality.
I work with a good bunch of people

The cons:
It's not particularly exciting or dynamic and can be repetitive if not managed correctly;
Occupational hazards - after 7 years my eyes are bloodshot and stinging after work every night and I'm now getting RSI in my knuckles (so I can't think of anything better than getting online after work and moderating this board! :D)
Public service bureaucracy
Human Resource and Quality Assurance Manager for a not for profit organisation. Plus I do a fair bit of submission writing for us. We all seem to have multiple jobs here. :eek:

Enjoy my work and workplace
Been here a long time so know it very well
No staff of my own :D
Get to manage my own time and workload
Can sometimes work from home
Company car

Lower pay than corporate sector (but money isn't everything)
Been here a long time so know it very well :rolleyes:
Well I'm a Food Technologist which basically means you work behind the scenes developing the food for supermarkets. This can be anything from research and development to food safety and quality assurance. Currently I'm doing quite a bit of R&D for confectionery and dessert products.

*No one knows what a food tech is so there are HEAPS of jobs
*Eat all day
*Always changing - interesting
*Small industry so everyone knows each other

*Eat all day
*Can't walk through a supermarket without picking up 90% of products and looking whats in them
Well I'm a Food Technologist which basically means you work behind the scenes developing the food for supermarkets. This can be anything from research and development to food safety and quality assurance. Currently I'm doing quite a bit of R&D for confectionery and dessert products.

*No one knows what a food tech is so there are HEAPS of jobs
*Eat all day
*Always changing - interesting
*Small industry so everyone knows each other

*Eat all day
*Can't walk through a supermarket without picking up 90% of products and looking whats in them

Any qualifications required?

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I'm an (well was till today), only an office manager/PA for a fitness organisation. Not a regular gym but a couple of privately owned personal training clubs aimed at the more uppity clientele.

The Good:

Fantastic bosses and workmates
Free use of state of the art gyms! (it might help if I actually got off my fat arse and took that part up!)
Networking! Networking! Networking! I have met some AMAZING people who are clients/members and will be working for one them as well starting next monday.

The Bad:

My boss is a Collingwood supporter
My bosses wife and co-director is a Collingwood supporter
Fitness junkies - don't they just shit ya? Insisting on ordering in merchandise singlets in smaller sizes so their muscles look bigger when they wear them!
Chasing rich people up for money - they never seem to carry cash on them and have to be reminded a dozen times to pay up.

I'm cutting my hours right down in the clubs as of next week to do some work for them at home and some for the new employer which is a pure 'work from home PA' role at an exhorbitant pay rate. I couldn't say NO!
After teaching and before having babies I worked as a PA and receptionist for a Real Estate Agency just for a change of pace. It was a great job in terms of learning heaps about property values, marketing, listing on realestate.com, producing Courier Mail colour pictorials, creating brochures, signboards etc for specific properties, enhancing property photos, knowing the ins and outs of contracts (i.e. how to write up a contract and how to break one!) and I got to spend most of my free time looking at real estate in the area online and chatting to real estate agents. I used my time there very wisely - I found a family size home 7 kms from the city and bought it for an absolute STEAL!
After teaching and before having babies I worked as a PA and receptionist for a Real Estate Agency just for a change of pace. It was a great job in terms of learning heaps about property values, marketing, listing on realestate.com, producing Courier Mail colour pictorials, creating brochures, signboards etc for specific properties, enhancing property photos, knowing the ins and outs of contracts (i.e. how to write up a contract and how to break one!) and I got to spend most of my free time looking at real estate in the area online and chatting to real estate agents. I used my time there very wisely - I found a family size home 7 kms from the city and bought it for an absolute STEAL!

I loved working in the property industry.

Rarely a dull moment.
Dog Grooming salon owner.

Gooduns-Love dogs.

Bad Shit-Sometimes bitten.(happening more often-my reflexes aren't what they used to be)

You should go the whole Jamie Charman route and open a smoothie bar for dogs out the front.
I am a teacher and have been forever!!!
I get to spend the holidays with my son.
I really enjoy working with children.
I get to work in different parts of Australia.
I love learning new things and thats is always happening in education if you let it.

I hate the politics that come with teaching.
Sales for the Liquor industry.

Good - In tight with Publicans/Nightclub owners and Bottleshop owners.
- Pretty much out on my own
Bad - dealing with Publicans/Nightclub owners and Bottleshop owners.

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What do we all do for a job

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