I must admit that all the Boomer ladies & wives I know are like, "Dont be so mean." "But he seems so nice, and the players love him." etc., etc.Certainly not every boomer, but certainly the group of people who were angriest with my Sack Hinkley banner were 60+. One of them told me to "get my black and white s**t off" referring to the prison bars and then told me in the next breath she'd been a trainer for the Magpies.
I have family members, one of whom posts on this board, who is one of the most militantly anti-Hinkley people I know and she has been for years.
But then, we have to admit that in general, the fairer sex are nicer people. They are often mothers, carers, and nurturers, and find it hard to be mean to anyone. Then you have some like PowerLil and Gbear over here, who I am sure are lovely caring ladies, but will do an "Aunty Jack" on you if you cross them!