Your worst Football Injury/** Not an original MF Thread**

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Re: Your worst Football Injury/

knocked a blokes front tooth out with my elbow (accident) in a pack collision - the tooth was embedded just under the bone and partially severed the tendon.

strapped it up but during the following qtr I jumped to punch the ball but was somwehow tunnelled over the boundary and hit my head flush on the metal pole fence (probably revenge) - was concussed for 5 mins before being taken to hospital.

6 stitches in the head, 4 in the elbow plus 8 weeks of elbow tendonitis.:thumbsu:

Was the other guy okay? :eek:
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Worst injuries if footy were all this year: Dislocated my right shoulder in the Pre-season and was on the sideline for 8 weeks then after being back playing for about 4 games i broke my right collarbone and fractured my left wrist at the same time.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

I know someone that did something like yours T'toes, plaster covered each arm.

He couldn't wipe after going to toilet:eek:
I'm just curious. How did you run full seed in to a fence?

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Re: Your worst Football Injury/

I'm just curious. How did you run full seed in to a fence?

Playing footy and it was a school semi final so i was real determined. The ball got kicked high into the bluest of skies and what i didn't notice was the wind pushing it towards the boundary. Marked it as soon as i hit the fence and it felt like running into a brick wall. Worst pain ever. Slung back onto the ground and yeah, couldn't feel my leg and shit. Looking back now it was funny haha and i always get bagged about it:p
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

my worst football injury.. do we have enough room lol

ill keep them short.

1. have to be the tear of my PCL (not ACL) and fracturing the fibula.
Went running back with the flight of the ball and my foot got caught under the guy at the front of the pack and hyper-extended the knee. then my whole body weight went over causing my leg to snap. Bit like Matt McGuire a few years back.

2. Got caught in between 2 blokes. blow to the temple and to the nose. pissin out with blood, trainer came out and collapsed and lost conscious for about 30 seconds. Turned out to be my last game of footy (i'm only 16 as well).
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Broke my thumb. Literally snapped right throught the bone and had to play two more games for the season. All this rubbish about how tough Darren Milane was. I bet he didn't use a few panadols and some elastoplast. It's doable, trust me.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

I got smashed into the ground and landed on the point of my shoulder ended up with a grade 3 AC joint tear (where collar bone connects to shoulder). A couple years later exactly the same thing happpened and my collar bone was just hanging there and wouldn't go back into the joint so I had to get an operation done to screw my collar bone into the shoulder socket.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

A month or so ago i landed awkwardly on my right shoulder and couldnt feel it for a few seconds. Didnt think much of it but couldnt use it for a few days.

Cricket season has come along and im right to bowl, no restraint whatsoever, but i cannot throw over-arm at all. Hurts a lot when i try to throw but apart from that no pain. I have no idea whats wrong :confused:

Does anyone know ? lol.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Badly damaged kidney. Pissed blood for a week.

Two shoulder dislocations and countless knee dislocations.

15+ concussions - the last so serious that I haven't played a game in 12 years.

Also ruptured a kidney, thought I had some sort of sexually transmitted disease because I kept pissing blood. Did it two or three times before going to a doctor and him scaring the shit out of me by telling me I could die by continuing to play.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

I know someone that did something like yours T'toes, plaster covered each arm.

He couldn't wipe after going to toilet:eek:

I'm having Vietnam war like flashbacks scottyD :eek:

It's a humbling experience, to say the least, although bath time made up for the humility of toilet time to some degree, especially when you have a bunch of young nurses heaping attention on you :thumbsu:

Re: Your worst Football Injury/

thats after they managed to straighten it back out but part of the bone is still sticking out, thats where i needed a skin graft to replace the skin and flesh i lost, all from getting it caught in an oppenents jumper .

yeh i got my thumb caught in a jumper tore all the ligaments through there that was gay missed 8 weeks
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

amongst various broken bones, my worst was broken jaw
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Swollen Bruised Balls from a ruck contest with a taller ruackman in juniors. Left the gate open, and he went straight through. Could not play the second half and had to go to the hospital. No long term structural damage, but the jokes kept coming for many years from teammates. :(

Oh, and broken collar bone, but it did not compare in pain or embarrasment. lol

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Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Sprained my AC joint this year, played the next week. I was pretty much useless, couldnt raise my left arm and I was in complete agony. Missed the next week after I went to go see a physio.

Had a really bad corkee in U16s. Couldnt walk for a week and missed the next game.

All through juniors I would jarr my ring finger on my left, my index on my right and my right thumb every game. It sucked. I can't close any of them properly now and when it is cold they ache.

I never really got any serious injuries due to me being alot bigger than all the kids I played against.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

A month or so ago i landed awkwardly on my right shoulder and couldnt feel it for a few seconds. Didnt think much of it but couldnt use it for a few days.

Cricket season has come along and im right to bowl, no restraint whatsoever, but i cannot throw over-arm at all. Hurts a lot when i try to throw but apart from that no pain. I have no idea whats wrong :confused:

Does anyone know ? lol.

Sounds like a rotator cuff injury, could be a strain or a tear
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

I've been fairly lucky with footy. Worst is torn ligaments in my Ankle, the scar tissue still gives me trouble. Done my AC joint in both shoulders, now my shoulders are kinda morphed out of shape (put an end to my bowling in cricket).

Been knocked out 12 times. A few of them came with cuts above the eye requiring stitches.

The worst one, got a knee square in my eye, squashing the eye back into the socket. Worst, deepest pain I've ever felt. Throwing up and everything from the pain (and concussion). What makes it bad is that eight hours later, the concussion and pain had gone but everytime I looked left or down I just spewed. Weird, no pain when I did it, just I threw up, must've crossed some nerves or something :p

But yeah, no brocket bone, no torn ACL's, mainly just concussion (hence my name)
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Broken nose when i was 9 when i went down to win the ball, some arseh*le decided to try to kick the ball, missed, kicked me in the face

Lost a baby tooth when a w***er put his elbow up for a bump when i was 12.

I thought i shattered a testicle when i copped a knee in a pack

and then you realised you didnt have any :D

haha i kid sounds painful.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Played football since the aged of 5 but never had any serious injuries until..

I broke my arm tackling a player. I put my arm out and broke the top part of my arm (the humerous). The bone fragmented into 3 and cracked down into the elbow.

When I broke it my arm was just hanging. It was a scary look for me and all the people around. When I was lying on the gound they had to pick my arm up and put it on my chest.

The operation lasted 5 hours with two plates and about 40 screws and 20 wires put in.

I was in hospital for about a week on oxygen and then physio for just under a year. Told not to play again.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

The worst by far was a dislocated right knee.
I still feel physically ill when I see a player pop a knee even on tele.
By far the worst pain I have ever experienced and hopefully ever will.
I had to do physio for 2 years to get full strength back but it used to pop out occasionally for the rest of my playing days. Never hurt that much after the first time.
The one good thing which came out of it is I had to get a "left Foot" pretty quick and I became very good on both sides after a year or so.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

Dislocated both shoulders, I did the second one a week after coming back from my first shoulder. Now they sublux every game even at the most innocuous of acts such as someone running past and knocking my elbow. Gotta say it's changed the way I play dramatically, I'm much more cautious when going in for the footy now.

Dislocated a finger, shin splints, hip and groin injuries.

Shin splints has to be the most annoying injury, you can't even run for 5 minutes without having to rest because the pain becomes unbearable.
Re: Your worst Football Injury/

8 dislocations of the right shoulder. 6 of them happened when i was 16 still playing school football, seen the orthopedic surgeon at my local hospital and he refered me to a surgeon in melbourne for a reconstruction, so i got that done and my shoulder was brilliant for the 2007 season not a worry in the world. Pre Season 08 and somone runs into the back of me and it pops straight out again, so physio and no contact for the next 12 weeks, **** i got fit, round 1 no troubles at all, round 2 it dislocates again within 10 minutes. Back to the orthapedic surgeon and he refers me to a different one this time, so off to melbourne again to see him and he recomends this new physio program for shoulders that his team has just been researching, the only other person to have completed this program is Andrew Walker from Carlton, so now i go to melbourne every 2 weeks for this physio program and so far so good. :)

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Your worst Football Injury/** Not an original MF Thread**

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