So my young bloke doesn't want to have an automatic license like all the other sissy drivers on the road, and we're out doing driving lessons in the manual. As happens occasionally he stalls pulling away from a roundabout.
This knob in a hotted up ute honks his horn, then once we're going , he tailgates him up the road. ( doing 50 in a 50 zone). At the next traffic lights i had to get out and politely and loudly inform him that i know he masturbates a lot.
He has a bumper sticker on his ute, "your daughter likes this" NO SHE DOESN'T you knob. I've brought her up really well and she has really good w***er detection.
This knob in a hotted up ute honks his horn, then once we're going , he tailgates him up the road. ( doing 50 in a 50 zone). At the next traffic lights i had to get out and politely and loudly inform him that i know he masturbates a lot.
He has a bumper sticker on his ute, "your daughter likes this" NO SHE DOESN'T you knob. I've brought her up really well and she has really good w***er detection.