NO TROLLS What is the actual case against COVID Vaccination?

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I can also see that there are many, many examples of the vaccine not being as effective as sold and also causing people injury and death This is indisputable.

We can argue over the percentages but you flat out ignore the other side which proves that it is purely ideological or financial with you.
I am not ignoring the issues with vaccination - I delayed my own first vaccination because of concerns!

I dispute, based on what I have seen and read, the idea that the vaccines are ineffective or caused widespread, serious damage. They saved millions of lives.

Some people have adverse reactions. Last I saw the hypothesis was that it was mainly genetic.

Some people have even died.

But, compared even to common drugs available in supermarkets, those serious reactions were very rare. This is what the data shows.
No need for name calling

Covid is a real thing and the vast population of the world has caught it. The health affect of covid today considering the new strains are minimal so I don't need more jabs. Why would I get a jab when the last two times I have had it is less concerning than a cold?

So why are you still getting vaccinated? Why are you so paranoid of getting covid?
My question for you is: why are you testing if you have no concerns and have less than a cold?

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I can't believe how paranoid you are about getting covid. How long are you going to keep taking the vaxx for, 5 more years, 10 more years?

It's hilarious
How many times have you had it??
Is that like when I say I am going up to the bowlo for "a couple of beers"?

I'm not sure as I don't drink with you. In fact I don't drink at all as it damages your brain and your gut health plus increases the chances of diabetes and cancer.

So you are happy to drink poison yet you want protection from covid. Seems hypocritical.
I'm not sure as I don't drink with you. In fact I don't drink at all as it damages your brain and your gut health plus increases the chances of diabetes and cancer.

So you are happy to drink poison yet you want protection from covid. Seems hypocritical.

I'm sure Chief would take a vaccination against hangovers if one existed. I'd say that's consistent.
I'm not sure as I don't drink with you. In fact I don't drink at all as it damages your brain and your gut health plus increases the chances of diabetes and cancer.

So you are happy to drink poison yet you want protection from covid. Seems hypocritical.
Straight cyanide, mofo!
So "the last two times I had it" - those were the only times you have had it?

There is zero point engaging in a conversation with you as you revert to name calling and a mod deleted a number of my comments saying I was trolling when clearly I'm not.

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There is zero point engaging in a conversation with you as you revert to name calling and a mod deleted a number of my comments saying I was trolling when clearly I'm not.
So you have had it more than twice.

You should get regular vaccinations. Happy for this to be the last we speak on this.
So you have had it more than twice.

You should get regular vaccinations. Happy for this to be the last we speak on this.


Your waisting your time getting vaxxed. I won't be getting vaxxed. There is no point in getting it for something that has very mild side affects. You can line Phizers pockets.

As a young boy, when you wondered how your life would turn out, did you ever think you'd eventually wind up proudly boasting about being an antivaxxer online to strangers?

Because here we are.

Grammar nazi hey! Cool

I'm not an antivaxxer. This reaps of pot/ kettle. We get to see chief puff his pro vaxx chest out with his band of mods supporting him.

I wonder if you imagined you'd be doing that as a kid.
People can not want to have booster after booster but not be anti vax. That comparison is completely ridiculous

Its not your choice to not have a booster that makes you antivax.

It's your guzzling of misinformation, and much of your reasonsing that makes you antivax.

For example, you claim to work in the health industry and have (in the past) claimed to understand the benefit of vaccination.

Allow me to ask you a few questions:

1) How many lives did the COVID vaccine save, and how many would have survived but for not being vaccinated (globally, and here in Australia)?
2) 1 in 283 people died from COVID in the USA compared to 1 in 1000 people in Australia. Explain this disparity.
3) Does vaccination improve your immune response, and reduce your odds of a severe case of COVID (including hospitalization and death)?
4) If 'yes' to question 3, what would be the overall impact on our Health system if 26 million people made the same choice you are making not to be vaccinated, as opposed to 26 million Australians choosing to be vaccinated? What would be the impact on Ambulance loading times, ICU wards, Doctor/ Nurse hours and the provision of health services for other diseases and ailments?

As a health worker I assume you're a man of science, so please answer the above three questions using Peer reviewed journal articles only.

Finally, do you think it appropriate for a health worker to publicly oppose vaccination?
Its not your choice to not have a booster that makes you antivax.

It's your guzzling of misinformation, and much of your reasonsing that makes you antivax.

For example, you claim to work in the health industry and have (in the past) claimed to understand the benefit of vaccination.

Allow me to ask you a few questions:

1) How many lives did the COVID vaccine save, and how many would have survived but for not being vaccinated (globally, and here in Australia)?
2) 1 in 283 people died from COVID in the USA compared to 1 in 1000 people in Australia. Explain this disparity.
3) Does vaccination improve your immune response, and reduce your odds of a severe case of COVID (including hospitalization and death)?
4) If 'yes' to question 3, what would be the overall impact on our Health system if 26 million people made the same choice you are making not to be vaccinated, as opposed to 26 million Australians choosing to be vaccinated? What would be the impact on Ambulance loading times, ICU wards, Doctor/ Nurse hours and the provision of health services for other diseases and ailments?

As a health worker I assume you're a man of science, so please answer the above three questions using Peer reviewed journal articles only.

Finally, do you think it appropriate for a health worker to publicly oppose vaccination?

You seemed triggered
A man of science. As I expected.

See thats why you're an antivaxxer. Notwithstanding clear empirical peer reviewed science that youre wrong, you refuse to take a vaccine based on fear and misinformation.

Thats the truth of it. And I know deep inside you know it too.
And he's had Covid like 5 or 6 times.

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NO TROLLS What is the actual case against COVID Vaccination?

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