Climate 200 sees global climate change as THE biggest issue facing the long term future of Australia - the data backs that statement up.I'd like to hear what gives people confidence that the Teals have more of an interest in solving the problems than the Liberals do.
Australia's richest person is Gina Rinehart - by a large huge margin. A large proportion of her wealth is built on the mining, sale and use of fossil fuels.They care about keeping rich people rich.
Santos, BHP, Woodside Petroleum are amongst our largest companies by market capitalisation. They, and other huge energy companies including Origin, AGL and Rio Tinto are amongst Australia's highest greenhouse gas emitters whose stocks are held widely in the stock portfolios of our largest public and private superannuation and investment management companies.
The simplistic tabloid suggestion that the agenda of Climate200, aimed at reducing Australia's reliance on carbon energy sources and reduce emissions is all about 'keeping rich people rich' is demonstrably wrong.
Ironically the main goal of Climate 200, which is a not for profyt organisation, is to ensure a science based debate on issues to ensure such biased and ignorant claims are proven to have zero basis in fact.
Perhaps you should take the time to visit their website and mount a facts based debate on their claims and objectives.
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