Mega Thread What really grinds my gears.

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This is one of my all time hates.

So you at the petrol station and there are two spots. First is taken and filling up so you park behind them and get going. They finish, pay, leave.

We are all good at this stage.

Then some campaigner with zero consideration for anyone else in the world reverses into the spot in front of you, or if they are James Hird level campaigner they just drive straight in front of you nose first. And of course there is some other w***er behind you so you are snookered watching some arseh*le that looks like he goes through more ice in a week than petrol fill his car up. **** him

WHAT THE **** is wrong with people :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Just putting it out there.

I like religion. I especially like it when those flogs set up in the city square and call every second person a ******,

"homosexuals are ******s, if you love them then you are a ****** too and god will strike you down, ******"

Seems like a perfectly sensible and well thought out marketing campaign to me :drunk:
What about shopping loyalty programs.

**** me - do I look like I want to cart a filing cabinet full of cards around. If my wife says one more time "why didn't you use the myer one card" I am going to probably just accept her comments, say sorry and hope for sex :$ but if she says after we have already had sex all hell is going to break lose :mad::mad::mad:
What about shopping loyalty programs.

**** me - do I look like I want to cart a filing cabinet full of cards around. If my wife says one more time "why didn't you use the myer one card" I am going to probably just accept her comments, say sorry and hope for sex :$ but if she says after we have already had sex all hell is going to break lose :mad::mad::mad:

Installed some loyalty card app on Ms Shawn's phone... instantly shed 42kg of weight from her handbag. Takes all cards
Might as well throw another one in...

The phrase '...and Coke'.

FFS, either drink a whiskey, or get a Vodka Lime and Soda and relegate yourself to the ladies table.

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Might as well throw another one in...

The phrase '...and Coke'.

FFS, either drink a whiskey, or get a Vodka Lime and Soda and relegate yourself to the ladies table.
What about whiskey and water?
Who the **** had the bright idea to put a glass screen on an iPhone..!? :mad:
I agree ... campaigners
Gears grinding.

I usually drink neat but if it is really hot, I can knock back a whisky soda or a whiskey with lemonade. Only cheap booze gets used though (JW Black or EW Black). ****s me how those blokes drink whiskey cola cans all night - fat campaigners with diabetes and rotten teeth.
Thomas The Tank Engine.

Little disrespectful twat drives me up the wall. My son love the show but that little tank engine is anything but "really useful". Example would be something like this:

Fat Controller - Thomas, I have a special special (yeah I know, but it's a thing). I want you to take this heart and lungs straight to Sodor Private Hospital, there's a little 12 year old boy called Jimmy who needs it straight away. This is incredibly important Thomas, go straight to the hospital because the heart and lungs must be in the surgeon's hands in no less than 60 minutes or Jimmy will die!
Thomas - Yes Sir!

Thomas moves off post haste. We next see him overtaking Percy.

Percy - Where are you going Thomas? I'm going to pick up toys and deliver them to Brendham Docks!
Thomas - I'm going to deliver this heart and lungs to Jimmy at the hospital...but I bet he'd love a new toy for when he wakes up. Can I come and get a toy Percy?
Percy - Of course Thomas! They're not mine to give away but stuff it, come to the factory and help yourself.
Thomas - Gosh thanks Percy! I can't wait to see Jimmy's face when he has a new heart, lungs AND toy.

Thomas buggers off with Percy, wasting valuable time. He also bumps into Henry and Emily and ends up with a toy train, puppy and balloons to give to Jimmy when he wakes up. He also stopped to talk to a squirrel and help some children get their kite out of a signal box. His total time wasted has been 5 hours and 47 minutes. Then the reality sets in.

Thomas - Bust my buffers! (Yeah, they're mouthy little so and so's.) I have to head to the hospital. There can be no delay, I must travel without stopping to get this transplant to Jimmy today!

Thomas pulls into the docks.

Fat Controller - THOMAS! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!! Little Jimmy was depending on you, he needed that heart over 3 hours ago. He died at 2:57, his last words were "I know Thomas won't let me down Mummy".
Thomas - <whining voice> I'm sorry Sir, I wasted time getting presents for Jimmy. Does he have a brother or sister Sir?
Fat Controller - Yes, he has a 24 year old sister called Mandy.
Thomas - Would she like a toy train, puppy and balloons Sir?
Fat Controller - That's an wonderful idea Thomas, they will really help her get over the completely avoidable death of her brother caused by your total failure to follow a simple and direct instruction. Your a really useful engine!

Then that'll be the end. The railways are a shambles on Sodor and it all starts with that fat, enabling controller. The fish rots from the head. But my son loves it and who am I to deny him truly appaling life lessons from the beautiful island of Sodor.

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Mega Thread What really grinds my gears.

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