Would Michael Jordan dominate the AFL?

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Dunno yet! Thats kind of what makes threads like this pointless, but interesting anyway!

The reason I started this thread was to figure out why AFL clubs havent used a Jordan prototype and more importantly, havent tapped in to the Afro American market. After all, we have had a Brazilian, Irish, Croatian etc play our game yet the best athletes in the world by concentration are the African Americans. So the thread is not pointless.
Please...Hall would look at him and he'd crud his pants

You do realise that Jordan is the same size as Franklin dont you? He might look small on the basketball court but playing against 7 footers will do that. Hall is nothing but a dweeb compared to some of the centres going around in the NBA.

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The reason I started this thread was to figure out why AFL clubs havent used a Jordan prototype and more importantly, havent tapped in to the Afro American market. After all, we have had a Brazilian, Irish, Croatian etc play our game yet the best athletes in the world by concentration are the African Americans. So the thread is not pointless.

Then just ask that in the first place!
I'd say its a money/travel thing, every half decent African American athlete, would be making enough money in thier chosen sport in America, to proberley stay put, than risk a move across to the other side of the world, just to have a 'crack' at a reletively global unknown sport such as AFL!
I can't see why Jordan couldn't have succeeded as an AFL player. As has been mentioned, he has the height, leap and speed to be a KPP. Some say he would lack the endurance, but Kobe Bryant (Jordan's heir) covers approx.
4km a game and he plays a few games a week. I'm not sure how much ground the average KPP covers, but with training, I am sure Jordan could match it. Most importantly, he has the hunger and desire to win that all champions have; I have never seen another athlete in my time who was so driven and so competitive.

Some people are suggesting that Jordan's "failure" in Baseball means that he would not succeed at footy. This is nonsense. Football and Basketball have a lot more in common than Basketball and Baseball. Baseball hardly requires great athleticism and is primarily a power game. Anyway, AAA Baseball is hardly failing - it is professional baseball after all.
Mate, that post right there explains how naive you and most Australians are to basketball. One, the whole 'you need to be this tall to play' is a crock. The runner up in the MVP this year was Chris Paul, a six-foot-nothing player (the winnner was 6'5 Kobe Bryant). Then the winner of the 05 and 06 MVP's was Steve Nash, a white (another myth right there) 6-foot-3 tall player. Sure, taller players are favoured and maybe half of a squad is over 6'5, but if you are good enough, you make it, regardless of how tall you are. Ever heard of Spud Webb?

Second, basketball is one of most popular sports in the world. Behind only Soccer and Table Tennis or something like that. More than a 'handful' of countries play it outside the US. The 2004 Olympic champion was Argentina, the 2006 World Champion was Spain, and (many) countries in Nth America, Sth America, Europe, Asia, and Oceania all have professional leagues and all have players playing in the NBA.

Sorry mate, but to say that Jordan can't be the greatest athlete of all time just because he played basketball, is s**t.

Look those are fair points you make. I guess i let my view that basketball is one of the most god awful tedious games going around influence my opinion.
Hes an awsome athlete, I just dont think he could of picked up the required skills to play at the highest level, from the age of 18, but he is a freak! Im not to sure if hes played any contact sport, you can only guess how he'd go!
NBA is a contact sport. Just because tackling and bumping are not allowed doesn't mean there is not a lot of contact.
Please...Hall would look at him and he'd crud his pants

Yes because Jordan was the guy who absolutely cacked himself when he was playing against the Pistons and Knicks in the late 80's and early 90's. :rolleyes:

If Jordan isnt scared of guys bigger than him do you really think he would shit himself if Hall looked at him. I dont think so. Jordan would kill Hall.
Yes because Jordan was the guy who absolutely cacked himself when he was playing against the Pistons and Knicks in the late 80's and early 90's. :rolleyes:

If Jordan isnt scared of guys bigger than him do you really think he would shit himself if Hall looked at him. I dont think so. Jordan would kill Hall.

In basketball!

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You do realise that Jordan is the same size as Franklin dont you? He might look small on the basketball court but playing against 7 footers will do that. Hall is nothing but a dweeb compared to some of the centres going around in the NBA.

Yeah but can Jordan throw a punch? Hall would take out guys A LOT bigger than he was simply because he knows how to fight. I think you under estimate how much damage Hall could cause to a non experienced fighter.

NBA is a contact sport. Just because tackling and bumping are not allowed doesn't mean there is not a lot of contact.

NBA is a non contact sport, don't try to big note the game - by its definition its a non contact sport.

Stupid comment!

Yeah, Jordan would never have come up against big guys... :rolleyes:

Hall 194, 102.

Karl Malone 206, 116

The bigger they are the harder they fall - Hall is an experienced fighter - can Malone throw a punch?

Yes because Jordan was the guy who absolutely cacked himself when he was playing against the Pistons and Knicks in the late 80's and early 90's. :rolleyes:

If Jordan isnt scared of guys bigger than him do you really think he would shit himself if Hall looked at him. I dont think so. Jordan would kill Hall.

Jordan isn't scared of the big guys because he knows that they can't touch him. In AFL its a little different, I would be scared if I saw Jono Brown charging at me ;)

Typical ignorance. Have you watched a group of guys >200cm, >100kg go for a rebound? :rolleyes:

Yeah I have, and apart from the incidental contact what the hell is so damaging about a rebound? I'd rather mix it up in the key than have a knee to the back of my head from a screamer
Yeah but can Jordan throw a punch? Hall would take out guys A LOT bigger than he was simply because he knows how to fight. I think you under estimate how much damage Hall could cause to a non experienced fighter.

NBA is a non contact sport, don't try to big note the game - by its definition its a non contact sport.

The bigger they are the harder they fall - Hall is an experienced fighter - can Malone throw a punch?

Jordan isn't scared of the big guys because he knows that they can't touch him. In AFL its a little different, I would be scared if I saw Jono Brown charging at me ;)

Yeah I have, and apart from the incidental contact what the hell is so damaging about a rebound? I'd rather mix it up in the key than have a knee to the back of my head from a screamer

You know you could just admit that you dont have a clue about Michael Jordan and the NBA.
You know you could just admit that you dont have a clue about Michael Jordan and the NBA.

I think you should admit that you are a basketball fanboy who has had way too many closed door wank sessions with Mr. Jordan

Next thing your telling me is that he would've KO'd Ali in a boxing match :rolleyes:

How can you imply that the contact in NBA is on par with that of the AFL?
I think you should admit that you are a basketball fanboy who has had way too many closed door wank sessions with Mr. Jordan

Next thing your telling me is that he would've KO'd Ali in a boxing match :rolleyes:

How can you imply that the contact in NBA is on par with that of the AFL?

goddamn, there's a mature, adult response
goddamn, there's a mature, adult response

i don't really think anyone is comparing the contact in the NBA with contact in AFL or any footy
but i think it's been said a few times in this thread that the OP was referring to jordan had he taken up aussie rules as an 18YO...obviously if he had, he'd have become accustomed to the different type of physical contact
i'd imagine jordan played a fair bit of street ball from his early teen years, and i'd reckon the contact in those sorta games is somewhat different to that of the NBA

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Would Michael Jordan dominate the AFL?

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