WWE Royal Rumble, Sunday 2nd February 2025, 10am AEDT on Netflix (Countdown 8am on Youtube)

Wrestling is about the story. Good vs. Evil. And the moments it creates. It just uses a fictional sport as its vehicle.

Yes the Roman v Cody match was excellent. I’ve rewatched it a couple of times. Great psychology and great in ring story. But let’s be honest, the 3 Cross Rhodes were really one of the only the lasting memories of the wrestling itself. All the hoopla, the run ins, the stare downs, the facials and the absolute scenes upon Cody’s triumph is what will be remembered.
But they were part of the match not a moment. Roman hitting the crossroads and putting the table away were also highlights of that match
Thanks for your reply DP. Charlotte winning has cetainly ruffled many feathers around the place!

I did not claim to be a booker, nor do I need to be to disagree with Charlotte winning.

I never said you were. But we WWE fans all have our opinions. For those who hated Charlotte winning, I'd like to see who they would have rather win and ME WM. Charlotte was the obvious choice.

You basically said "Charlotte deserved to win, and any one who disagrees with her doing so, is wrong". I disagree greatly with that.

Not exactly my words, but it's semantics.
Once again, Charlotte was the obvious choice.

They don't need clout to sell the main event match. It's Wrestlemania ffs. You could throw two half dead chihuahuas in a ring and people would watch it because its Wrestlemania.

Hard disagree. Michin vs Tiffany, or Roxanne Perez vs Rhea Ripley eg, just doesn't hit as hard.
While those matches could be great, they're not WM quality just yet.

She's been out 14 months. She's not had a single match, nor done anything with anyone on screen in that time.

Being out of action means nothing in the WWE.

She doesn't need the win.

Why doesn't she need the win?
It puts forward the notion that she's still on top of her game, so that when Stratton does pin her at WM, it elevates Tiffy even higher.
Charlotte being booked strong then getting pinned at WM? There's no better way to put someone over.
(This is the result that needs to happen).

Plus, you build legends by piling on accolades. Charlotte is now the first 2-time womens RR winner.

If anything, it will turn that match into a pissbreak for a lot of long time fans.

I won't be taking a piss-break during her match.
As you said already, "you could throw two half dead chihuahuas in a ring and people would watch it because its Wrestlemania".

And the general consensus so far has been that the vast majority of fans didn't want to see her win... again.
It's just typical Charlotte booking. Her entire career she has been given random title shots and big wins out of nowhere, when people were absolutely sick of seeing her in every main event. It's boring, and sucks for the people who have busted their guts for the last year trying to earn a spot.

Yes plenty in the IWC hated Charlotte winning this, and being in countless main events and winning, but the WWE continue to book her as they do as she's good business.
Whether it's the Flair name, her backstage pull, or anything else, she's good business. She's the heavy hitter.

I'm sure the general consensus on Cena over his career was the same, but people still tuned in.

I'm a fan and am keen to see Charlotte vs either Tiffany (my preference) or Rhea part 2. There are many like me too.
When Becky returns she'll get the same treatment as another heavy hitter.

There's plenty of WWE women who bust their gut, but there's usually only 4 spots in the womens WM main events.
This year it looks like Stratton will be rewarded (rightly so). It was Iyo last year (also rightly so).
Becky (if able) might get the other spot because she's also good for business, but plenty will be upset at that too I'd imagine.

And if they haven't built enough stars as you claim, then the right time IS after a rumble win to help make a name.
Not just go, "Oh well, maybe next year." and give a throw away win to Flair.

They've had 12 months to build them on other PLE's, so either few new women have stood up and "grabbed that brass ring", or the WWE has failed with putting them over.

Tiffany Stratton is one they've got right, and has rightly earned her spot.
Thanks for your reply DP. Charlotte winning has cetainly ruffled many feathers around the place!

I never said you were. But we WWE fans all have our opinions. For those who hated Charlotte winning, I'd like to see who they would have rather win and ME WM. Charlotte was the obvious choice.

Not exactly my words, but it's semantics.
Once again, Charlotte was the obvious choice.

Hard disagree. Michin vs Tiffany, or Roxanne Perez vs Rhea Ripley eg, just doesn't hit as hard.
While those matches could be great, they're not WM quality just yet.

Being out of action means nothing in the WWE.

Why doesn't she need the win?
It puts forward the notion that she's still on top of her game, so that when Stratton does pin her at WM, it elevates Tiffy even higher.
Charlotte being booked strong then getting pinned at WM? There's no better way to put someone over.
(This is the result that needs to happen).

Plus, you build legends by piling on accolades. Charlotte is now the first 2-time womens RR winner.

I won't be taking a piss-break during her match.
As you said already, "you could throw two half dead chihuahuas in a ring and people would watch it because its Wrestlemania".

Yes plenty in the IWC hated Charlotte winning this, and being in countless main events and winning, but the WWE continue to book her as they do as she's good business.
Whether it's the Flair name, her backstage pull, or anything else, she's good business. She's the heavy hitter.

I'm sure the general consensus on Cena over his career was the same, but people still tuned in.

I'm a fan and am keen to see Charlotte vs either Tiffany (my preference) or Rhea part 2. There are many like me too.
When Becky returns she'll get the same treatment as another heavy hitter.

There's plenty of WWE women who bust their gut, but there's usually only 4 spots in the womens WM main events.
This year it looks like Stratton will be rewarded (rightly so). It was Iyo last year (also rightly so).
Becky (if able) might get the other spot because she's also good for business, but plenty will be upset at that too I'd imagine.

They've had 12 months to build them on other PLE's, so either few new women have stood up and "grabbed that brass ring", or the WWE has failed with putting them over.

Tiffany Stratton is one they've got right, and has rightly earned her spot.

Love her or hate her, Charlotte is a big time name and any singles match involving her is elevated much more because of her involvement. There’s not many other women on the roster, as talented as they are, that can draw the same attention and big match feel as Charlotte.

Whether it’s v Rhea, of which they had one of the best women’s matches I’ve ever seen a few year ago at WrestleMania. Or against Tiffany, who couldn’t have a better opponent to defeat to seal her stardom.

I also seen a stat somewhere as well where it stated Charlotte is 0-29 in her last 29 title matches. Now that may need to be confirmed but if it’s true it shows how much she’s willing to put over other talent.
Jorydnne Grace would have been a worthy Rumble winner imo

Grace vs Rhea at Mania would have been lit

While it might be a good match; the majority of the audience doesn’t know who Grace is yet. Give them time to tell the story
Jorydnne Grace would have been a worthy Rumble winner imo

Grace vs Rhea at Mania would have been lit
While it might be a good match; the majority of the audience doesn’t know who Grace is yet. Give them time to tell the story
Give her 12 months and a small run with one of the Women's midcard titles imo
I also seen a stat somewhere as well where it stated Charlotte is 0-29 in her last 29 title matches. Now that may need to be confirmed but if it’s true it shows how much she’s willing to put over other talent.
Just had a look. Last 30 title matches without a win. But 25 of those are house show loops.

Of the 5 PLE/TV matches:
A smackdown match which was a no contest finish.
Triple threat where she didn't get pinned.
SD match where Iyo used the title as a weapon to cheat.
Triple threat where she lost clean.
And lastly when she lost the title to Ripley at Mania.

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WWE Royal Rumble, Sunday 2nd February 2025, 10am AEDT on Netflix (Countdown 8am on Youtube)

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