What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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The first part of that question would be best answered by the diplomats from the Egyptian and Syrian embassies - dontcha think?
"If true"? No, it's me saying I don't know if what you said is true or not. But if I accept that it is true for the sake of argument, then... What is your theory?

Peter Dutton’s Gaza call won’t hurt marginal seats

Marginal electorates with large numbers of voters whose parents were both born in Australia and few Muslims easily outnumber battleground seats with large Islamic communities, prompting strategists to declare there will be little electoral downside from Peter Dutton’s hardline stance on Gaza visas.

Data from the 2021 census, applied to current electoral boundaries, reveals there are 24 marginal seats where the percentage of people whose parents were both born in Australia is above the national figure and the percentage of Muslims living in the electorate is below the corresponding number. In contrast, there are only six marginal seats where there are a lower percentage of people with both parents born in Australia and a higher percentage of Muslims than the nation as a whole. Of those six, the Coalition is a contender in five, one of which is Banks, the southern Sydney seat of Liberal MP David Coleman. He told The Australian he supported Mr Dutton’s call to temporarily ban entrants from Gaza, despite nearly 7 per cent of voters in his seat being Muslim

Anyone thinking that Dutton is going to pay some sort of penalty at the ballot box for this stance is going to be disappointed to know that it is in fact more likely to boost his chances instead of hurting them.

It's not only muslims that are against racism, apartheid and genocide.

Maybe you should look at Dutton's electorate where he has lost votes each election, making it a marginal seat.

From memory, he only holds it by about 1% margin now.

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The first part of that question would be best answered by the diplomats from the Egyptian and Syrian embassies - dontcha think?

I can certainly proffer an opinion on why Australia admits so many Gazan refugees - Albo and his cronies do not have the health, safety and welfare of Australian citizens as their top priority. As can be demonstrated by a boatload (no pun intended) of their policy failures in less than three years in office.

You haven’t answered my question.

Do you really think there aren’t Palestinians in Egypt??

How many Palestinians are in Australia?
It looks like the Libs have given up completely on going into the election claiming to be better economic managers which to be fair with Angus Taylor as shadow treasurer was always going to be a hard sell and are going all in on racism and nuclear energy as their only actually policies. Dutton as PM would be a national tragedy, he'd make Morrison look like a statesman.
Yeah, I think Morrison and Abbott and Turnbull each thought they were doing the right thing by everyone with their policies.

I think Dutton genuinely thinks some people are unworthy and should be denied any help and left to die. That includes Australians, but mostly non-Australians, but definitely the ones he supports have something in common and those he demonises have something in common.
The dog whistling racist has gone a step too far in his race to the bottom over the Gaza war victim refugees issue - and gets absolutely owned in Parliament as a result.

The furtive embarrassed looks of those sitting alongside him makes it clear even they know Dutton has mis-stepped badly here.

But what's the bet he will go even further. Because no one in the mainstream media outside of the ABC will call it out for what it is.

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For a so called hard man Dutton is a pathetic puppet

I think he’s hard in the sense he’s prepared to say & do literally anything for money & power & has absolutely no shame or basic morality.

Can lie through his teeth with a straight face and adopt any position on any issue if there’s a dollar in it or it takes him closer to the big boy chair.

Definitely takes a thick skin.

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Yeah, I think Morrison and Abbott and Turnbull each thought they were doing the right thing by everyone with their policies.

I think Dutton genuinely thinks some people are unworthy and should be denied any help and left to die. That includes Australians, but mostly non-Australians, but definitely the ones he supports have something in common and those he demonises have something in common.

His own record on allowing dodgy immigrants as immigration minister stinks too
I think he’s hard in the sense he’s prepared to say & do literally anything for money & power & has absolutely no shame or basic morality.

Can lie through his teeth with a straight face and adopt any position on any issue if there’s a dollar in it or it takes him closer to the big boy chair.

Definitely takes a thick skin.

His strategy doesn’t deliver govt, unless voters revert to the howard years. How many of those voters are dead?
Dutton has to go. WTF is this? There is 100% "something wrong with him".

What sort of moron disrupts parliment and call the "member shall no longer be heard" when you are not even close to having the numbers? This is a front to democracy and a complete disregard for the parliament. Again.

What is wrong with the Liberals?

Oh yeh - "everything is political".

Can you include a bit more description with these Twitter posts? Cheers.

i thought they were self-explanatory chiefo. as for the last one, labor m.p and olympian (also commonwealth games sports shooter) dan repacholi brought his medals into the parliament to take the piss out of the leader of the opposition - peter dutton. the member for hume - angus taylor. the member farrer - sussan ley. and the member for fairfax - sussan ley.

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What would a Dutton Liberal leadership mean for the Liberals and the country?

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