Will you finally **** off port flogs?

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What a hilarious thread:

July 2012

Crows Supporters: Port's youth are shit and will never be any good. Our youth are God's gift to football and will only ever improve.

Port Supporters: I don't know. I can see some up side in our kids.

Crows Supporters (screaming through their keyboards): NO PORT ARE SHIT AND WILL BE SHIT FOREVER.

It looks like Port supporters are just better at spotting true talent.
So you have not choked in the finals series over the last few years? Why would this year be any different?

We were never really given a shot against the Pies in 2011 and last year we made it to the GF where anything can happen on the day. Does every team that loses the GF get labelled chokers? SHould we have not been in contention from the start to have avoided the chokers tag, you know... like 2007 for example. Losing by over 100 points, would that have been less of a choke than losing by a couple of kicks.

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We were never really given a shot against the Pies in 2011 and last year we made it to the GF where anything can happen on the day. Does every team that loses the GF get labelled chokers? SHould we have not been in contention from the start to have avoided the chokers tag, you know... like 2007 for example. Losing by over 100 points, would that have been less of a choke than losing by a couple of kicks.

So you are telling me the occasion of the grand final did not get to the Hawks players? Far out you almost choked in the prelim the week before when you missed so many shots for goal.

You lot be will judged in September. If you don't win the flag this year with your list, it will be another failure and Clarko will be gone!
So you are telling me the occasion of the grand final did not get to the Hawks players? Far out you almost choked in the prelim the week before when you missed so many shots for goal.

You lot be will judged in September. If you don't win the flag this year with your list, it will be another failure and Clarko will be gone!

Fatigue in a few key players is what got to us, and of course a big game has an effect of the thoughts of players. If you think that lost us the game though, then you are a fool.
Fatigue in a few key players is what got to us, and of course a big game has an effect of the thoughts of players. If you think that lost us the game though, then you are a fool.

keep denying that you choked if it makes you sleep at night :)
What would Poort and Richmond fans know about being a proper club?

One needs bay covers and handouts to survive while the other has made the finals 3 times in 30 years.

Now **** off and let the grown-ups talk.

Here's another one that disappered from the bay when the going got a little rough on the back of his clubs cheating and rorting.

jackster, #whyunopostinbaynomore?
Did the port power supporters join in the mexican wave with Crows supporters celebrating on that night also? :oops:
I forget..

I know they definitely left early on both nights :D:thumbsu:

Karma Bus, another front running flog that left as soon as the Crows got hit by the Karma Bus. So many front running flogs.
Here's another one that disappered from the bay when the going got a little rough on the back of his clubs cheating and rorting.

jackster, #whyunopostinbaynomore?

You have to tag these flogs to get their attention these days :)

Karma would have to be the number one contender for the front running flog title.
Port Power are the kings of choking, up until the 2007 GF anyway when they were brutally *******ed to save them the embarassment of getting close enough to Geelong to be able to choke in the first place.

Now they are trying to emulate MLB with those hilariously tacky baseball caps. Shut it down, povvos

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119 is in the past now, where it belongs. What was truly laughable was the fact that the people who created the 119 monstrosity were given a gold pass to continue wrecking havoc for many years after 2007 when there should have been a massive cleanout, including that lardarse Williams.
Port Power are the kings of choking, up until the 2007 GF anyway when they were brutally *******ed to save them the embarassment of getting close enough to Geelong to be able to choke in the first place.

Now they are trying to emulate MLB with those hilariously tacky baseball caps. Shut it down, povvos

Yankees attendance is down 20% over the last 5 years, maybe we can have "your" baseball cap style and you can borrow our bay covers....... or maybe (make that preferably) you can **** off to somewhere where people actually care about baseball :thumbsu:
Yankees attendance is down 20% over the last 5 years, maybe we can have "your" baseball cap style and you can borrow our bay covers....... or maybe (make that preferably) you can **** off to somewhere where people actually care about baseball :thumbsu:

You care enough to look up some dumb statistic about MLB crowds (gee, it wouldn't have anything to do with rising ticket prices in the MLB would it? Hmmmm). Way to go to contradict yourself, champ.

You care and you know it :thumbsu:
As sure as the Sun rising in the morning, Munson getting pwned on bigfooty.
You care enough to look up some dumb statistic about MLB crowds (gee, it wouldn't have anything to do with rising ticket prices in the MLB would it? Hmmmm). Way to go to contradict yourself, champ.

You care and you know it :thumbsu:

Yep, I care so much I'm going to sign up on a forum that revolves around a sport I hate, pretend to support a team because I hate their rival for no apparent reason, and spend my time creating shit threads and arguments about said rival because hey...... what else have I got to do? :oops::rolleyes:
Yep, I care so much I'm going to sign up on a forum that revolves around a sport I hate, pretend to support a team because I hate their rival for no apparent reason, and spend my time creating shit threads and arguments about said rival because hey...... what else have I got to do? :oops::rolleyes:

Why did you sign up to the MLB forum?? It does seem strange, but hey....like you said, you probably don't much else to do
Port Power are the kings of choking, up until the 2007 GF anyway when they were brutally *******ed to save them the embarassment of getting close enough to Geelong to be able to choke in the first place.

Now they are trying to emulate MLB with those hilariously tacky baseball caps. Shut it down, povvos

Did you choke up a bit after starting a thread that only a dropkick would start and then watch Port turn a 31 point deficit into a 24 point lead?


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