WRFL Division 2 - 2012

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Hypothetically speaking, should WV have the need to appoint a new coach , and DC is appointed, bringing along these players who are within his reach of recruitment, what effect would it have to fabric of your club?

Altho ur question sounds a little loaded as u might be annoyed that DC has signed Aaron driver from your club with also talks with a few others to follow... I will still answer it....
It would depend on the situation of the club Yates have a good mix of older and young kids and prob need to get the extra few players to really push and go close to winning one so it is a good move from their point of view as long as DC can manage the list and gain respect off of existing players... I am sure Wyndhamvale if in that situation would do similar altho we have worked very hard over 4 years to build our list, our club and our juniors so we have continual growth and good players so when it comes to recruiting we don't have to overly large turn over of players from year to year... Also we have set up our football group with myself as a Footy manager in charge of recruiting players at the coaches position request and then when we are able to meet them we have a high set of standards for those players to meet before we even consider asking them to join our great mix of players... I think the way we are doing things is the right mix for the vales at this point in time and our group is one of the closest I have ever been involved with in my time in football... Everyone just fits in and has fun working towards the same goal...
I don't think you can compare any clubs situations because they are all different.... CD are doing similar to Yarra with Rooney as is Parkside and also west Footscray.. Altho west have got some good home grown talent and kids and Lavo are taking an approach similar to the vales so as long as the club hirachy are willing to live with the results of what they decide good or bad then that is their own perogitive...
That is just my thoughts anyway mate... But what would I know I just a short fat bloke who loves his Footy lol
Evo, need to pull you up on a previous post. Albanvale were not having financial problems prior to clearances closing, a large sponsor pulled out shortly after which lead to the situation we were in. However you are right, DC did a good job keeping the playing group united to reach the GF.

Choofa, I guess your beef is with Aaron Driver signing with Yarraville. Fair enough. But what is the difference with Laverton trying to get paul Growcott to coach the reserves for a rather large sum $$. ( however also gone to Yarraville :thumbsdown:)

From what i hear a number of players have a personality clash with your coach and i believe that Micka Lindsey has also gone with DC to Yarra hense why young Driver has prob gone there.

From our view we are dissapointed that DC has left and gone to a club we play against, but wish him well and we all move on and get over it. Im told that only Shane Barry, Sheirf Mohammed, Docherty and Lindsey have gone with him there so we will be more than OK.

As for us a new chapter begins. New prez appointed last night along with some new appointments to be annoouced very soon. Write us off at your own peral. :)
Evo, need to pull you up on a previous post. Albanvale were not having financial problems prior to clearances closing, a large sponsor pulled out shortly after which lead to the situation we were in. However you are right, DC did a good job keeping the playing group united to reach the GF.

Choofa, I guess your beef is with Aaron Driver signing with Yarraville. Fair enough. But what is the difference with Laverton trying to get paul Growcott to coach the reserves for a rather large sum $$. ( however also gone to Yarraville :thumbsdown:)

From what i hear a number of players have a personality clash with your coach and i believe that Micka Lindsey has also gone with DC to Yarra hense why young Driver has prob gone there.

From our view we are dissapointed that DC has left and gone to a club we play against, but wish him well and we all move on and get over it. Im told that only Shane Barry, Sheirf Mohammed, Docherty and Lindsey have gone with him there so we will be more than OK.

As for us a new chapter begins. New prez appointed last night along with some new appointments to be annoouced very soon. Write us off at your own peral. :)

i actually dont have a beef, i did last year tho :D as for growy, do you really believe he was offered a large amount of money, im assuming he would of been offered 1-2K, normal coaching fee for a divy 2 reserves coach, oh and yes, growy played for 10 years at laverton before crossing to albanvale, that is difference

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I would think it is a great move by Yarraville, choofa... DC has a great knowledge of most clubs in this comp and also has a lot of players within his reach to recruit... When you actually sit back and look at what he achieved last year it is quite amazing.... Albanvale were out of money very early in the peice and didn't let on to it until after clearances closed as to keep players at the club... Players were continually told that they will get their money later and later and eventually when told that Albanvale had no money to give a fair chunk of playing group were ready to sit the rest of the year out. Now DC was in same boat where he had not been paid either but still took it on his back and got the playing group away from the club and got them together to agree to commit to the rest of the year for each other... And altho the Footy they played suffered a tad from then on but they still made a grand final he still took chances and tried lots of different tactics against most clubs in the idea that it could beat the dominant deer park... Altho it was seen not to happen but coaching wise I think it was a good tactic but without the right style of players to carry out the plan. Anyway good luck to Yarra as they are a very strong and secure club with a proud history and they will go alright their next year...
On Glen Orden yes they seem to be gaining players but at what cost to the club... They certainly have short memories up the road, as they are trying to reshape and spend money to win it again within 2 years and altho that sounds great to them that is where they went wrong last time... Buying players that will do good in div2 but then go when they get to div1 cos they not up to it... I have a lot of mates at GO and they are all concerned about where the club could be in 5 years... Anyway not really my issue as long as they buy me a beer when the all conquering vales flog them next year haha
The vales are ok too guys... Prob expect a really close season next year with about 7 clubs fighting it out in what could be the closest season div2 has seen in years...
Evo to play again too lol

Evo, what you are not understanding is that MOST of the players for the Cobras for the time DC was coach have been at the club since they were kids. If it wasnt for these loyal players who didnt care about money and just wanted to play with their mates, the cobras would be nowhere. Albanvale has made the finals year in year out, and even before DC was coaching they made semi finals and preliminary finals. They almost lost to your mob this year in a prelim and if they had've it would have been the same result they have achieved in previous years, instead they were lucky to scrape through to a grand final. The reason Albanvale ran out of money was because too many of these 'Recruits' were offered money that the club just couldnt pay. They were promised this money and in the end, the club payed the ultimate price for it. Team morale dropped for sure, but it was the same loyal cobras that stuck it out without a word whilst these 'recruits' were thinking about where they could play next year. DC might have told you another story, as you are mates but until you KNOW what happens down at cobra land, its best not to assume that anything DC does is for any benefit for a club. Yeah he might have these 'recruits' following him to yarraville, but at the end of the day they bought no real success to the cobras and they will only go because DC will throw the money he couldnt get at the cobras, at these players and theyll be happy to play for the dollars and not the passion.
IMO yarraville have done a great job gaining the services of DC, Yarra where dissapointing last year and where definatley the best team outside the 5. However the only difference between albanvale and yarra is the financial status of the two, I dont beleive that the players following DC will make the difference yarra are looking for and will need to still recruit some quality to hit the top 3.

Definatley going to be an even season next year, which is how it should be anyway! Will be interesting to hear some more news on sigings over the next few months
Evo, need to pull you up on a previous post. Albanvale were not having financial problems prior to clearances closing, a large sponsor pulled out shortly after which lead to the situation we were in. However you are right, DC did a good job keeping the playing group united to reach the GF.

Choofa, I guess your beef is with Aaron Driver signing with Yarraville. Fair enough. But what is the difference with Laverton trying to get paul Growcott to coach the reserves for a rather large sum $$. ( however also gone to Yarraville :thumbsdown:)

From what i hear a number of players have a personality clash with your coach and i believe that Micka Lindsey has also gone with DC to Yarra hense why young Driver has prob gone there.

From our view we are dissapointed that DC has left and gone to a club we play against, but wish him well and we all move on and get over it. Im told that only Shane Barry, Sheirf Mohammed, Docherty and Lindsey have gone with him there so we will be more than OK.

As for us a new chapter begins. New prez appointed last night along with some new appointments to be annoouced very soon. Write us off at your own peral. :)

A very interesting debate and one that I will buy into....

Firstly- coaches come and go and the CLUB is and will always be bigger than any player, president, committe or coach. Club's know this and ultimately they are the ones that make the right or wrong decisions based on whom is in charge at the time.

In regards to how I operate and how I want to be remembered, I hope that when I go to a club, that I am remembered in a positive light and that I have left the club in a better place than when I started there. Whether that is winning a flag, making finals or improving many players individually and/or the club imporoving its culture, standing on the ladder, whatever- if I have improved the place then I have (to a degree) done my job. Might I say that like the game of rugby, you have to pass the ball backwards to move forwards and this was definitely the case when I started at Laverton... The beauty of this as it stands is that we did go backwards with wins and performance on the ladder in 2010, but took many steps forward again in 2011 and we are now very well placed to take this very much forward in 2012 with what I see (as Evo stated - one of the most even Div 2 seasons in recent history) as a very realistic chance of a top1-5 finish for us.... Off-field, culture, attitude-wise we have made MASSIVE in-roads and this will ultimately make the biggest difference in 2012.... I sincerely hope that I will be remembered as a premiership coach of Laverton and be it in 2012 or 2013, there is a distinct possibility- will it be me that did it on my own - NOT a CHANCE! It will be the club, committee, players ande supporters- I will have just helped mould it.

Any players that have left us in my 2 seasons thus far that may claim to have 'personality' clashes with myself, you may find if delved a little further is that they haven't wanted to conform to training regularly, think they are better than they are, have little or no personality themselves and/or have no inclination to being a part of OUR team and it's structure required to be successful (not all of them but let's just say some). Simple as that.

Any player that wants to leave us now is more than welcome to move on if they feel they want a change or do not want to confirm to our 'TEAM FIRST' mentality (as long as they are fully financial with our club - ie. paid their membership, shorts, etc...).

Why have we had minimal player turnover in the past 2 seasons and in fact past players returning? Why do I have many opposition clubs players contacting me or the club pro-actively? That would probably be clear that we are heading in the right direction!

As for trying to recruit Paul Growcott as a reserves coach... No player at Laverton is paid to play there - a fact that I am sure a number of our competing clubs would quietly be somewhat envious of, in that we look after our players, players actually want to play at our club en masse! I don't know for certain on any monetary offer made but would assume that at any and every club a coach and reserves coach would be a paid position, so as stated by Choofa this would not be out of the norm... He was also a very highly regarded player from Laverton prior to Albanvale. Large sum though.... One mans $1 is another mans million $ so all relative really?

As for David Connell and his appointment... Was his time at Albanvale successful in the eyes of the Albanvale Football Club? He coached there for 2 seasons brought in a number of players with the lure of $ and success... The club has now played in finals 16 seasons in a row for 0 premierships... The last 2 seasons you have gone out of finals with a 50+ and a 60+ defeat in finals after a top spot finish in the H and A season, coupled with a 25 and 30 odd goal loss in this seasons finals series and a 2 goal return in the grand final.... Don't get me wrong, as I and many have stated Deer Park were out and out a class above this season, so back to the original statement and comment made and this is for the Albanvale Football Club to answer or for their view - Was DC's time at the club successful and did he leave the club in a better place than when he started? Also many of the players he brought with him leave the club anyway....

On Yarraville-Seddon, they were a club that in the game we played them and the game I watched (incidentally vs Albanvale in rd 3 or 4) that at the time I felt were just a few players away from being a real force and were (at the time) I believe heading in the right direction and well poised to also step it up a gear this season... I personally don't think that their appointment this season was the right one but who am I to judge? Add a few players to the mix, possibly unsettle the apple cart down there with many new ego's and the like and I feel they have more to lose long-term than gain... Rumours circulationg around the club is that there are many unhappy campers down there too as a result of it... So time will tell but I am with Choofa on this one...

2012 should be a real cracker of a season!
Interesting that a current senior coach would make such comments on another senior coach in a public forum ?

Not very professional !:eek:
Justin I understand you would like to be seen as a good coach so one day you can coach at higher levels, but do not speak of other clubs processess and goals when it comes to appointments that you have previously been unsuccessful in obtaining.
How did you leave Gordon?
I am no longer involved in the wrfl but still have a lot of association with people that are. All people need to be concerned with is I am guessing the eagles are happy with the appointment.
Their coach last year did a mighty job with the cards he was dealt.
I am also guessing if the opportunity was there to top up the lavo playing list with some quality paid players and it was with in budget, the club would consider it.
A very interesting debate and one that I will buy into....

On Yarraville-Seddon, they were a club that in the game we played them and the game I watched (incidentally vs Albanvale in rd 3 or 4) that at the time I felt were just a few players away from being a real force and were (at the time) I believe heading in the right direction and well poised to also step it up a gear this season... I personally don't think that their appointment this season was the right one but who am I to judge? Add a few players to the mix, possibly unsettle the apple cart down there with many new ego's and the like and I feel they have more to lose long-term than gain... Rumours circulationg around the club is that there are many unhappy campers down there too as a result of it... So time will tell but I am with Choofa on this one...

2012 should be a real cracker of a season!

i'll bite...

I can say that Yarraville are very happy with the selection of David Connell and Anthony Montrose for next season. They feel that the selection brings a large amount of external influence and knowledge into the club which will hopefully add to an already strong group. Yarraville is a very young side that has been pushing for finals the last few years, so the experience of David and Anthony will hopefully add a harder and more focused edge to training and gameday with finals action the expected result.

It also frees up Andy Willis and Adam Baker, two of the best players in the comp, to focus on simply playing good footy rather than getting caught up in the day to day coaching role. Those two, plus Ron Wilson and Brett Edwards, did a fantastic job last season getting seniors to within a whisker of finals and reserves to first week. Being decimated with injuries did not help their cause which makes the resut even better and within the four walls of YS Eagles not a bad word could be spoken.

Through the work of the above 4, plus President Karen Bermingham and others, they have worked hard to create a very dynamic culture at Yarraville that is the most positive i've seen in my 17 odd years at the club so any comments about unhappy campers is simply innacurate.

With the added depth of 18's this year strengthening our junior profile the club is well positioned to build on last years results and expects that David and Anthony will only add to this expectation. Any new players to the club, whether they accompany those two or are recruited externally, will be expected to carry on the Eagles values or will quickly be shown the door i would expect.
i'll bite...

I can say that Yarraville are very happy with the selection of David Connell and Anthony Montrose for next season. They feel that the selection brings a large amount of external influence and knowledge into the club which will hopefully add to an already strong group. Yarraville is a very young side that has been pushing for finals the last few years, so the experience of David and Anthony will hopefully add a harder and more focused edge to training and gameday with finals action the expected result.

It also frees up Andy Willis and Adam Baker, two of the best players in the comp, to focus on simply playing good footy rather than getting caught up in the day to day coaching role. Those two, plus Ron Wilson and Brett Edwards, did a fantastic job last season getting seniors to within a whisker of finals and reserves to first week. Being decimated with injuries did not help their cause which makes the resut even better and within the four walls of YS Eagles not a bad word could be spoken.

Through the work of the above 4, plus President Karen Bermingham and others, they have worked hard to create a very dynamic culture at Yarraville that is the most positive i've seen in my 17 odd years at the club so any comments about unhappy campers is simply innacurate.

With the added depth of 18's this year strengthening our junior profile the club is well positioned to build on last years results and expects that David and Anthony will only add to this expectation. Any new players to the club, whether they accompany those two or are recruited externally, will be expected to carry on the Eagles values or will quickly be shown the door i would expect.

worst decision since getting rid of the cain train!!!!!:eek
Glenorden Meet the coach night is on Friday the 4th of November 7.30pm...get down to the hawks home ground(heathdale reserve) to meet the new coach and his staff as they look forward to an interesting season ahead......

let your family and friends know and dont be shy to have a few beers, hope to see you there
Glenorden Meet the coach night is on Friday the 4th of November 7.30pm...get down to the hawks home ground(heathdale reserve) to meet the new coach and his staff as they look forward to an interesting season ahead......

let your family and friends know and dont be shy to have a few beers, hope to see you there

13 of your players know the coach from last year don't they? Lol!
A very interesting debate and one that I will buy into....

Firstly- coaches come and go and the CLUB is and will always be bigger than any player, president, committe or coach. Club's know this and ultimately they are the ones that make the right or wrong decisions based on whom is in charge at the time.

In regards to how I operate and how I want to be remembered, I hope that when I go to a club, that I am remembered in a positive light and that I have left the club in a better place than when I started there. Whether that is winning a flag, making finals or improving many players individually and/or the club imporoving its culture, standing on the ladder, whatever- if I have improved the place then I have (to a degree) done my job. Might I say that like the game of rugby, you have to pass the ball backwards to move forwards and this was definitely the case when I started at Laverton... The beauty of this as it stands is that we did go backwards with wins and performance on the ladder in 2010, but took many steps forward again in 2011 and we are now very well placed to take this very much forward in 2012 with what I see (as Evo stated - one of the most even Div 2 seasons in recent history) as a very realistic chance of a top1-5 finish for us.... Off-field, culture, attitude-wise we have made MASSIVE in-roads and this will ultimately make the biggest difference in 2012.... I sincerely hope that I will be remembered as a premiership coach of Laverton and be it in 2012 or 2013, there is a distinct possibility- will it be me that did it on my own - NOT a CHANCE! It will be the club, committee, players ande supporters- I will have just helped mould it.

Any players that have left us in my 2 seasons thus far that may claim to have 'personality' clashes with myself, you may find if delved a little further is that they haven't wanted to conform to training regularly, think they are better than they are, have little or no personality themselves and/or have no inclination to being a part of OUR team and it's structure required to be successful (not all of them but let's just say some). Simple as that.

Any player that wants to leave us now is more than welcome to move on if they feel they want a change or do not want to confirm to our 'TEAM FIRST' mentality (as long as they are fully financial with our club - ie. paid their membership, shorts, etc...).

Why have we had minimal player turnover in the past 2 seasons and in fact past players returning? Why do I have many opposition clubs players contacting me or the club pro-actively? That would probably be clear that we are heading in the right direction!

As for trying to recruit Paul Growcott as a reserves coach... No player at Laverton is paid to play there - a fact that I am sure a number of our competing clubs would quietly be somewhat envious of, in that we look after our players, players actually want to play at our club en masse! I don't know for certain on any monetary offer made but would assume that at any and every club a coach and reserves coach would be a paid position, so as stated by Choofa this would not be out of the norm... He was also a very highly regarded player from Laverton prior to Albanvale. Large sum though.... One mans $1 is another mans million $ so all relative really?

As for David Connell and his appointment... Was his time at Albanvale successful in the eyes of the Albanvale Football Club? He coached there for 2 seasons brought in a number of players with the lure of $ and success... The club has now played in finals 16 seasons in a row for 0 premierships... The last 2 seasons you have gone out of finals with a 50+ and a 60+ defeat in finals after a top spot finish in the H and A season, coupled with a 25 and 30 odd goal loss in this seasons finals series and a 2 goal return in the grand final.... Don't get me wrong, as I and many have stated Deer Park were out and out a class above this season, so back to the original statement and comment made and this is for the Albanvale Football Club to answer or for their view - Was DC's time at the club successful and did he leave the club in a better place than when he started? Also many of the players he brought with him leave the club anyway....

Your arrogance astounds me. I don’t understand how you feel you are in a position to comment negatively on another clubs recruitment of players (with your record of actual recruitment, not blokes who just fell into your lap looking for a game) or coaching appointments.

The three points that I have bolded from your comments are the ones that made me laugh the most. While Laverton may have had a culture shift from being the thugs that they used be thought of, it’s been replaced by a bunch of sooky prima donnas who genuinely don’t like each other and who’s egos can’t fit at one club together.

As for you taking no responsibility for players who have left saying they have personality differences with you. Michael Lindsay, went to Albanvale, had a great season on field, trained hard and regularly, improved himself off field as a person and from what I’m told is a pretty popular bloke around the club with the players. Sounds like he has satisfied all the reasons as to why you didn’t get on well with him. At what point does the coach’s inability to get the best out of someone fall back on to him? Shifting the blame onto young blokes on bigfooty is disappointing when you’ve claimed you want to help the boys in all aspects of their lives.

Aaron Driver is a very good footballer and I’m sure you were telling him how good he was when he was playing for you as with many players who left the club since you got there. Are you going to say the same about Michael Kennedy if, as I keep hearing he is leaving your club? Or the others who are talking about leaving? In my experience both first hand and from hearing from other boys, you are always happy to talk blokes up in the name of building their confidence, but when it goes to their head you don’t really have any ways of dealing with it.

Albanvale may have played in 16 or whatever finals series in a row without winning a flag and it might be funny for outsiders, but at least they’ve got there. Laverton in that time have probably played in ONE finals series. As a former player, I would have loved to have played in consecutive finals series with Laverton.

I don’t expect you to respond either publicly or privately because I know how you operate. But until Lavo is in a position that it can actually look down on and judge others, please save us the constant rhetoric and judgments of others.

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Your arrogance astounds me. I don’t understand how you feel you are in a position to comment negatively on another clubs recruitment of players (with your record of actual recruitment, not blokes who just fell into your lap looking for a game) or coaching appointments.

The three points that I have bolded from your comments are the ones that made me laugh the most. While Laverton may have had a culture shift from being the thugs that they used be thought of, it’s been replaced by a bunch of sooky prima donnas who genuinely don’t like each other and who’s egos can’t fit at one club together.

As for you taking no responsibility for players who have left saying they have personality differences with you. Michael Lindsay, went to Albanvale, had a great season on field, trained hard and regularly, improved himself off field as a person and from what I’m told is a pretty popular bloke around the club with the players. Sounds like he has satisfied all the reasons as to why you didn’t get on well with him. At what point does the coach’s inability to get the best out of someone fall back on to him? Shifting the blame onto young blokes on bigfooty is disappointing when you’ve claimed you want to help the boys in all aspects of their lives.

Aaron Driver is a very good footballer and I’m sure you were telling him how good he was when he was playing for you as with many players who left the club since you got there. Are you going to say the same about Michael Kennedy if, as I keep hearing he is leaving your club? Or the others who are talking about leaving? In my experience both first hand and from hearing from other boys, you are always happy to talk blokes up in the name of building their confidence, but when it goes to their head you don’t really have any ways of dealing with it.

Albanvale may have played in 16 or whatever finals series in a row without winning a flag and it might be funny for outsiders, but at least they’ve got there. Laverton in that time have probably played in ONE finals series. As a former player, I would have loved to have played in consecutive finals series with Laverton.

I don’t expect you to respond either publicly or privately because I know how you operate. But until Lavo is in a position that it can actually look down on and judge others, please save us the constant rhetoric and judgments of others.

That is by far the single best post i have ever seen on this website. well said, very impressed.
Your arrogance astounds me. I don’t understand how you feel you are in a position to comment negatively on another clubs recruitment of players (with your record of actual recruitment, not blokes who just fell into your lap looking for a game) or coaching appointments.

The three points that I have bolded from your comments are the ones that made me laugh the most. While Laverton may have had a culture shift from being the thugs that they used be thought of, it’s been replaced by a bunch of sooky prima donnas who genuinely don’t like each other and who’s egos can’t fit at one club together.

As for you taking no responsibility for players who have left saying they have personality differences with you. Michael Lindsay, went to Albanvale, had a great season on field, trained hard and regularly, improved himself off field as a person and from what I’m told is a pretty popular bloke around the club with the players. Sounds like he has satisfied all the reasons as to why you didn’t get on well with him. At what point does the coach’s inability to get the best out of someone fall back on to him? Shifting the blame onto young blokes on bigfooty is disappointing when you’ve claimed you want to help the boys in all aspects of their lives.

Aaron Driver is a very good footballer and I’m sure you were telling him how good he was when he was playing for you as with many players who left the club since you got there. Are you going to say the same about Michael Kennedy if, as I keep hearing he is leaving your club? Or the others who are talking about leaving? In my experience both first hand and from hearing from other boys, you are always happy to talk blokes up in the name of building their confidence, but when it goes to their head you don’t really have any ways of dealing with it.

Albanvale may have played in 16 or whatever finals series in a row without winning a flag and it might be funny for outsiders, but at least they’ve got there. Laverton in that time have probably played in ONE finals series. As a former player, I would have loved to have played in consecutive finals series with Laverton.

I don’t expect you to respond either publicly or privately because I know how you operate. But until Lavo is in a position that it can actually look down on and judge others, please save us the constant rhetoric and judgments of others.


Only reason I will respond is because you think you know how I operate, and clearly you don't.

I have nothing bad to say on a public forum about Micka, Aaron and anyone else for that matter. As for yourself, I too have nothing bad to say about you publicly either. All players that you have mentioned and including yourself have shortcomings as players and as people as do I as a coach and a person - Factual information.

As a coach you are NEVER going to get all players to agree, like you personally or conform to where the club wants to head OR will have opportunities to move on and play elsewhere. The spin you have put on your well-worded piece above looks good and believeable on the surface and that is great but it lacks fact or the specific information on what was said, done, expectations not met, etc... None of this needs to come to light on here but hey you are entitled to your view and opinion and you have done that. No longer a player at our club for your reasons (which we will both have possibly varying versions of events) and removed from our club and what actually is going on, feel free to continue your sour grapes with me, the club or the direction that we as a team, club or unit but I will no longer respond but paint the true picture and positives I see of our club.

Even though you did leave at seasons end of 2010 and requested to train with us and did so in 2011, perhaps you don't train with us this season and move on David.

Cheers and go Lavo in 2012 - we'll be fine and we'll go well!

Only reason I will respond is because you think you know how I operate, and clearly you don't.

I have nothing bad to say on a public forum about Micka, Aaron and anyone else for that matter. As for yourself, I too have nothing bad to say about you publicly either. All players that you have mentioned and including yourself have shortcomings as players and as people as do I as a coach and a person - Factual information.

As a coach you are NEVER going to get all players to agree, like you personally or conform to where the club wants to head OR will have opportunities to move on and play elsewhere. The spin you have put on your well-worded piece above looks good and believeable on the surface and that is great but it lacks fact or the specific information on what was said, done, expectations not met, etc... None of this needs to come to light on here but hey you are entitled to your view and opinion and you have done that. No longer a player at our club for your reasons (which we will both have possibly varying versions of events) and removed from our club and what actually is going on, feel free to continue your sour grapes with me, the club or the direction that we as a team, club or unit but I will no longer respond but paint the true picture and positives I see of our club.

Even though you did leave at seasons end of 2010 and requested to train with us and did so in 2011, perhaps you don't train with us this season and move on David.

Cheers and go Lavo in 2012 - we'll be fine and we'll go well!

Agreed not everyone is going to get along at footy clubs but who cares thats life ... dont like whats happening move on or just deal with it , no need for internet slanging matches thats no good for anyone ...:thumbsdown:

From things ive heard Districts seem to be moving along well with Rooney at the helm , got a good plan and good visions for the club and group and with no one looking like going and a couple of handy players coming across and a couple coming back should be in a for a big year :thumbsu:

Anyone else got any recent news on player movements, rumours etc ??
Who are these handy players coming to Coburg? I think we all knew Ron would be a good drawing card for new recruits next season
Who are these handy players coming to Coburg? I think we all knew Ron would be a good drawing card for new recruits next season

I wouldn't have thought that Ron would have much pulling power at all. He is older and most of his network is gone. He also rubs most people up the wrong way. Did anyone from Tullamarine follow him to Airport West ??? Or from Pascoe Vale to Tullamarine ???

Exactly, majority of guys that have played under him wouldnt follow him. IMO

Anyone know if certain Clubs have a few good players coming up from the 18s.

I know wyndhamvale and albanvale have a few good players coming up. That should help cobras with a couple of players leaving and should help the falcons add to there young list.
Re: Western Region FL - Division Two - Part 3

The king of caroline Springs and the artist formally known as the prince of parkside has been active in the off season. Hes so keen for a finals apperance he is pulling out all stops and leaving no chances behind. He has added more Albanvale players to his domain and is even going as far as sneaking in and out of peoples windows to get contracts signed. He was last seen harrasing people on the street in the wee small hours saying here mate heres a contract now let me finish that stubbie off and its a deal.
Was last seen in deep discussions with a couple of Parks blokes spreading the springs gospel?
Re: Western Region FL - Division Two - Part 3

Mate there could be two that i can think of,
1-Darren Oflarety (Deer Parks 2011 resi coach should be sacked for not making granny i would say)
2-Paul Bradley (Parkside resi coach who was aholed from club even though they won granny)
3-Mick Malthouse (no i dont think so).
So if Mick wont do it then its either one of the above, oh just wait a minute i just thought why dont they get the U18 co coach of 2011 who they sacked.
Whats his name u know the bloke who bled nth sunshine of its 18s oh whats his name again.
Anyway good luck and it aint even 2012 yet.:rolleyes:

Hahahahaha if only you knew!
Re: Western Region FL - Division Two - Part 3

Pre Season training begins for many clubs in the next couple of weeks, all should be keen to get out on the track. Any news on clubs picking up players yet? doesnt seem to be much happening at the moment. Has albanvale named a coach yet?
Over the last week i have heard parkside have chased a few handy players not sure who or if they have signed yet and same goes for glenorden and coburg hearing rumours but no names? Whats the go?
Re: Western Region FL - Division Two - Part 3

Pre Season training begins for many clubs in the next couple of weeks, all should be keen to get out on the track. Any news on clubs picking up players yet? doesnt seem to be much happening at the moment. Has albanvale named a coach yet?
Over the last week i have heard parkside have chased a few handy players not sure who or if they have signed yet and same goes for glenorden and coburg hearing rumours but no names? Whats the go?

heard that albanvale have lost a couple of players, not sure how true this is? a mate of mine told me a couple may have gone to melton centrals? apparently theres a little whisper that braybrook are chasing a couple of talls and heard that glen ogden have signed 3 or 4 talls also. i can't confirm nothing though. all that info is just from mates mates etc.
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