Usage for hash tag: amIdoingthisright

  1. 3agles87

    Injury SJOGHCIU - Will the curse be lifted in 2024? LOL, not a chance. Rinse and repeat

    clearly they all been shagging on MRP and injuries has everything to do with the surface. Can’t believe Don hasn’t ripped the surface up yet. Sack him if he can’t take decisive action #amIdoingthisright
  2. freo84

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Management thread - Trade Targets

    Can of coke and a pack of doritos #amIdoingthisright
  3. saintbatty


    She doesn't complain to me, but then I can find my man tool by simply looking down, rather than squatting over several mirrors like you need to do. #amIdoingthisright #lateentry
  4. Oddhawk

    Official Match Thread Season 31 SFA Grand Final: Mt Buller Demons vs Baghdad Bombers at SFA Park/Dun Lop Stadium

    ...Unshaven!!! Do you know anything about the team culture at Buller? okeydoke7 Eth cats2rise Deaneus! #SackThe****inLotOfEm #ReEnstateSmarty This campaigners gone rouge!! How do you leave a ROTY, 2 time Eth medalist out of a line up because his timing is better than Lynny #amIdoingthisright?
  5. CaptainChardonnay

    Game Day Round 3 Matchday Discussion

    doesnt have Neale either. #amIdoingthisright
  6. twotooto

    Food, Drink & Dining Out The Perth Thread - Part 3

  7. Sainter3and7

    Think Tank Three Clubs Which Must Change Their Names

    I think North is the cross dressers. #amIdoingthisright?
  8. FFB1

    2019 Draft thread

    Both will want to come home in 2 years time. #amIdoingthisright?
  9. B

    Recommitted Joe Daniher 2019 [requested a trade to Sydney - didn't get there]

    Appalling that Joe has nominated a singular club. If he wants to go to the city of Sydney he shouldve just nominated NSW and let Essendon get the best price for him. #amIdoingthisright?