When was the last time you were scared?

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Club Legend
Mar 2, 2001
The last time I was bloody scared was when I came home from the footy a couple of years ago. This was at night. A friend dropped me off outside my house. A few meters behind us was a car that was also parked outside my house. As I was about to get out of the car that my friend was driving, the person or people in this car behind us decided to come right up behind my friends car. I was nervous and told my friend that I was getting out of here. I got out of the car, and the car behind decided to turn off his lights, and open the door of his car. By this stage, I was starting to panic, and walked quickly in to our back yard so I could get inside. This maniac did not get out of his car, like I thought he was going to. It took me forever to find the right key to get inside, because nobody had left a light on for me. By the time, I got inside and went to the window, the person and his or her car were gone.

I can only assume that the reason the person or people in the car were trying to scare me is because a drug deal may have been happening at the time, and the people in the car must have been scared that I suspected something.

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Originally posted by BomberBoy
What scared do you mean..

As in having a fright, or fearing death?

I mean more than just a little fright. In the incident I was talking about, I didn't know what to expect, and I was more than a little frightened.
I get scared very easily.

Last night I was sitting in a car by myself in a very dark carpark in st albans waiting to pick up my sister. I sat there for ten minutes, frightened the light out of myself, especially when I saw people walking behind buildings.

Nowadays I get scared by loud engines, I think a lot of people feel the same about that at the moment. I'll jump at the sound of a train.

In about April this year, my sister phoned up in tears saying my mother had an accident, I was extremely scared until I managed to get out of her that everyone was alright. The same day I heard a very loud jet engine going over the top. instead of sounding like it was getting further and further away, it just got louder and louder. I thought that it was going to crash into us for sure (When I was little I'd caught a few conversations about Lockerbie (sp?), ever since I've panicked that they would crash into the house) as it turned out, I ran outside and the plane wasn't very low at all, so I have no idea why it was so loud.
Originally posted by The Hitman
At the moment I'm scared to tell somebody something... :eek: :(

The Hitman

I don't blame you, Hitster. Can you just imagine the conversation...

The Hitman (towelling down Heavy D Calthorpe in the corner of a boxing ring) : Hey Heavy, remember when you were six and you went to McDonalds, somebody stole your fries and we never found out who it was...
Heavy D (gnawing a leg of lamb) : yeah...
The Hitman (putting down towel and beating a hasty retreat) : Well... it was me!
Originally posted by Darky

I don't blame you, Hitster. Can you just imagine the conversation...

The Hitman (towelling down Heavy D Calthorpe in the corner of a boxing ring) : Hey Heavy, remember when you were six and you went to McDonalds, somebody stole your fries and we never found out who it was...
Heavy D (gnawing a leg of lamb) : yeah...
The Hitman (putting down towel and beating a hasty retreat) : Well... it was me!


I wouldn't try that...not that he would catch me anyway, I would hide behind the hot dog stand and he would get distracted! ;)

Nah...it's something a tad more serious then that! :eek:

A very scared Hitman...

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Originally posted by Darky

I don't blame you, Hitster. Can you just imagine the conversation...

The Hitman (towelling down Heavy D Calthorpe in the corner of a boxing ring) : Hey Heavy, remember when you were six and you went to McDonalds, somebody stole your fries and we never found out who it was...
Heavy D (gnawing a leg of lamb) : yeah...
The Hitman (putting down towel and beating a hasty retreat) : Well... it was me!
A couple of weeks ago, when I had to catch the midnight train from Preston to Jolimont so I could queue for Grand Final tickets.

That UDL drinking, technicolour yawning posse of 16-year-old sheilas had me wishing I'd worn my brown corduroy pants, I can tell you! :eek:
I was in the car with a friend a few days ago and he was pissed off at something and was driving waaay to fast. I hate being a passenger, you cant do anything...your life is in the hands of someone else. I hate that feeling.
OK last time I was truly scared was when I was 15 and had a very near death experience at the hands (literally) of my father.

All I know now is that not much scares me after that one.
When I was 10, I was down at the local oval (in Perth) with a friend, and this lady came up to us and was trying to coerce us to get into her car, on the pretence she wanted us to have a look at some educational books. We knew this was dodgy and we were talking our way out of it. She was saying it was okay and that she would call our parents from her house, and that she would drop us off at home afterwards. We were reasonably scared as she was trying to pressure us into it, so we ran off.

I forgot about this incident until about 7 years later when the Bernies were caught for being serial killers. The photos of the Bernie lady wasn't very clear, and neither was my memory. I suspected this was the lady who approached us that day 7 years earlier. It sent a definate chill down my spine.

I don't usually get scared about anything, but for some reason, this popped up in my memory the other day. Food for thought.
The last time I was scared?

It was just the other night, my wife said "Coming to bed dear", with a certain gleam in her eye.

Scared the hell out of me.
i was 15 or 16, year 11 at school
saturday night, myself and my two best mates went to an 18th in taylors lakes
we had a few at my mates house, then walked to this party just around the corner
anyway it was really boring so a friend from school invited us back to her house, the invite was only meant to be for about 10 people
by about 11pm there was well over 50 people there

her parents are rich and her house is amazing, its beautiful
a fight broke out in the lounge room, punches and kicks left right and centre, the piano was stuffed
then a guys foot went through the window, with the glass shattering into a girls hand who was watching the fight from outside

this girl was a pretty close friend of mine, so she was freaking by this stage and was yelling people to get out, he house is on a double block cause there was no house built next door, so basically people stayed around in the vacant block

not long after a car load of guys turned up, wearing black and carrying baseball bats, the got out looking for the guy who started the fight, walked inside, charged through the house and broke a lot of stuff, couldnt find the guy so went away again

shortly after that the power went out, myself and mate went and checked the fuse box and they had been taken

by this stage i made the decision to call the police, but everyone had a go at me, "let it go, nothing else is going to happen"

not long after a fire had started in the enterance of the house
we put it out but the fire brigade was called anyway, there was a fair bit of damage done

the engines were heard and everyone left, leaving myself, two mates and the girl whose house it was and two of her other friends
the fire brigade arrived and we followed them in with torches to find the fridge had been emptied onto the floor, glass jars were thrown around in the kitchen and a bong on the kitched table

myself and my mate were then told to leave by two guys who we went to school with who were friends with the girl that owned the house
we were underage and they didnt think we should be there when the cops arrived

so we walked home to my mates house, probably a ten minute walk, but after what happened it seemed like an hour
on the way home a car slowed down, the drive yelled out something, we **** ourselves and dived into a house
turned out to be someone we knew and they were being a smartass

when we got to our mates house the carload of guys with baseball bats were parked opposite, now we were really scared, these guys were going to have us on toast, they just wanted a fight and didnt care who, they were in there twenties and we were 15-16
so we ran up the street and jumped the fences of about four houses behind my mates so we didnt have to walk passed the car, jumped his back fence, over the front gate and they saw us,
fu(k we ***** ourselves
anyway, we got inside and not long after they left

we didnt sleep, we were far too scared, we sat up all night having shots of jim beam trying to calm ourselves

never forget that night
cost the girls family heaps, bout 15k in damage to the house, but was covered by insurance
and had to pay a lot of money cause after we left, 3 fire engines, 2 ambos and 2 cop cars turned up
Umm march 97 sometime i think it was, it's not really too scary, but i thought i would die so it counts.

My family and I were driving back from a friend of the familys little girls 6th birthday party, it was the middle of the day and we were going down Yan Yean road.. if anyone knows where that is.

We came up to a single car bridge and stopped to let one car cross ahead of us and just as we went to cross another car came roaring from the other direction and nearly knocked us off the bridge, we weren't quite on the bridge by that stage though so we had time to get off and let it pass.. my dad being the hero had a few words to say .. or scream and we thought that was that and kept going.

Me and my cousin were a bit paranoid so we kept watching behind us, about 5 mintues later we looked back again to see the second car following behind us, gaining pretty fast.
We told my dad about it and at first he wasn't worried but by the time we were going 100 which was the speed limit, this car was going at least 120 to catch up to us so fast.

The car came up as though to overtake us and just as they came parallel to our car they swurved into the side of our car forcing us to roll three times and land upside down in a ditch, taking out trees, shrubs and poles on our way.

It was one of the freakiest feelings ive ever experienced, the last thing i saw before rolling was a girl about 5 years old reaching over to her father in the drivers seat screaming for him to stop and him pushing her away, then looking back to where we were heading, seeing a pole coming towards our car and thinking "this is it, im going to die right now" the weirdest thing is, at the time i wasn't even scared, it was like i had just accepted the fact that i knew i would die (or thought it for sure)
Then i don't remember much else until we had stopped and having my dad rip me from my seat belt and carry me from the car.
My head was bleeding and that freaked me out, by this time my dad was trying to get my brother out of his seatbelt, who was still hanging upside down in the back seat of the car.
My brother has severe disabilities so he couldn't do it himself or even help my dad to get him out, at the time he was 18 and he's pretty heavy so that didn't help either..
While my dad was trying to get everyone out of the car, this guy and his brother, who had just pulled up in the car which turned out to be the first car we passed on the bridge came up to my dad and starting laying into him, now my dads not a weak man, but he was in a state of shock and he thought he wasn't going to get my brother out of the car.
There were fights breaking out everywhere, the guys son, who was about 15 had ran at my dad and i'd seen it (i was about 11) and decided that it was enough so i ran at him jumped at his back and started ripping at his hair.. my cousin was trying to get the guys off my dad and my mum was just desperately trying to get herself and my brother out.

The ambos, fire brigade and police turned up soon after and took the men away, they finally got my brother and the rest of my family out of the car and everyone was ok, i had a few head injuries and my dad was pretty battered but other than that nothing serious..
What makes it even worse is the driver had his 9month pregnant wife in the car at the time along with all his children..

Road rage sucks.
MM & Walshy

Those are scary stories.

I don't know if anyone else has them that bad, glad you were all OK & that hope the idiots who did it got jailed.:mad:

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When was the last time you were scared?

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