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The part of this whole mess that I think is a huge wasted opportunity and just high lights the short-sightedness when you look at the Brisbane Bold concept was the construction of the athletes village that ultimately becomes affordable inner city housing.

At a time when the "housing crisis" line gets wheeled out as much as the "cost of living crisis" (why is everything now a crisis FFS) it should be the easiest sell in the world to highlight the benefits of the new development.

Stop doing internal polling and surveys and find some balls you cowards. There are more upsides to this idea than down just get on board and show some fortitude and conviction.
Good to know there is someone in Brisbane who can take a long term view of things and who can see the need for proper infrastructure. The two political leaders are incredibly small minded and only concerned with their own self interest.
Don't worry he was the same 2 weeks ago. He now has the privilege of time and security.

Hopefully Crisafulli will do the same when he has those 2 things as well.
That's because Woolloongabba is only one station. Two stations are twice as good, especially with higher-capacity buses coming in.
Yeah, that is true - though it is four platforms. That said, trains are the main game - I used to live in Melbourne, and Princes Park was bad enough, let alone Waverley ugh.

I guess the other side of it for me is that the Gabba precinct is already built around the Gabba, there's no loss of anything bar that stupidly-located school in rebuilding, though I'd suggest that buying out the National and extending the concourse over the road might be wise.

That said, maybe I'm a little biased as I live about 5km down the road :)

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The part of this whole mess that I think is a huge wasted opportunity and just high lights the short-sightedness when you look at the Brisbane Bold concept was the construction of the athletes village that ultimately becomes affordable inner city housing.
In one sense, yes, you're right. In another sense, it isn't short-sighted because parkland is very difficult to increase (because it doesn't generate revenue), and the more they build stuff on, the more is lost. That's why it's usually better to build high-density housing in an existing low-density residential area.

Seeing as Victoria Park isn't at any real risk of flooding, I would have considered taking more of it for housing in return for buying up houses in the flood zone just a little to the north, and turning them into parkland instead.

At a time when the "housing crisis" line gets wheeled out as much as the "cost of living crisis" (why is everything now a crisis FFS) it should be the easiest sell in the world to highlight the benefits of the new development.
Those things are crises because people are going homeless or having to choose between feeding their kids and feeding themselves. It's really tough.

People being able to afford renting but not buying is another phenomenon, which might not fall into the crisis category exactly, but is important when it comes to society and politics. If people don't feel their lives are getting better, they get annoyed.
Yeah, that is true - though it is four platforms.
Woolloongabba bus station? It's only two platforms. It could become for with the new underground station they're building, but I haven't seen the plans to be able to tell.

That said, trains are the main game - I used to live in Melbourne, and Princes Park was bad enough, let alone Waverley ugh.
Definitely, trains are the most efficient way to move mass numbers of people.

I guess the other side of it for me is that the Gabba precinct is already built around the Gabba, there's no loss of anything bar that stupidly-located school in rebuilding, though I'd suggest that buying out the National and extending the concourse over the road might be wise.

That said, maybe I'm a little biased as I live about 5km down the road :)
That's fair. I just worry that moving a school into another district altogether isn't a great idea. It just puzzles me why the government didn't seek to buy out a nearby commercial or industrial area to move it to. The community might have been able to live with that.
Schrinner's about-face annoys me. When VP was first leaked to the media he was against it because he didn't want to lose votes at the election, and now he's trying to shut the gate after the horse has bolted. Crisafulli is now doing the exact same thing ahead of the state election. At odds? No, they're peas in a pod. Neither of them seem to have the courage to say what they really think because they're terrified of losing a vote or two.
Didn't Schriner turn his nose up on the Bold design being multiple stadiums or arenas and Housing and other buildings.
This had a major impact on the Schriner Reforesation of Vic Park that was already on the table.
The Quirk plan had only little impact on Schriners plan.
There is a massive difference in planning.
And yes you could argue in the Bold proposal ,whether the new pedestrian areas are included in green space or not , that's not Schrinres issue it was how much impact it had on real green tree space , there is a difference.
Edit: sorry Black Panther already made this point.
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Good to know there is someone in Brisbane who can take a long term view of things and who can see the need for proper infrastructure. The two political leaders are incredibly small minded and only concerned with their own self interest.
Total respect for Schriner in all of this, if this comes off , he will be seen as one of our better planners infuencers we have ever had.
Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner will continue to push for a stadium at Victoria Park despite Mr Crisafulli ruling out a new facility for the 2032 Games.

Mr Crisafulli yesterday committed to setting up an independent delivery authority should he win the October election. But he said the body would be restricted to recommendations to ensure no new stadiums were proposed.

The stance has left the two senior LNP leaders at odds, with Mr Schrinner this morning declaring any review would have to consider a new facility at Victoria Park following the “very compelling case” put forward in Graham Quirk’s review of Games venues.

“I think any review would have to look at Victoria Park,” Mr Schrinner said ahead of the Brisbane 2032 Organising Committee meeting.

“Ultimately, we do need an oval stadium in Brisbane.

“We’ve got Suncorp Stadium for the moment, that’s getting an upgrade, the Gabba will limp through until the Olympics but what happens after that?

“We need a good quality oval stadium for AFL, cricket (and) for large concerts like Taylor Swift.

“This is an ongoing need of the community and it’s got nothing to do with the Olympics, it’s what our community needs.”
Schrinner becoming the only leader who is actually leading is surprising but I’ll take it.

It’s infuriating though that politicians only seem to be able to lead 6 days after an election and not 6 months before one.
Aside from the total BS of the last 2 days I cannot fathom how poorly the whole Olympics thing has been handled.

Have we really lost our way as a species that there is no longer anything left to get excited about? To be happy about?

This was a huge opportunity to sell Brisbane to the world. To continue to build Brisbane into a modern city that we can all be proud of. To progress the lifestyle we have here, showcase the work that has gone into making Brisbane a dynamic place to be instead of a sleepy backwater - the river front, Southbank, Queens Wharf, Eagle St...

Add a new entertainment precinct, stadium, swimming complex, with modern affordable housing and it's a no brainer.

Where has our aspiration gone? Our pride? How have we become so inward looking and fearful?

There are always reasons not to do things.

Leadership is to have vision. To have courage. To bring people along with you on the journey forward. To overcome the challenges.

Creating pride and passion about our capital city should be something we want to do... not cower away from. The shortsightedness, the influence of vested interests and the inability to resist them, the lack of passion and vision is devastating.

It simply reinforces the horrendous vacuum of leadership, of courage and of foresight that haunts politics everywhere.

Queensland has once again become the laughing stock of Australia. And most likely the world come 2032.
Once again?;)
Woolloongabba bus station? It's only two platforms. It could become for with the new underground station they're building, but I haven't seen the plans to be able to tell.
I'll have to keep an eye out, I'm driving past it this afternoon... but I think it's two sets of two.
That's fair. I just worry that moving a school into another district altogether isn't a great idea. It just puzzles me why the government didn't seek to buy out a nearby commercial or industrial area to move it to.
I agree, but I think that they were banking on overcoming local community opposition and in the end they probably would have done so. Broader Brisbane doesn't really care if some Kangaroo Point parents now have to drop their kiddies off in Coorparoo, boo-hoo.

I mean, if you could just shift Vulture Street another 250m to the north, it'd be a complete no-brainer...
Those comments by Schrinner are very hopeful. He would have been in plenty of conversations about this in recent days, so if he think it's still alive, it's still alive.
Schrinner becoming the only leader who is actually leading is surprising but I’ll take it.

It’s infuriating though that politicians only seem to be able to lead 6 days after an election and not 6 months before one.
Say what you will, but the man knows how to win elections. Something like 48% of primary votes is ridiculous.

Last thing he had to do in that election was say anything that would kick Jono Sri off the front page.
Those comments by Schrinner are very hopeful. He would have been in plenty of conversations about this in recent days, so if he think it's still alive, it's still alive.

Happy Jonah Hill GIF

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Woolloongabba bus station? It's only two platforms. It could become for with the new underground station they're building, but I haven't seen the plans to be able to tell.

Definitely, trains are the most efficient way to move mass numbers of people.

That's fair. I just worry that moving a school into another district altogether isn't a great idea. It just puzzles me why the government didn't seek to buy out a nearby commercial or industrial area to move it to. The community might have been able to live with that.
Is it that far down the road though?
It wouldn't be the only primary school that was closed down.
Wynnum Central, Wynnum North, Lindum and Hemmant all closed down and almalgamated and repositioned on the old Wynnum Nth High school site. Which is where I went, just saying.
That's a lot of kids that now need dropping off instead of a leasurely walk, some are 3 suburbs away.
The crazy thing is many of these suburbs have new housing estates plus regeneration of residence with of course kids.
So go figure.
Those comments by Schrinner are very hopeful. He would have been in plenty of conversations about this in recent days, so if he think it's still alive, it's still alive.
It’s extremely interesting he said this right before the newest Brisbane 2032 Olympic Planning Committee meeting.

I think that would have just concluded so there may be some more news coming this afternoon.
In one sense, yes, you're right. In another sense, it isn't short-sighted because parkland is very difficult to increase (because it doesn't generate revenue), and the more they build stuff on, the more is lost. That's why it's usually better to build high-density housing in an existing low-density residential area.

Seeing as Victoria Park isn't at any real risk of flooding, I would have considered taking more of it for housing in return for buying up houses in the flood zone just a little to the north, and turning them into parkland instead.

Those things are crises because people are going homeless or having to choose between feeding their kids and feeding themselves. It's really tough.

People being able to afford renting but not buying is another phenomenon, which might not fall into the crisis category exactly, but is important when it comes to society and politics. If people don't feel their lives are getting better, they get annoyed.

So don't misunderstand me... I'm not diminishing the rising cost of living or the housing situation - it's out of control - hence why this should be an easy sell. What I do have a problem with is the overuse and eventual dumbing down of the word crisis.

You can make an argument that there has a been a cost of living and housing crisis in perpetuity if you live in poverty. Calling a thing a crisis over and over and applying it to every situation that comes along doesn't change the reality for the people most affected by it... it simply makes the people not affected by it become immune to the use of the word.

As for parkland - you will never change the fact that people want to live in the inner city. Both the rich and the poor - that's reality. So in brutal terms something has to give.

If you want to compare the ultimate long term benefit to most people - and that HAS to be the criteria - building this village in the city is a no brainer compared to doing it at Hamilton.

There is a huge amount of money going to be spent on the Olympics - FACT. No matter what decisions are made with regards stadiums.

Benefiting the most people for the most time has to be the criteria.

This whole thing can simply be boiled down to - what is the cheapest long term solution to this stadium problem and what other benefits can we squeeze out of it along the way? Sport Venue,Friday afternoon (15 March).



The Honourable Steven Miles.

Minister for State Development and Infrastructure, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing
The Honourable Grace Grace.

The findings have identified new opportunities to deliver value-for-money for Queenslanders, while supporting the government’s legacy vision. At its core, the government’s response prioritises community benefit while ensuring costs remain within the agreed funding envelope of $7.1 billion to be shared between the State and Commonwealth governments.

What the hell are they going to spend 7.1 Billion dollars on... with no lasting sporting legacy apart from an upgraded Rugby League Stadium. :rolleyes: :mad: Also does that 7.1 Billion include the IOCs circa 2 Billion dollar donation or is that additional funding?
Re the bolded, it has me gobsmacked as to why Miles and Crisafulli can't see the obvious staring them in the face, mind blowing incompetence.

The real difference is that Schrinner was re-elected one week ago and is safe to give an honest opinion.

The other two are well and truly in election mode and every word out of their mouth is going to be poll-driven spin. 60-day Sport Venue,Friday afternoon (15 March).



The Honourable Steven Miles.

Minister for State Development and Infrastructure, Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Racing
The Honourable Grace Grace.

The findings have identified new opportunities to deliver value-for-money for Queenslanders, while supporting the government’s legacy vision. At its core, the government’s response prioritises community benefit while ensuring costs remain within the agreed funding envelope of $7.1 billion to be shared between the State and Commonwealth governments.

What the hell are they going to spend 7.1 Billion dollars on... with no lasting sporting legacy apart from an upgraded Rugby League Stadium. :rolleyes: :mad: Also does that 7.1 Billion include the IOCs circa 2 Billion dollar donation or is that additional funding?
Without checking "word for word" that is the same statement released a few days ago.
The part of this whole mess that I think is a huge wasted opportunity and just high lights the short-sightedness when you look at the Brisbane Bold concept was the construction of the athletes village that ultimately becomes affordable inner city housing.

At a time when the "housing crisis" line gets wheeled out as much as the "cost of living crisis" (why is everything now a crisis FFS) it should be the easiest sell in the world to highlight the benefits of the new development.

Stop doing internal polling and surveys and find some balls you cowards. There are more upsides to this idea than down just get on board and show some fortitude and conviction.
I haven't checked, but someone mentioned that the same was said about the Comm Games on GC, and those are now extremely expensive apartments to rent, not the touted affordable housing it was supposed to be
I haven't checked, but someone mentioned that the same was said about the Comm Games on GC, and those are now extremely expensive apartments to rent, not the touted affordable housing it was supposed to be

Right next to the uni and hospital so they became pretty popular. Absolute shit tips though, was in that complex to refill on copper wire the other week and noticed how run down it was.

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