Would Michael Jordan dominate the AFL?

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Yeah but can Jordan throw a punch? Hall would take out guys A LOT bigger than he was simply because he knows how to fight. I think you under estimate how much damage Hall could cause to a non experienced fighter.
I think you are adding something new to the argument - you've now moved away from size to talking about a specific player who can box (as if that's somehow relevant to whether Jordan can play AFL).

NBA is a non contact sport, don't try to big note the game - by its definition its a non contact sport.
By definition yes, but practically there is a lot of contact.

The bigger they are the harder they fall - Hall is an experienced fighter - can Malone throw a punch?
Hell yeah! And again, what is the relevance anyway?

Jordan isn't scared of the big guys because he knows that they can't touch him. In AFL its a little different, I would be scared if I saw Jono Brown charging at me ;)
It's really getting quite silly now...

Yeah I have, and apart from the incidental contact what the hell is so damaging about a rebound? I'd rather mix it up in the key than have a knee to the back of my head from a screamer
Trying playing against some big boys - ever caught an elbow from a 200cm bloke in the face?
I think you should admit that you are a basketball fanboy who has had way too many closed door wank sessions with Mr. Jordan

Next thing your telling me is that he would've KO'd Ali in a boxing match :rolleyes:

How can you imply that the contact in NBA is on par with that of the AFL?
I see now I am wasting my time debating with such a mature and reasoned poster...
I think you should admit that you are a basketball fanboy who has had way too many closed door wank sessions with Mr. Jordan

Next thing your telling me is that he would've KO'd Ali in a boxing match :rolleyes:

How can you imply that the contact in NBA is on par with that of the AFL?

I am a basketball fan. I love the game.

Ko Ali? No i dont think so but Barry Hall he would easily. Maybe you should ask any of the 1996 Chicago Basketball team if Jordan can fight. Luc Longley talks about it in his book.

Have you seen Karl Malone? Even if he wasnt a good boxer one of his bitchslaps would still knock you to tomorrow.

Whilst their might be more contact in Aussie Rules I dont think Michael Jordan would be scared to get hurt considering the absolute hammerings he took in his career.

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So Steve Nash is 5 inches taller than your average American male and he's one of 3 examples that you don't have to be tall to be a basketballer.

Interesting argument.
You missed the point I was making. The poster I was responding to said that we couldn't say that Jordan was the greatest athlete because he only played against people 6'7 and over, and that hardly anyone around the world played the sport, both of which aren't true.

I probably worded my reply badly, and I know that pretty much all basketballers are taller than the average person, I was just stating that Jordan did play against all types of athletes.

And really, Nash is only the same height as Chris Judd, so he wouldn't exactly stand out with his height in any other sport, would he? ;)
You missed the point I was making. The poster I was responding to said that we couldn't say that Jordan was the greatest athlete because he only played against people 6'7 and over, and that hardly anyone around the world played the sport, both of which aren't true.

I probably worded my reply badly, and I know that pretty much all basketballers are taller than the average person, I was just stating that Jordan did play against all types of athletes.

And really, Nash is only the same height as Chris Judd, so he wouldn't exactly stand out with his height in any other sport, would he? ;)

unless he was a jockey
I am a basketball fan. I love the game.

Ko Ali? No i dont think so but Barry Hall he would easily. Maybe you should ask any of the 1996 Chicago Basketball team if Jordan can fight. Luc Longley talks about it in his book.

Have you seen Karl Malone? Even if he wasnt a good boxer one of his bitchslaps would still knock you to tomorrow.

Whilst their might be more contact in Aussie Rules I dont think Michael Jordan would be scared to get hurt considering the absolute hammerings he took in his career.

See, now you're looking foolish, Jordan would not "KO Hall easily", Dumb statement.
To be successful at AFL Jordan would have had to play from childhood and develop his body differently, his training would have focused less on "burst" athleticism and more on stamina and strength, he did have all the attributes to be an elite footballer:
Elite athleticism.
Great hand eye co-ordination.
Burning desire to succeed.
Great (and large) hands.
A leader.
If introduced to a sport from an early age, many elite athletes/sportsmen could have chosen several different sports and excelled.
Nothing is certain however.

"Knock him out easily", Geebus some kids get carried away.
Is Jordan physically strong enough to compete and can he cop a hip and shoulder and continue playing ? :cool:

Jordan would have been fine with the physically contact.

Not sure about the current NBA players though, alot of them get a knock to the knee or hurt their finger and then they miss 3-4 games.

I wonder if Jordan has ever watched an AFL game, he would be interesting to hear from him if he though he could play our game.
I wonder if Jordan has ever watched an AFL game, he would be interesting to hear from him if he though he could play our game.

I saw a sports illustrated interview of Michael Jordan when he and the interviewer where discussing other sports - he mentioned that the only other sport he was suited to physically, besides basketball, was Aussie Rules - he'd seen it and was somewhat of a fan.
See, now you're looking foolish, Jordan would not "KO Hall easily", Dumb statement.
To be successful at AFL Jordan would have had to play from childhood and develop his body differently, his training would have focused less on "burst" athleticism and more on stamina and strength, he did have all the attributes to be an elite footballer:
Elite athleticism.
Great hand eye co-ordination.
Burning desire to succeed.
Great (and large) hands.
A leader.
If introduced to a sport from an early age, many elite athletes/sportsmen could have chosen several different sports and excelled.
Nothing is certain however.

"Knock him out easily", Geebus some kids get carried away.

Firstly Im not a kid, well maybe to you I am you old fart. ;)

I know enough about Jordan and the NBA to know that he wouldnt be a slouch when it comes to a bit of fisticuffs. Maybe easily wasnt the right word but if i was a betting man Id put my money on Jordan.
Jordan would have been fine with the physically contact.

Not sure about the current NBA players though, alot of them get a knock to the knee or hurt their finger and then they miss 3-4 games.

I wonder if Jordan has ever watched an AFL game, he would be interesting to hear from him if he though he could play our game.

I think someone said before Luc Longley used to get games posted to him which he shared with Jordan.

Jordan vs Dominique Wilkins Slam Dunk Contest:
Firstly Im not a kid, well maybe to you I am you old fart. ;)

I know enough about Jordan and the NBA to know that he wouldnt be a slouch when it comes to a bit of fisticuffs. Maybe easily wasnt the right word but if i was a betting man Id put my money on Jordan.

Old fart??

I can remember Charles Oakley being his protector at the Bulls.

Anyway, Worthy>>>>>>Jordan:cool:
Anyone think that an 18 year old Jordan would dominate the AFL? Look at the new AFL prototypes - they very much have the NBA basketball build.

Some interesting stats in comparison to Franklin :

both are 6'6
only 3 kg's difference with Franklin being slightly heavier
Jordan's wingspan is 5 cm's wider than Buddy (amazing)
Jordan's handgrip is 3cm's longer than Buddy's

Aerobic capacity would be in Jordan's favour slightly. He would be an impossible matchup for any team and you couple this with his insane drive to win.

I watched Jordan play live in 96 and I can tell you now that he made Franklin or Goodes look like school kids. A man that size doing things that you cannot imagine against 7 footers.

So do you think with the way the game is going that an athlete like Jordan would dominate? If he came to your club, where would you play him?
This was a great way to bring up another Franklin thread without being obvious - well done!:thumbsu:
Hence why i said that he could have possibly have been a professional baseballer if he had of pursued it at a younger age. Did you expect him to make it when he tried his hand at at as a 30 year old? You missed the whole point i was making didn't you. The guy is a naturally gifted sportsman who would have taken to any sport he put his hand to at a young age.
Opinion only ! He is no more "naturally gifted" than tens of thousands of other sportsmen around the globe. Did I expect him to make it ? I don't know, but I assume that HE expected to make it, and he failed !

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Dominate? idk
He would have a lot of training put into him but if he had the foot skills i dont see why not.

A lot of basketballers in australia turn to football, eg pendles.
Old fart??

I can remember Charles Oakley being his protector at the Bulls.

Anyway, Worthy>>>>>>Jordan:cool:

LOL. As if. Next thing you know you will try to convince me that Thurgood >>>>>Carey

Im 29 and your 41. If im a kid then your an old fart. :D
I'd Rather Larry Bird as my Small Forward/Rover.

Nobody could read a play better than Bird.

Pretty tall Small Forward/Rover.

Not very athletic but you would want this guy kicking for your life.
This guy would be the games greatest ruckman ever... Think someone with more athleticism than Buddy, as tall as Sandilands...

This dude is 7 foot and has some of the maddest hops ever..


Lol, a 6'9'' small forward/rover who was slow and couldn't jump, great player though.
Magic V Bird, alltime great rivalry.
That's right. Should have probably said "Forward pocket" But i would have him playing a Small Forward role/ Rover. Positions where you need to be quick upstairs and be able to outsmart everybody else. Bird certainly wasn't considered great because he was athletic...

Didn't think I would have to explain it.

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Would Michael Jordan dominate the AFL?

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