When will the Age wisen up to this amateur

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The shame with the dailies, (as they die in the ethereal glow),
is that todays paper is yesterday's news.

And when they light the last bonfire at the paper mill
(less than 10 years)
they will find that this thing we do,
has been just a good a source/resource as the dailies.

As long as this thing doesn't sellout.

Which it probably will.

But at least you can sort the wheat from the chaff here.
And everything here is an opinon piece,
so click on.
Your fine example makes Garry Lyon look stupid, not Caro. Journalists are employed to both report facts and to present opinions, which is exactly what Caro does.

A lot of what she writes is speculation, innuendo and wishful thinking, presented as fact.

Supporters of other teams could no doubt list other 'facts' that she got wrong. Speaking as a North fan, I know that in recent years she has written as fact (sic) :
* North WILL go to the Gold Coast, they have no choice
* the players all WANT to go to the Gold Coast
* the Arden St redevelopment WON'T happen
* North was treating Laidley badly by running a mid-season review on hsi performance (overlooking the fact that it was Laidley who inserted the round 16 deadline into the contract)
* North should re-sign Laidley now (this was Sunday's paper......the same day that Laidley wandered the rain-swept streets of Adelaide, and decided, for the third time since the end of the 08 season, that it was time to move on)
* Laidley & Arocca had had a big falling-out, and Arocca would be a conspicuous absentee from the farewell drinks at Laidley's place (written last night, when Arocca was at said function)

You don't see any sort of a pattern here?
Caroline Wilson is judged way more harshly here than any male football journalist, and not because her opinion is any less worthy than her male counterparts.
Haven't noticed that any male equivalent, clueless, biased or doesn't check their facts male journo is pilloried to the same extent!
Have you read any threads on Fatrprick Smith and the arrogant, twisted crap he regularly serves up?

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A lot of what she writes is speculation, innuendo and wishful thinking, presented as fact.

Supporters of other teams could no doubt list other 'facts' that she got wrong. Speaking as a North fan, I know that in recent years she has written as fact (sic) :
* North WILL go to the Gold Coast, they have no choice
* the players all WANT to go to the Gold Coast
* the Arden St redevelopment WON'T happen
* North was treating Laidley badly by running a mid-season review on hsi performance (overlooking the fact that it was Laidley who inserted the round 16 deadline into the contract)
* North should re-sign Laidley now (this was Sunday's paper......the same day that Laidley wandered the rain-swept streets of Adelaide, and decided, for the third time since the end of the 08 season, that it was time to move on)
* Laidley & Arocca had had a big falling-out, and Arocca would be a conspicuous absentee from the farewell drinks at Laidley's place (written last night, when Arocca was at said function)

You don't see any sort of a pattern here?

Yep, I see a pattern that you've doctored, but no matter if it makes a good story hey?
Still the most respected and ground breaking footy journo around.

Hahaha I laughed out loud at this one. When you consider that footy journos are at about the same level as used car salesmen, ambulance chasing lawyers, war criminals etc. that is really not saying much.
Caro doesnt need to know everything there is to know about footy, as long as she's controversial (which she clearly is), and knows enough about what's going on to piece together an article (which she does) she'll have a job.

Love her or hate her she's a smart woman who knows how to write an article that stimulates banter - which is what she's paid to do.
LOL..........this coming from an unabashed Caroline Wilson fan? :p:p:p

But tell me, what have I 'doctored' here?

I note that there's been NO response from him since this post Jacko ;)

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I am finding it amusing that some people seem think Caroline Wilson is a dick, yet the slicked back former lawyer Arocca is a quality individual? Are posters wearing pirate eye-patches when they type?
I am finding it amusing that some people seem think Caroline Wilson is a dick, yet the slicked back former lawyer Arocca is a quality individual? Are posters wearing pirate eye-patches when they type?
Well, most people seem to base their judgement that Caro lacks integrity and professionalism on her track-record of writing 'scoops' fulls of errors, innuendo and distortion.

As far as I'm concerned, Arocca's performance since he joined North has been first-class, so I have no reason to regard him as anything other than a 'quality individual'. Do you? :confused:
As someone mentioned on another thread, we need somebody to write about the AFL in the same way Bill Simmons does about the NBA.

I'm a huge Bill Simmons fan

oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh Johnny!

Man, I love the Sports Guy. You're right MC Dollop, his sense of humour and undeniable talent as a writer gave him the power to be free-ranging in his articles. Very entertaining. No one in Australia has anything close to his skills.

Anyway back on topic,
Bill Simmons had a podcast recently which touched on the perilous plight of newspaper journalism. Very interesting stuff. Basically, the immediacy of the internet means that newspapers are going to be obsolete. Leading to..

Media now is about getting the news first, not necessary right. Journalists want their names attached to the headline and the longer, more in depth personal pieces are becoming more of a niche.

So for example, Craig Hutchinson can announce that Daniel Kerr is leaving the club on Footy Classified. But when he is wrong there is no consequence. Was he just taking a shot? Was it a bad source? Who cares. He's wrong.

As Simmons said, there needs to be an official scorecard of some kind. So we can say "Craig Hutchinson, gets it right less than 33% of the time. We should be cautious to believe him here" or "Brad Hardie, hasn't got a story right since 1999"

Cliffnote: Australian journalism is awfully bad. Read Bill Simmons if you want an example of good journalism.
Yep, the silence is deafening. :p

Wonaeamirri 33 and his bosom pal jacko slap eachother's backs and high fives ...

you probably find this difficult to comprehend but I actually work most of the day and also share this pc with other people ...

I'll limit my response to the article in question:

What you wrote:

Laidley & Arocca had had a big falling-out, and Arocca would be a conspicuous absentee from the farewell drinks at Laidley's place (written last night, when Arocca was at said function)

What Caro wrote:

But by late yesterday Laidley had still not spoken to North chief executive Eugene Arocca. For months there has been speculation that Laidley and Arocca had fallen out and the Laidley camp believed the CEO wanted a new coach. He was not expected at the Laidley household last night. Caretaker coach Darren Crocker was.

Not quite what you claimed Caro wrote jacko.

You are naive if you believe that Arocca would not do the diplomatic thing, even if no one expected it. After all he is looking for a high profile replacement and he won't have to face Laidley again.
I'll limit my response to the article in question:

What you wrote:

Laidley & Arocca had had a big falling-out, and Arocca would be a conspicuous absentee from the farewell drinks at Laidley's place (written last night, when Arocca was at said function)

What Caro wrote:

But by late yesterday Laidley had still not spoken to North chief executive Eugene Arocca. For months there has been speculation that Laidley and Arocca had fallen out and the Laidley camp believed the CEO wanted a new coach. He was not expected at the Laidley household last night. Caretaker coach Darren Crocker was.

Not quite what you claimed Caro wrote jacko.

You are naive if you believe that Arocca would not do the diplomatic thing, even if no one expected it. After all, he won't have to face Laidley again.
How is that 'not quite what I claimed'? :confused:

The whole thrust of Wilson's article was that Laidley and Arocca had fallen out, that Laidley jumped because he believed Arocca was out to axe him. "He was not expected at the Laidley household last night" is pretty clear-cut in its implication, of the context of the article, that Arocca had not been invited, and would not be welcome if he did turn up. The fact that he did attend, apparently was welcome, and stayed til after midnight, undermines the whole thrust of Wilson's article.

Yet here you are, trying to claim that I am misrepresenting the facts. :p
Im with you Jacko, I hate how journalists can qualify any statement with "probably", "in all likelihood", "there has been speculation to.."

Wait wait wait, that speculation was created by you!

Speaking in likelihoods and probabilities is a tactic my Yr10 economics teacher taught me to give your arguments outs. Nothing is definitive and you are (or at least can be) partially right.
Or do you mean slick back hair?

Holy Toledo Batman - that's a hairy back.:eek:

I suppose he figures he'll never be cold in winter or get skin cancer.
As far as I'm concerned, Arocca's performance since he joined North has been first-class.

Is that a Caro-qualifying statement? :D

Geez, I dunno :

Wanting to get rid of the iconic Kangaroo from the clash quernsey and replacing it with Argentina's strip so as not to offend Collingwood. :confused:

Making comments that the Roos could make more money at Jihad Stadium with a zero crowd. :eek:

The whole coaching review process, which was spin doctoring to annoy Laidley out of the job. :thumbsdown:

His abhorrence at the chickengate scandal, which helped to make a mountain out of a molehill.

We was super at the Pies - I think most clubs were rapt they pissed their money up against a pub wall.

Mind you, he did a great job in sorting Didak out after picking him up from the cop shop after he had made an arse of himself one night - I'm sure the assistance prevented Didak from doing anything stupid after that ... hmmm ... well after the Christopher Wayne Hudson ... ahhh ... well after the Heath Shaw "he wasn't there" ... well I'm sure Eugene did something ... didn't he???
How is that 'not quite what I claimed'? :confused:

The whole thrust of Wilson's article was that Laidley and Arocca had fallen out, that Laidley jumped because he believed Arocca was out to axe him. "He was not expected at the Laidley household last night" is pretty clear-cut in its implication, of the context of the article, that Arocca had not been invited, and would not be welcome if he did turn up. The fact that he did attend, apparently was welcome, and stayed til after midnight, undermines the whole thrust of Wilson's article.

Yet here you are, trying to claim that I am misrepresenting the facts. :p
So she was told the wrong thing or misinterpreted the facts herself by mistake. In your esteemed journalism career, have you ever made a mistake? Or maybe there was a falling out that ended when Laidley left? Or maybe Arocca, like anyone in the world, doesn't like his personal relationships being written about and covered it up in the rival paper with a statement?

The Caro whinge-fest on this board is a joke. Everytime she writes something there's a massive thread full of people complaining about her, and it's always started by a North Melbourne supporter :rolleyes:. If you don't like The Age or Caroline Wilson, go and read the 4-letter word articles in the Hun.
So she was told the wrong thing or misinterpreted the facts herself by mistake. In your esteemed journalism career, have you ever made a mistake? Or maybe there was a falling out that ended when Laidley left? Or maybe Arocca, like anyone in the world, doesn't like his personal relationships being written about and covered it up in the rival paper with a statement?

The Caro whinge-fest on this board is a joke. Everytime she writes something there's a massive thread full of people complaining about her, and it's always started by a North Melbourne supporter :rolleyes:. If you don't like The Age or Caroline Wilson, go and read the 4-letter word articles in the Hun.
Or option C : she invented/twisted the facts to fit the slant she had chosen to put on the story.

As it happens, I have worked in journalism, and no, I don't believe I ever have got the facts wrong, as Wilson so consistently does. I've always been an Age subscriber, I believe the paper's football coverage would improve if they had a credible journalist in the position of Chief Football Writer. I'd rather the paper did something about it, than have to read the tabloid on a daily basis.

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When will the Age wisen up to this amateur

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