Opinion Where to from here?

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Mar 19, 2011
AFL Club
Port Adelaide
Just like all port fans I've woken up on this Friday morning extremely disappointed in what was once a proud club. Last night's performance was abysmal but sadly I kind of expected it. This club fails when the pressure is on, from top to bottom it fails. There's no sugar coating it. Clearly a new voice is needed. Unlike a large number of our supporters I've always backed Ken in, although he's been here since the end of 2012 and has become a bit stale I've always stupidly believed that he would deliver us the success we've all craved since 2004. I no longer believe in Ken. I no longer believe this team can achieve greatness under him.

When the pressure comes, his gameplan falls to bits. When was the last big big game that we won? 2021 Qualifying final? Then we got absolutely embarrassed in the preliminary. Winning it out of the middle and bombing it forward will work against 50% of our opposition. Of course the West Coasts and Richmond's of the comp won't be able to compete, we have enough talent there that we can coast through and beat the teams that we should. But when the lights get a little brighter and the spotlight is on us we melt. Time and time again we've melted.

Where to from here? I don't know. We have to accept that Ken's the coach at least for this year. I honestly feel like this is now the beginning of the end. He needs to go not because he's a bad coach, if anything he's above average but that's not what we stand for. We need a new voice at the top. We need a new game plan.

Many supporters are piling on the players, players like Marshall and Dixon, I don't understand how these supporters expect these key forwards to kick goals with the absolute garbage that's kicked into them. Stat's say we get it in to them enough but look at the actual entries, absolute rubbish bombs, we lower the eyes maybe 10 times a game and look semi decent then the set shot kicking let's us down. Dixon and Marshall this year off the top of my head must be going at about 70% set shot accuracy? I don't believe they are the problem. I don't thing getting a young Scully in or a fit Ollie Lord in will do anything to better us as a team. They'll also struggle with the garbage we serve to them.

The problem is the coaching. This win the ball and bomb it in game plan is not the answer. Ken needs to go and he needs to take a couple with him. I also feel like Jed Mcentee needs to go. He's also a fan whipping boy but rightly so. He provides absolutely nothing to the team and I believe we should be blooding a youngster like Charleson or Tommy Anastopoulos to just give them a taste. They might add a bit to the team but there's no way they add less than what us currently being served by Mcentee.

I'd love nothing more than to be proven wrong but i feel we will lose to the cats this weekend, beat the hawks and north in the following 2 then lose to the blues to head into the bye at 7-5. Not great but average. Average is what this once great club has become. Let's hope I'm wrong and Kenny somehow turns it around but I have no hope.

As weird as it sounds football becomes a little more enjoyable when hope is lost. The wins feel greater and the losses don't hurt as much, time and time again over the past decade our hope has risen and been ripped away when the lights get a bit brighter. I hope our great club returns to the pinnacle soon. I believe we have the list I truly do. I just don't think we have the game plan.

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He's in the top 5 coaches for % of games won. Above average isn't good but it's getting him by, I believe him reaching 3 prelims isn't a fluke, there is a solid coach there. He's just not the man for this job anymore. To much talent all across the board to be 'Above average'
He's in the top 5 coaches for % of games won. Above average isn't good but it's getting him by, I believe him reaching 3 prelims isn't a fluke, there is a solid coach there. He's just not the man for this job anymore. To much talent all across the board to be 'Above average'

• 10-12 in Showdowns
• 32-31 in Adelaide Oval night games
• 0-6 vs Geelong outside SA
• 0-3 in Prelims
• 5-7 in finals
• 1-4 in knockout finals at AO
• 34-3 vs GC/StK/NM

His win% is an absolute mirage, artificially boosted by a mountain of soft kills against lower-tier clubs.

He’s a mediocre coach carried by the sheer weight of talent he’s enjoyed but never probably harnessed.
• 10-12 in Showdowns
• 32-31 in Adelaide Oval night games
• 0-6 vs Geelong outside SA
• 0-3 in Prelims
• 5-7 in finals
• 1-4 in knockout finals at AO
• 34-3 vs GC/StK/NM

His win% is an absolute mirage, artificially boosted by a mountain of soft kills against lower-tier clubs.

He’s a mediocre coach carried by the sheer weight of talent he’s enjoyed but never probably harnessed.
I'm not here to argue but picking and choosing what stat's to highlight isn't the point of this post, even the ken lovers could pick certain statistics to say why he is the man for the job. Below average, average or above average it does not matter. He's had his time as our coach and needs to be moved on
I'm not here to argue but picking and choosing what stat's to highlight isn't the point of this post, even the ken lovers could pick certain statistics to say why he is the man for the job. Below average, average or above average it does not matter. He's had his time as our coach and needs to be moved on

It’s ok to be a feelings guy.

You mentioned his win%.

The data I presented should be illuminating.
Where to? Ring the club and cancel your membership. Simple.
I stuck with the club through 2007-2012 I definitely ain't chucking it in now.
It’s ok to be a feelings guy.

You mentioned his win%.

The data I presented should be illuminating.
But picking and choosing which stat's to highlight doesn't add anything. Almost as useless as the stat that Ken seems to go well against the reigning premier the year after they won the flag. People can mount arguments for or against anyone at anytime. Ken also doesn't hire himself. Clearly the people above him think he's above average to and that's why he's still in the job.

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He's in the top 5 coaches for % of games won. Above average isn't good but it's getting him by, I believe him reaching 3 prelims isn't a fluke, there is a solid coach there. He's just not the man for this job anymore. To much talent all across the board to be 'Above average'
Seriously but respectfully, go away.
I stuck with the club through 2007-2012 I definitely ain't chucking it in now.
I think you'd be hard pressed finding many here who didn't. The difference back then was, as dire as things seemed, the club had an admistration who, despite having one hand tied behind its back, fought tooth and nail against the people who were actively trying to destroy the club. Today the club has a president who just wants to be a part of the big boys club and doesn't want to rock the boat. He is the antithesis of Port Adelaide, and I hate him.
The election of Warren Tredrea to the board was a strong sign that enough people are fed up, but Koch even attempted to white ant that move.
The way I look at it, they simply do not care, no matter how many references to "true believers" they make, what you think, until people stsrt withdrawing their financial support en masse. They're nothing more than a bunch of bean counters now, who will simply keep pointing to the bottom line as their marker of success.
I used to go to almost every home game (inclusive away showdowns) and like many, would plan my weekends around the footy. It is now the opposite. If it fits with my life I will generally go, but only because its a good chance to see a couple of mates for a few beers. Sadly, we all laugh and take the piss out of how predictable our fortunes are. I went last night because it was Thursday night. Literally within 5 minutes, I knew how it would play out. It is astonishing how we continually lose the same way over and over. Furthermore, we hear Ken say "we will take learnings from this...." and next time same situation, same outcome - so we clearly dont even learn from our losses like Ken preaches.

Saddest part of it all is that, yes I cant stand Ken, but his role has been validated over and over with contract extensions so he legitimately thinks he's doing a good job - and why wouldn't he? We are currently burning an opportunity with some of the most talented people we have had on our list since early 2000's. Sure, there are plenty of gaps elsewhere, but the potential we have with our midfield group is unreal.

I hope that they get the opportunity to be led by someone else and sooner than later. Could you imagine if Chris Scott had us over summer and into this season? I guarantee you we dont lose that game last night because he can think laterally, see trends in footy and play to teams strengths.

Also, Josh Carr should have to go through a process and we find the best available. No flipping transition.
I was lucky enough a few years ago to live overseas. I realised how much of an idiot and frustrated supporter of this club I’d become. Screaming at the footy like a raving lunatic , nearly having a stroke at the Melbourne game where we didn’t kick a goal for 2.5 quarters of footy. Last year I made the decision to not renew my or my families membership for Port Adelaide for the first time in 35 years. The club has become an organisation that is to cowardly to make tough decisions and seems it’s okay being a middle of the road organisation. I think the recruiting team have done an amazing job, but we’ve been let down with coaches and the leadership team not making the tough decisions. I think we have to accept that under this current regime, this club isn’t going to win anything.
I'm shocked at how many people are saying that yesterday was the last straw.

It was just a predictable continuation of 12 years. I feel no differently today than I have since no-captains were announced in 2019.
2018 was my breaking point. I don’t care what the draw was, 11-4 to miss finals is unheard of. It should have been the sign he’s not up to it.

6 long years and countless embarrassments later…
• 10-12 in Showdowns
• 32-31 in Adelaide Oval night games
• 0-6 vs Geelong outside SA
• 0-3 in Prelims
• 5-7 in finals
• 1-4 in knockout finals at AO
• 34-3 vs GC/StK/NM

His win% is an absolute mirage, artificially boosted by a mountain of soft kills against lower-tier clubs.

He’s a mediocre coach carried by the sheer weight of talent he’s enjoyed but never probably harnessed.
This needs to be printed en-masse in A1 sticker format and stuck all over town...
I'm shocked at how many people are saying that yesterday was the last straw.

It was just a predictable continuation of 12 years. I feel no differently today than I have since no-captains were announced in 2019.
I’ve had several last straws over the years, but something about last night just felt… different? Never have I felt that exact mix of rage (from capitulating in a big game, the showdown) and apathy (from seeing it again after so many times). I’ll Probably look back on last night as the day I transitioned from being a disgruntled supporter to an outright hater, someone who despises the coaching staff, the administration, and segments of the playing group with every fibre of my being.

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Opinion Where to from here?

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