When will the Age wisen up to this amateur

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Or option C : she invented/twisted the facts to fit the slant she had chosen to put on the story.

As it happens, I have worked in journalism, and no, I don't believe I ever have got the facts wrong, as Wilson so consistently does. I've always been an Age subscriber, I believe the paper's football coverage would improve if they had a credible journalist in the position of Chief Football Writer. I'd rather the paper did something about it, than have to read the tabloid on a daily basis.
There are plenty of explanations, but how about being fed incorrect facts? I don't know how high up you were in journalism, or where you worked, but people in high places are probably targeted with false info all the time, rather than it going to someone in a much lower place.

As you can see, journalists get it wrong all the time. Just a few weeks ago, Mike Sheahan, the Hun's chief football writer, made an embarrassing mistake about Gary Ablett asking for $50k to attend. Do you think he fabricated it, or did he misinterpret the facts? You act as if Caro is the only one who does it. My question to you is, why would she fabricate something she knew could easily be disproved or discounted? To undermine her own credibility?
There are plenty of explanations, but how about being fed incorrect facts? I don't know how high up you were in journalism, or where you worked, but people in high places are probably targeted with false info all the time, rather than it going to someone in a much lower place.

As you can see, journalists get it wrong all the time. Just a few weeks ago, Mike Sheahan, the Hun's chief football writer, made an embarrassing mistake about Gary Ablett asking for $50k to attend. Do you think he fabricated it, or did he misinterpret the facts? You act as if Caro is the only one who does it. My question to you is, why would she fabricate something she knew could easily be disproved or discounted? To undermine her own credibility?
Why would she invent 'facts'?

Well, I don't know for a fact, so I'll offer you my opinion, but refrain from presenting it as fact.

In the case of NMFC, she staked her professional reputation on North relocating back in 06-07 ; when they moved to the Gold Coast, she could proclaim, 'I was first with the story!'

Her coverage of the issue was increasingly desperate as the saga unfolded, and it appeared possible that North might in fact stay put. She kept reporting it as a fait accompli, North had no choice, the players all wanted to relocate, etc etc.

Now, it seems to me, she makes a point of emphasising any negatives about North in the hope of doing what she can to undermine the club with sponsors, fans, the general media, in the hope that, if North does eventually relocate, or go under, she can proclaim, 'I wrote back in 2006 they couldn't survive in Melbourne! I WAS RIGHT!'

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I can see how people can "hate" Caro for peddling a few mistruths, and "love" JB who has been caught out pedding BS himself (White knights, AFL forcing alternative strip at home games, etc)
As you can see, journalists get it wrong all the time. Just a few weeks ago, Mike Sheahan, the Hun's chief football writer, made an embarrassing mistake about Gary Ablett asking for $50k to attend. Do you think he fabricated it, or did he misinterpret the facts?

Mike published a retraction. That's the difference. Have you ever seen Caroline Wilson publish a retraction or apology? She uses deliberately obtuse language to avoid having to ever have to publish an apology.

As such, I would be happy to infer that when Mike writes something, he knows it to be true and due to the language he employs, has to apologise when he gets it wrong. Which, is rare. Wilson specialises in gossip, rumour and innuendo and knows that there's a very high chance she'll be wrong, so she uses obtuse language to avoid having to run an apology.

Regardless, she was wrong about Laidley and Arocca and has failed to publish a retraction.

I dont mind Wilson, I dont have the same vitriolic hate that some people have on here for her, but the way she goes after certain clubs (West Coast and North Melbourne), while leaving Richmond alone is amazing. I will say that I am amazed that she is as highly regarded as she is by sections of the media and by some bigfooty posters.

North Melbourne parted ways with Laidley in the most amicable fashion possible, but shestill thought it necessary to denigrate the situation with her (incorrect) innuendo.

(White knights, AFL forcing alternative strip at home games, etc)

Whenever someone mentions the white knights as a failure of the current administration, I know they dont understand what the white knights were in place for. They were only ever there to ensure cash flow. Five white knights, tipping in 2 million each AS A LOAN WHICH WOULD HAVE TO BE PAID BACK. They were an emergency back-up to ensure we would remain in Melbourne.

If North Melbourne have strong cash-flow, why would we want the white knights?
I actually have a different recollection of what the WKs were there for, based on what JB said at the Dallas Brooks Hall meeting in Nov 07.

IIRC, NB said there were 4 or 5 benefactors prepared to help out, and the idea was for them to lend the club approx $10 mil, which would be repaid in full ; the idea was to use that money (ie, revenue from investments, whether interest or appreciation of assets) to build a cash reserve that would strengthen the club's financial position.

Leaving aside the fact that one supporter widely believed to be on of the WKs, Peter Scanlon, did tip $1 mil or so in as a donation for the Arden St project, trolls and sundry other dills like to seize on the WK saga as PROOF that JB lied to the members at the DBH meeting.

Of course, the fact of the matter is, none of the WKs was going to advance funds until the club had changed its ownership structure (IIRC, this was stated at DBH). This took a year or so. The GFC (no, not the Cats) then changed the financial situation, and the WKs were then no longer in a position to be putting out $2 mil loans.

That's the situation as I understand it. If JB produced a cheque from each of 3 WKs on Footy Calcified tonight, Crao & other trolls would still carp that there were 'only' 3 of them.
I can see how people can "hate" Caro for peddling a few mistruths, and "love" JB who has been caught out pedding BS himself (White knights, AFL forcing alternative strip at home games, etc)
It's not even a matter of 'love' or 'hate'.

JB is the president who rallied the fans and helped them stave off a transfer to the Gold Coast which would have seen our club owned 100% by the AFL. He has my respect for that, and when you claim he has been caught out peddling BS........well, you interpret the claims how you prefer to, but don't be surprised if I do the same. He has earned the benefit of the doubt in my view.

Caro is a professional journalist, whose job is to report the facts, and offer informed opinions. 'Peddling a few mistruths', in days gone by, would have been enough to see her out of a job. It certainly doesn't earn her any respect or credibility.
Caro is a professional journalist, whose job is to report the facts, and offer informed opinions. 'Peddling a few mistruths', in days gone by, would have been enough to see her out of a job. It certainly doesn't earn her any respect or credibility.

Too right Jacko, and well said. The same goes for Patrick Smith as well. These are glorified gossip columnists, agenda-driven hacks with great big barrows they push at every opportunity, and they've been doing that for a decade now - Smith for even longer.

These people are not real journalists...
or even real people!

Well with Wilson that's a foregone conclusion, however, the jury's still out on whether Smith is actually human.

At any rate, I'm pretty sure I saw him wandering around in a cave while passing by one day, he was clutching a gold ring and talking to himself...

Whatever people say, Caro is not a professional 'journalist'. The quality of her writing would not make it into a high school journal.
She is the token female AFL journalist at the Age.
She has got to her position of authority at the Age due to her mystic thources and tokenism.
I dare say her amateurism has done more harm to female advancement than good.
JB was brilliant tonight. Handled himself and caro very well. Good to see him like that as we mainly just seem him joking around on TFS, commentating or straight hosting.

God she is a pain in the ass. Liked the fact that he said something many people on here hate about her, she passes off opinion as if it was fact.

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Originally Posted by jacko57
As far as I'm concerned, Arocca's performance since he joined North has been first-class.

Is that a Caro-qualifying statement? :D

Geez, I dunno :

Wanting to get rid of the iconic Kangaroo from the clash quernsey and replacing it with Argentina's strip so as not to offend Collingwood. :confused:

Making comments that the Roos could make more money at Jihad Stadium with a zero crowd. :eek:

The whole coaching review process, which was spin doctoring to annoy Laidley out of the job. :thumbsdown:

His abhorrence at the chickengate scandal, which helped to make a mountain out of a molehill.

We was super at the Pies - I think most clubs were rapt they pissed their money up against a pub wall.

Mind you, he did a great job in sorting Didak out after picking him up from the cop shop after he had made an arse of himself one night - I'm sure the assistance prevented Didak from doing anything stupid after that ... hmmm ... well after the Christopher Wayne Hudson ... ahhh ... well after the Heath Shaw "he wasn't there" ... well I'm sure Eugene did something ... didn't he???

You can add chasing Nathan Buckley around like he was a glamour in a nightclub (he ain't going home with you tonight and never was).
You can add chasing Nathan Buckley around like he was a glamour in a nightclub (he ain't going home with you tonight and never was).
You know for a fact that he was never considering the offer from North, do you?:rolleyes:

You're like that toad Patrick Smith : London to a brick he'll be sneering at North for not convincing Buckley to take the job. And he would have sneered just as much if North weren't seen to have a crack at him.
I feel sorry for future historians who attempt to use today's media as a point of reference, to chronicle the events of the time, as it were. All they will find is a total lack of "facts", but plenty of opinion.

That's what I hate about the media. To them, their opinions are more important than attempting to chronicle events as they actually happen. I certainly am not interested in anything Caro Wilson writes because most of her work is total fabrication. Nor do I watch any television show she appears on. She's a joke, and most people who can think for themselves understand this.

It's not good enough that we have to endure her special brand of tabloid shamateurism, to the detriment of the game. And this has nothing to do with her gender, I feel the same way about a large number of male "journalists" as well.

"Journalist" ... how amusing it is to use that term. I prefer to call them "media performers" ... like clowns in a circus.
Caro used to annoy me, because of her lack of journalistic ethics, but I have now got to the point of not wasting time reading any of her articles.
I think irrelevance will see the end of her career.
There are much better writers available at the Aged.
There are some questions that don't need answering.

Hands up all those who thought North would sign Buckley given the talk about the tenure of Malthouse ... anyone? ... a few dozen North supporters ... no? ... didn't think so.

I can hear Maxwell Smart now "Would you believe ... a couple of hopeful Roo supporters?"

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When will the Age wisen up to this amateur

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