Your local urban legend stories...

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Yep, that one was always a cracker.... no pun intended. :eek:

Also, the story about how a woman picks up a guy, hooks up with him, gets a number, then over the next day develops a rash. She goes to the doctor, who immediately calls the police. The rash is from a bacteria which is only usually found in dead, decaying flesh. Turns out the guy is a necrophilic serial killer, and the woman was his next victim.

There's also the story about some drunk bogan who brings a passed out girl back to his house, puts a paper bag over her head, then his mates come over and they all have a go. While one guy is ****ing he, the bag comes off and he sees her face. It turns out he's raping his sister.

Immortal Technique - Dance With The Devil:thumbsu::thumbsu:
Ive heard the first one. Thats definitely real.
Larundel mental hospital is a common one with the musicbox at midnight.
Greenvale mental hospital is another. Apparently on a full moon every 3rd car that drives past it cops a flat tyre that evening.
A story about that place though is a couple of guys went in there with a dog to feel safe.
As they were on a higher floor the dog suddenly froze as the curtains were moving yet there was no wind and the windows were close.
Suddenly the dog took off and leapt thru the window and killed itself.

Driven past that a few times. No flat tire to this point!
Old one about someone who knew someone who heard someone stuck a razorblade on the slides at Magic Mountain.

Also 1 about the small girl who leapt off the 10M platform at the pool , got caught by a gust of wind and missed the pool and the kid who did a belly-flop and burst his stomach open :eek:

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Old one about someone who knew someone who heard someone stuck a razorblade on the slides at Magic Mountain.

Also 1 about the small girl who leapt off the 10M platform at the pool , got caught by a gust of wind and missed the pool and the kid who did a belly-flop and burst his stomach open :eek:

I believed a similar story to this. One was that a fatguy jumped off and yes his stomach split. Another was told to me when I was at the top of the 10m diving board. A baby/toddler (How did they get up there?) fell of the 10 metre board and died. :( And then they buried the baby next to the diving board. There was a rock and a dirt patch so I thought it was true.
When I was at university in Sydney and living in college, there was an O-Week 'hazing' activity where the seniors got the freshers drunk, shaved their heads, dressed them in women's clothes and then drove them out of the city and dumped them in all different places with no money and instructions to make their way back to the college however they best could. Most people got dumped a few hours away (I got dumped in the Hunter Valley). One year we had an arrangement with a college from Melbourne who do something similar, and the two groups met in Albury and swapped captives.

Anyway, the urban legend we used to tell freshers was that the record was held by some guys in the '80s who slipped a fresher a Mickey and dumped him on a flight to Dublin. Utterly preposterous but plenty of them bought it.

Heres a story somewhat similar to this-ish.


Rugby initiation at uni! Had ourselves a good old fashion prison break. told to bring only a mobile phone and Id/passport and had to get as far away from London as possible with no money. Most efforts got the the outer reaches of London some into Surrey. My fellow Center and me managed to get to Inverness by jumping trains and barriers! Got a picture of ourselves next to St Andrew's Cathedral with the days news paper and returned (in the same fashion) 24 hours later as fresher heros.... that was until a lonely prop returned 11 days later to tell possibly the most epic journey ever. From uni he: Stole a bike and cycled to the Maidstone sleeping in a bush on route, then train jumped to Dover, he then (reverse immigrant style) persuaded a random couple to let him cross the channel from dover hiding in the boot off there volvo, after arriving in Calais, he effectively hitchhiked 350 miles with 6 different lifts then worked with some delivery firm driving across Eastern Europe and ended up with a photo of the days paper outside the victory monument in... Bangkok! where he used the money he earned and a trip to the uk embassy to book his flight home!... Ultimate LAD!
Reminds me of Immortal Technique - Dance with the Devil.

Anyway keeping on track with the thread, my friends who live in the Narre Warren / Berwick say there's a house somewhere in the area where some bloke brutally killed a family. If you drive by slowly right outside the house, the street light turns itself off warning you of what happened.


heh, I have that affect on things.

Compasses (eg N-S-E-W) don't work around me.

...Also any watches I wear seem to lose time. I was given my grandfather's watch (which hadnt lost a second in 50 years) - within a day it was out of time. After a week of readjusting I gave up, put it in the drawer, and now it keeps perfect time.

When I was a kid, the area I lived in (I thought) had a dodgy street light, kept flicking off and on when I caught the bus home (and later driving past).

I mentioned it to friends/family etc at various times, no-one had ever noticed it. So I did a little experiment.

Standing 50m away, the light was on. As I got within about 10m, it went off, and stayed off. Once I'd walked past it (even just 1m), it came back on.

It was only from one direction, and always in the region of 5-10m away. I tried to convince some friends to do the test, but none would, so one day I got off the bus the stop before, and waited to see if anyone would would past it - a few did and it didn't go off...I did and it went off, a few more did and it didn't.


...I've found other street-lights do the same thing just for me, but not with anything like the consistency this one light did.

(I've never been to Narre Warren. Honest) :eek:
Homeless Harry in Warrandyte. I heard his family was killed and he's super rich or something so he just hangs around the area. Don't see him now to much since broke up with the ex lol
A true one about my school.

Back in the day a nun killed herself after jumping from the bell tower in a storm. This is true as it is stated in our school diary.

Now around the chapel strange things happen. Not all that noticable. Just like gas heaters turning off when people are in the chapel, noises from the old organ on the wall (not music, just squeks and a soft groaning sound like wind is rushing through it) and this statue of a nun that would always move every few months that weighed a ton. People have tried to move it and maybe 4 or 5 huge guys could do it but it would be a damn struggle and makes heaps of noises moving it. It moved up and down a flight of stairs too which would be impossible.

There is also a story that about 2 or 3 kids have passed out in there over the past 100 or so years and said they saw freaky shit and at the time seemed to be telling the truth.

The story goes it was on a stormy night and I know this can happen anywhere but we get some freaky storms around the end of school time sometimes... ones that people talk about for a few weeks after.

And yeah, people say the nun haunts the school.
Some burger dude at this new franchise. Its chilling cos they charge an exorbitant amount for a burger. Apparently, this douche used to work at mcdonalds and was fed up with the long skoolkid hours slave labor thing and decided that urine and excrement loaded into a burger was a fey, weak attack at a consumerist society.
He decided to rape them up the anoos instead-via their wallet.
It's urban all right.
And it aint no myth.

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The other one I've heard (which could've easily happened) is woman gets petrol then goes into service station, service station attendent goes 'Just wait and play it cool, i've just seen someone creep into your backseat" (ie they were going to get abducted)


On topic, Is there a haunted asylum with associated urban legends in adelaide? i always have heard of a derelict hospital in the eastern suburbs but never came across it.
Glenside Hospital

Only parts of the hospital are no longer in operation but I believe one of those is the dreaded Z-Ward. This is the place they use to lock up the craziest of the crazies
My sister is a great one for the ULs. She told me the one about 'tarantulas in the cactus' happened to a friend of hers - 'They had to get the whole house fumigated and couldn't move back for a month', and the 'Abductor in the back seat' hwo left his rope and axe in there when chased away.

My favorite (from a sporting perspective) is 'Dean Jones was dropped from the Australian team because he was bonking Bobby Simpson's daughter'. If you ask in WA, they had the exact same story - except it was Timmy Zoehrer. And if you look around the world, it is a very common legend.
Dance with the devil gives me shivers every time, great/disturbing track.

I hear this one a bit ;

This girl meets a guy at a club and really likes him so she goes back to his house they do the deed etc etc. He has work in the morning so he tells her to just let herself out in the morning when she wakes up. When he leaves in the morning she does a dump and it won't flush so she puts it in a plastic bag on the table to take with her. She lets herself out only to realise she left the bag on the table and never hears from him again.
also the julia farr centre has the odd story around it iirc?
The old building was meant to get knocked down I think, no idea if it's happened or not. Heard there can be a few sketchy people in there though, knowing others will come look through it so they hide with knives, bats etc. Also meant to be home to a few homeless people too.
Dance with the devil gives me shivers every time, great/disturbing track.

I hear this one a bit ;

This girl meets a guy at a club and really likes him so she goes back to his house they do the deed etc etc. He has work in the morning so he tells her to just let herself out in the morning when she wakes up. When he leaves in the morning she does a dump and it won't flush so she puts it in a plastic bag on the table to take with her. She lets herself out only to realise she left the bag on the table and never hears from him again.

There was a short film on the Comedy Channel that was like that but with a different ending.

The old building was meant to get knocked down I think, no idea if it's happened or not. Heard there can be a few sketchy people in there though, knowing others will come look through it so they hide with knives, bats etc. Also meant to be home to a few homeless people too.

i just recall reading about a freaky abandoned multi-storey building in adelaide on the net once...

the glenside z-ward would be heaps freaky.

any good stories about it round the traps?

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Your local urban legend stories...

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