Which 3 teams do you most want to win a Premiership? (After your own)

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GWS - great tune, developed a good image, good mix of players
Suns - good tops, great players
Cats - respect for a well run team from top to toe, Scott my favorite coach

Cheeky 4th: Tigers - just to further annoy Bluesers and Injectors fans, I like the Tiger army they're like us but with some success
1. Fremantle to give some time as the big boys in the west and because they have gone 30 years without the ultimate success.
2. GWS due to them being there about for several years now without winning the flag.
3. St Kilda due them being the longest without a flag.
Brisbane - feel like they’ve been knocking on the door and apart from Zorko they have a likeable team.

Collingwood - I can’t see it happening but they’re an amazing team to watch. The comebacks and frenzied style they play is enjoyable. I don’t think they can do it this year now.

Sydney - I generally like seeing the best team of the areas on win a flag and so far they’re it. I’m not a big fan of theirs and genuinely hate the whole academy, COLA benefits they’ve had over the years but I’d rather them than Carlton who are the other big chance.

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