Would we all be better off if the club handed its license back?

Would the absence of this awful club improve your life?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 60.0%
  • Also yes

    Votes: 3 12.0%
  • Most def

    Votes: 7 28.0%

  • Total voters

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It certainly hurts, but I think the reason we are all here and take time out of our day is because we get some sort of enjoyment out of being a supporter.
I put my self on the slightly negative side type of supporter.
Everyone is free to stop supporting and and do something else if they really feel as if it givens them no joy and honestly it’s probably the best thing for them.
But footy is a passionate game and it makes people emotional and probably the reason this thread was started.
I’ve had enough of being shit and I don’t enjoy when we play like we did in the second half but I’ll stick with us because I do really love the crows, it’s a deep seeded feeling that I can’t turn off.
I don't want to hear some 'win a premiership in every decade' West Coast fan strut in here and preach to me about the enjoyment of the game.

Well it is not (and never has been) every decade. Since the AFC’s last flag we have won two yes, by a grand total of 6 points. A turn of luck the other way and we are in a 20+ year drought also. Brisbane won three in a row and are now entering their 20th year without a flag. Port nearing 20 years. The other Non Vic clubs sans Sydney, never.

Our teams compete in a league dominated by one state. It is damn hard work for us. Yes, WCE have punched above our weight at times. The AFC did for a long time too. I am an outsider yes, but I can see so much to like about your club. Genuinely. I genuinely believe that your club has committed to moving forward in a way that maybe it hasn’t before, is no longer aiming to just make the finals and wants a period of sustained success.

Clearly there is a lot of work required, the midfield needs work yes, but surely there are some signs of positivity and life there?

I certainly am not “strutting” in, I have posted here for a while, I have a genuine affection for your club and want you to do well. And as it stands right now, your club is a hell of a lot closer to another flag than mine 👍

I apologise for any offence caused.
Well it is not (and never has been) every decade. Since the AFC’s last flag we have won two yes, by a grand total of 6 points. A turn of luck the other way and we are in a 20+ year drought also. Brisbane won three in a row and are now entering their 20th year without a flag. Port nearing 20 years. The other Non Vic clubs sans Sydney, never.

Our teams compete in a league dominated by one state. It is damn hard work for us. Yes, WCE have punched above our weight at times. The AFC did for a long time too. I am an outsider yes, but I can see so much to like about your club. Genuinely. I genuinely believe that your club has committed to moving forward in a way that maybe it hasn’t before, is no longer aiming to just make the finals and wants a period of sustained success.

Clearly there is a lot of work required, the midfield needs work yes, but surely there are some signs of positivity and life there?

I certainly am not “strutting” in, I have posted here for a while, I have a genuine affection for your club and want you to do well. And as it stands right now, your club is a hell of a lot closer to another flag than mine 👍

I apologise for any offence caused.

You won two in the nineties, one in the 00's, one in the 2010s. A flag in every decade.

You're a welcome guest here- i enjoy your contributions, but do not pretend to know our pain.
There is merit to arguing that people shouldn't persist with something that makes them unhappy. It's still pretty sad that the club is able to drive away it's supporters though. Nobody started out feeling negatively toward the club. It's the result of an extended period of mediocrity.

As an Eagles supporter, you wouldn't understand. Your club has had s**t years but they've always bounced back and been good enough to pinch a flag when they were contenders. On that basis, the lean years would be way easier to suffer through for your supporters.

I am sorry as I didn’t mean to come across as insensitive as such. We have managed to jag one recently yes, but a turn of luck and we are well on the way to a 20+ year drought. Hell we are at 5 now and there is a long road back to contention.

Our clubs have to do it the hard way in a VIC dominated league. It sucks. But what is the alternative. We love our clubs and the passion is what keeps us here.

I genuinely believe there is good at the AFC. And optimism for the future. I am but one outsider and my words mean nothing. But I hope you don’t lose hope 👍 I certainly am in the camp of leaning towards a change in coach, purely because I think someone else might be better equipped to harness the potential and talent that is there… but it is a long season.
Well it is not (and never has been) every decade. Since the AFC’s last flag we have won two yes, by a grand total of 6 points. A turn of luck the other way and we are in a 20+ year drought also. Brisbane won three in a row and are now entering their 20th year without a flag. Port nearing 20 years. The other Non Vic clubs sans Sydney, never.

Our teams compete in a league dominated by one state. It is damn hard work for us. Yes, WCE have punched above our weight at times. The AFC did for a long time too. I am an outsider yes, but I can see so much to like about your club. Genuinely. I genuinely believe that your club has committed to moving forward in a way that maybe it hasn’t before, is no longer aiming to just make the finals and wants a period of sustained success.

Clearly there is a lot of work required, the midfield needs work yes, but surely there are some signs of positivity and life there?

I certainly am not “strutting” in, I have posted here for a while, I have a genuine affection for your club and want you to do well. And as it stands right now, your club is a hell of a lot closer to another flag than mine 👍

I apologise for any offence caused.

When I think of Adelaide and west coast I think of this ad.
I am sorry as I didn’t mean to come across as insensitive as such. We have managed to jag one recently yes, but a turn of luck and we are well on the way to a 20+ year drought. Hell we are at 5 now and there is a long road back to contention.

Our clubs have to do it the hard way in a VIC dominated league. It sucks. But what is the alternative. We love our clubs and the passion is what keeps us here.

I genuinely believe there is good at the AFC. And optimism for the future. I am but one outsider and my words mean nothing. But I hope you don’t lose hope 👍 I certainly am in the camp of leaning towards a change in coach, purely because I think someone else might be better equipped to harness the potential and talent that is there… but it is a long season.

Imagine if you were in a 25 year premiership drought, have made a miserly one grand final in that time, missed the finals for five years, are no hope of ending that any time soon, the fatal flaw in your list build is obvious to anyone looking but your club refuses to address it and meanwhile Fremantle have been pushing you face down in their shit for 5 years now and they managed to attract the best young player in football in that very position you refuse to draft.

What fun do you reckon there is to be had in Adelaide as a Crows fan? It's just an invitation to be repeatedly humiliated.

When I think of Adelaide and west coast I think of this ad.

Yes, well what can you say 😀 If it is any consolation you are a hell of a lot healthier right now and will be for some time to come.
Both in the men’s and female programs. Your club at least realises it is in the 21st century when it comes to fan engagement etc for one 🤣

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It's not clear what sort of rebuttle it was supposed to be, it's the central premise of the thread. I would be better off if this club didn't exist.

I've pumped in tens of thousands of dollars over the years, in memberships, in attending games, on gear, on beer at their ovals through their extortionate SMA prices. I've pumped in basically a day of every winter weekend of my life. I've consistently turned up and watched as the predictable happened, and we failed. Time and time and time and time and time again for 25 years. And I'll still do it next weekend- i'll trot down to that oval, despite the ever diminishing number of friends I can find that would still spend time watching this awful club.

And to this day, I hate every single smug and stupid ******* part of the dumbassed club from their shithouse ugly ******* insult of a logo to their inability to rebuild according to any sensible strategy, to their refusal to pick our highest ever draft pick. And yet I still turn the damn games on and get hurt when they humiliate themselves. I still defend the awful ******* organisation to opposition fans that will never get tired of rubbing my face in the s**t and will never run out of ammo. I will never be able to leave them, and I will never be able to free myself from the belief that one day they will treat me better as a fan, rather than considering me a walking pigeon used to fund their status as the king dicks on the sinking titanic.

It's mercy I seek. Free me from the horror. Hand the license back.
If you make stupid statement such as Laird is a C grader than the club will be better without your "support".
Once you've made that statement I knew you didn't know what you're were talking about or you're a closet Port Power supporter so your opinion doesn't meant anything to me :)

Yes, Rory Laird league superstar is absolutely the hill you should die on.

Sometimes a pumpkin is just a pumpkin young Cinderella.
Bruh, when did I say he was elite or even an A grader (unless he fix his inside 50m kick) but certainly not a C grader lol.

LOL at 'he's not C, he's a B' being what upset you.

Can you go find a ball to bounce somewhere? The least interesting poster on the board following me around. Is there no end to the indignity?
Imagine if you were in a 25 year premiership drought, have made a miserly one grand final in that time, missed the finals for five years, are no hope of ending that any time soon, the fatal flaw in your list build is obvious to anyone looking but your club refuses to address it and meanwhile Fremantle have been pushing you face down in their s**t for 5 years now and they managed to attract the best young player in football in that very position you refuse to draft.

What fun do you reckon there is to be had in Adelaide as a Crows fan? It's just an invitation to be repeatedly humiliated.

I’m not sure as to how much gloating Port can be doing. Over the past five years, aside from the bottom out of 2020/21 in which they could even make a grand final from two home prelims, they have barely finished above the AFC. JHF is not the be all and end all, there are other good young mids, and it certainly takes more than a couple of mids to win a flag.

I think there is “potential” (a dirty word I know) for Rachele and Rankine to be somewhat of a missing piece in terms of being one of the midfielders needed to move forward. I agree that is the major area of concern, but surely constantly comparing it to Port Power is not a healthy thing? There are many other clubs who also have a better midfield than the AFC. The challenge is competing with all of them.

Anyway, I certainly don’t want to cause any upset. You are right, I don’t fully appreciate the pain of an extended premiership drought. I genuinely believe that the AFC will breakthrough again, and it will most likely be before my club. Just my opinion which means nothing I know.

I hope you can manage to find some joy and excitement with watching your team. I really do 👍
I’m not sure as to how much gloating Port can be doing. Over the past five years, aside from the bottom out of 2020/21 in which they could even make a grand final from two home prelims, they have barely finished above the AFC. JHF is not the be all and end all, there are other good young mids, and it certainly takes more than a couple of mids to win a flag.

I think there is “potential” (a dirty word I know) for Rachele and Rankine to be somewhat of a missing piece in terms of being one of the midfielders needed to move forward. I agree that is the major area of concern, but surely constantly comparing it to Port Power is not a healthy thing? There are many other clubs who also have a better midfield than the AFC. The challenge is competing with all of them.

Anyway, I certainly don’t want to cause any upset. You are right, I don’t fully appreciate the pain of an extended premiership drought. I genuinely believe that the AFC will breakthrough again, and it will most likely be before my club. Just my opinion which means nothing I know.

I hope you can manage to find some joy and excitement with watching your team. I really do 👍

They have four high calibre young midfielders, with one of them looking like he'll be a generational talent.

Rankine is a small forward who is currently batting one hundred percent in being a significant part of the reason why we lost vs games played for the club.

Of course we compare to Port. We share the glass bowl with them.

You've never not had the ascendency over Fremantle- I don't think this is something you'll be able to appreciate.