David Koch - The Chairman of the Board

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As I said on Twitter - Is there a particular incident or incidents that Kochie is referring to here?

Or is Kochie just responding to the general criticism of the coach and club?

Genuine question because I haven’t seen any violent provoking or abusive behaviour directed at PAFC staff.

Just sounds like a refusal to accept any criticism. Kochie taking a leaf from Ken’s book - play victim.
Its just BS meh face saving stuff he had to say.

No different to when you hear footy clubs, public companies, governments come out and say we have made a decision that is fully supported by all members of the board/cabinet. You know its not, there was robust debates, but once a vote is taken, you publicly support it to the hilt.

What Koch says publicly, is becoming less relevant everyday.
Yea most people get that REH but deflecting to the nasty nasty comments of the “tattered and toothless” who are ever so ungrateful was just an exercise in punching yourself in the balls as hard as you can ffs

Id prefer literal vanilla backing of Ken than lighting a fire under asses of every port hating person out there who can now point our chairman if they want evidence of our “feralness”
Sadly that's not the case. There's a bunch of cowards who stand at the race as the players are making their way back in who abuse the players. And when I say abuse I don't mean they boo or yell out sack Hinkley, they tell them they're f*cken hopeless f*cken overpaid no guts disgrace etc etc. Not sure if these are the same people who then call themselves lifetime supporters. If you're abusing someone who can't walk up to you and have a conversation and discuss why they disagree with you you're a coward. It's easy to yell abuse to someone who's on the other side of the fence who is contracted to maintain a code of conduct.
Ok and there's also the 0.5% who cheer and clap them off even when they've been trounced by Hawthorn which are equally infuriating.

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Sadly that's not the case. There's a bunch of cowards who stand at the race as the players are making their way back in who abuse the players. And when I say abuse I don't mean they boo or yell out sack Hinkley, they tell them they're f*cken hopeless f*cken overpaid no guts disgrace etc etc. Not sure if these are the same people who then call themselves lifetime supporters. If you're abusing someone who can't walk up to you and have a conversation and discuss why they disagree with you you're a coward. It's easy to yell abuse to someone who's on the other side of the fence who is contracted to maintain a code of conduct.

You seem to be new to football?

The only clubs that wouldn't have this happen would be GWS and SUNS.

Yes it's shit but let's not pretend it's only Port and only now.
It’s gaslighting 101 he’s constructing a narrative that gives him and Kern an exit clause

“We tried so hard but the abuse was so bad we just couldn’t do it anymore”

Or some such

Watch when crowds return to the days of “MyATM” then it will switch to port fans being fickle and ungrateful etc etc never actually that Ken failed to deliver and Kochie did all he could to enable that
Yeah on Triple M rush hour one of them said Port fans jump off quick. LOL. 10 years into someones tenure which is way longer than most AFL coaches and we jump off quick, **** me.
As I said on Twitter - Is there a particular incident or incidents that Kochie is referring to here?

Or is Kochie just responding to the general criticism of the coach and club?

Genuine question because I haven’t seen any violent provoking or abusive behaviour directed at PAFC staff.

Just sounds like a refusal to accept any criticism. Kochie taking a leaf from Ken’s book - play victim.
This is spot on. He's trying to cancel supporters that are not happy clappers. Anything to deflect from his decision to hitch our wagon to Hinkley.

The club is turning into something... and it's not Port Adelaide.
Its just BS meh face saving stuff he had to say.

No different to when you hear footy clubs, public companies, governments come out and say we have made a decision that is fully supported by all members of the board/cabinet. You know its not, there was robust debates, but once a vote is taken, you publicly support it to the hilt.

What Koch says publicly, is becoming less relevant everyday.
I agree mate. Having been in and around boards, a united front is paramount (regardless of what goes on behind the scenes). Where Koch has gone too far is to pot the fans for being angry/emotional. I can understand the messaging that we are in this together and we will work our way out etc, but i think he has missed the mark.....
Lol how the f*ck would you know what people are saying? You're an "expat" right? How many AO games have you been to this year?

The same poster who says we're just a hick small town that people don't want to live in.

I'm actually convinced your surname is Hinkley
To be fair this happens for every team at every ground. Its shit behaviour.

Particularly at Port where it means the players are copping shit for the failed game plans of the coaches.
You seem to be new to football?

The only clubs that wouldn't have this happen would be GWS and SUNS.

Yes it's shit but let's not pretend it's only Port and only now.
Fair enough - I've been going to the footy for 40 years I've never heard some of the shit I heard at AO after the Hawthorn game. Anyway, I've said my bit, I'll never not see someone who abuses players in that way as cowards. Will leave you to it as obviously I'm in the minority. Backing away slowly.
The way this entire club has been set up under Koch stinks. He rightly called out the playing group post the '17 elim debacle and walked his comments back because poor Travis was offended and Kenneth threatened to walk to the GC. He had the opportunity to hold firm and clear house, to BE Port Adelaide but he chickened it and this is what he will forever be remembered for.
This was the line in the sand, sliding door moment in Koch's chairmanship.

He was probably too harsh on the players immediately after we lost, and then he wimped out and backed off, didn't publicly say that he went too hard on the players, but just wimped out to Hinkley, gave him an extension and low bar option of finals in one of the years.

I wrote the other day you have to judge Koch, KT's, Ken's and others tenure by drawing a line on the calendar at midnight on the night of the 2017 EF loss to WCE. Before that time, the club had done a lot bloody things right in the previous 5 years. After that line, the decision to back down and bow to Ken has lead to a shitload of poor decisions.
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Fair enough - I've been going to the footy for 40 years I've never heard some of the shit I heard at AO after the Hawthorn game. Anyway, I've said my bit, I'll never not see someone who abuses players in that way as cowards. Will leave you to it as obviously I'm in the minority. Backing away slowly.
To be fair, in those 40 years how many Port games were you at where the playing group quit on the coach?
Fair enough - I've been going to the footy for 40 years I've never heard some of the shit I heard at AO after the Hawthorn game. Anyway, I've said my bit, I'll never not see someone who abuses players in that way as cowards. Will leave you to it as obviously I'm in the minority. Backing away slowly.

Seriously, no one here disagrees with you on this.

We just think that the accusation that Doctor Feel is one of the ones doing it is a bit ludicrous.
Yea most people get that REH but deflecting to the nasty nasty comments of the “tattered and toothless” who are ever so ungrateful was just an exercise in punching yourself in the balls as hard as you can ffs

Id prefer literal vanilla backing of Ken than lighting a fire under asses of every port hating person out there who can now point our chairman if they want evidence of our “feralness”
I agree mate. Having been in and around boards, a united front is paramount (regardless of what goes on behind the scenes). Where Koch has gone too far is to pot the fans for being angry/emotional. I can understand the messaging that we are in this together and we will work our way out etc, but i think he has missed the mark.....

Fair call to you both.

I clicked on the thread, saw Arsene's post, thought come on don't worry about his BS, then after I posted, I saw the thread had jumped ahead 4 pages in no time, so I went and listened to what he said, and there was the complete BS about fans that Arsene didn't list.

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Fair call to you both.

I clicked on the thread, saw Arsene's post, thought come on don't worry about his BS, then after I posted, I saw the thread had jumped ahead 4 pages in no time, so I went and listened to what he said, and there was the complete BS about fans that Arsene didn't list.
my summary missed the key point probably... ;)
Seriously, no one here disagrees with you on this.

We just think that the accusation that Doctor Feel is one of the ones doing it is a bit ludicrous.


We all know he remains in his seat with his arms folded.
Fair enough - I've been going to the footy for 40 years I've never heard some of the shit I heard at AO after the Hawthorn game. Anyway, I've said my bit, I'll never not see someone who abuses players in that way as cowards. Will leave you to it as obviously I'm in the minority. Backing away slowly.
I wasn't at the Hawthorn game (obviously) but I've heard some shocking things at the race from many different teams supporters.

Agree with you completely that its shit behaviour, but its not at all unique to Port Adelaide. If you think otherwise I'd question how many games you've been to at different stadiums.
Seriously, no one here disagrees with you on this.

We just think that the accusation that Doctor Feel is one of the ones doing it is a bit ludicrous.

Yeah man i'm totally on their social media, threatening them with kneecapping and telling them they shoot blanks. I'm also calling Hinkley day and night with anonymous threatening breathing.
I spoke to a lady at work who would be as close to a happy clapper as i know. 100% backs everything the club does and puts faith in the clubs decisions

She asked me today "how do you feel about Hinkley" to which i said "he needs to go.. sack him"

She agreed and said "Yep he has to go"

David is in for a world of pain here. Even the happy clappers are turning. Members and fans will vote with their feet and $$$ and he will fall on his sword along with his chum Kenneth
You only have to look at Facebook comments the last couple of weeks to see it's turned. They have been the happiest of the happy clappers. Prior to this year post a negative comment and it's 'ReAl SuPPOrterS dON'T Bag, SupPorT CrOWS!'. Now the negative comments outweigh the 'He can't kick it for them' numpties. The hard core supporters, who were there 2008-2012 had largely turned, but it's obvious the mood of the rest has gone from either 'keep making finals and eventually we'll be lucky!' or 'Remember 2012!' to Ken now wanted gone from the majority. Koch and the club are trying to close the gate, but the horse has bolted, there's no turning it back now.

Koch and the club can either try to salvage what's left of everyone else's reputation or vainly throw themselves in front of the bus hoping to shield Ken (and by extension themselves). They've chosen the latter, all it's going to do is get them splattered across the road as well.
This was the line in the sand, sliding door moment in Koch's chairmanship.

He was probably too harsh on the players immediately after we lost, and then he wimped out and backed off, didn't publicly say that he went too hard on the players, but just wimped out to Hinkley, gave him an extension and low bar option of finals in 1 year.

I wrote the other day you have to judge Koch, KT's, Ken's and others tenure by drawing a line on the calendar at midnight on the night of the 2017 EF loss to WCE. Before that time, the club had done a lot bloody things right in the previous 5 years. After that line, the decision to back down and bow to Ken has lead to a shitload of poor decisions.

In my view the Hinkley coaching shit started in the summer of 2014-15. In 2014 we played a brand of quick, offensive football that stunned a few of the other teams. I'll never forget the look on Jarryd Roughead's face with only minutes to go in the 2014 PF. They only won that by the grace of the umpires and our inaccuracy and I believe we would have trounced Sydney in the GF the way we were playing. I was over the moon personally the way we attacked the ball and ran it down the guts as to me it was how the game should be played and in my eyes 2015 was ours for the taking. Then came the pre season and Ken's comments of 'the other teams will catch us up, so we're going defensive' The rest is history. I think I have listened to only one of his post game media sessions since 2016, as it's all copy and paste to me. As for Koch, his whole career has been nothing but spin which comes with the territory of being a finance journalist I guess. Yeah, 2016 was the year I became disillusioned and stopped being passionate and just became meh
Sadly that's not the case. There's a bunch of cowards who stand at the race as the players are making their way back in who abuse the players. And when I say abuse I don't mean they boo or yell out sack Hinkley, they tell them they're f*cken hopeless f*cken overpaid no guts disgrace etc etc. Not sure if these are the same people who then call themselves lifetime supporters. If you're abusing someone who can't walk up to you and have a conversation and discuss why they disagree with you you're a coward. It's easy to yell abuse to someone who's on the other side of the fence who is contracted to maintain a code of conduct.
No guts, disgraceful, hopeless, overpaid? It's almost like supporters still remember the Creed even if no one at the club does. If they'd shown endeavor in defeat I doubt much would have happened.
I suspect that most of the 'abuse' is not vile and personal in nature rather just critical (deservedly so) of the players/coaches/club and their performance. In other words, it's of the nature that we see on here.

That being the case, I have no sympathy for them. They are all being paid extremely well (way more than almost all of them would get in the real world) and it's the fans who are directly and indirectly paying those wages.

And you know what? People on that sort of money in the real world face pressure and expectation and in your face feedback all the time. If you don't like that, go make $50-100k in a boring ass normal job like everyone else and nobody will bother you or expect more than the minimum. High performance positions in high performance industries come with high performance expectations.
I agree with your point but it's clear to me that Koch sees any dissent as opposition.

The "you're either with us or you're against us" mantra only includes the board and admin of the club, not the supporters.
To him we are on the outside.
If you read our new constitution we literally are.
Koch comments from AA just now in summary:

  • we are not financially hamstrung (if we wanted to move coach on)
  • Ken is part of the future and the solution
  • fans need to show respect to coaching group and staff (agree to a certain extent, but accountability is critical)
  • sights well set on making finals.

He is completely lost. Notwithstanding, I don't expect him to come out and say we have lost confidence and we are actively looking for a replacement. I just find Koch so condescending.
  • we are not financially hamstrung (if we wanted to move coach on)
  • Ken is part of the future and the solution (by moving the coach on)
  • fans need to show respect to coaching group and staff (because we've moved the coach on)
  • sights well set on making finals (after we've moved the coach on)

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David Koch - The Chairman of the Board

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