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  1. S

    Why doesnt FFA help at all ?

    I admit I am not a HUGE football fan but am one of many many thousands warming to the game. Now I have a serious question as I just dont get something...... The A-League is still in its infancy, but growing quite rapidly as the FFA seem to be on the right track and the comp is gaining...
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    Ricky Nixon on 1116

    I think Mr. Nixon has been losing the plot for a while now and is trying throw his weight around a bit too in he is not as big as he thinks he is. A few months ago most clubs were asked if they would be interested drafting Cousins, Adelaides John Reid replied honestly that the club...
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    P. Burgoyne to finish his career at Port.

    Well done to all parties. To stuck by your guns and I think you had every right to. To have made the best decision, you are a big part of the powers history and it woulv'e been sad to see you leave "your" club on such a sour note.
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    Can't help but feel sorry for Roos and Crows

    While I was was not happy with the Crows performance in all honesty I think we finished where we deserved. Most wrote us off big time ( like they do every year ) and we made the finals . But we were not really good enough to procceed. All credit to Collingwood who touvhed us up. The Roos were...
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    Well Done Sainters!

    All crap aside....good luck Sainters. Too good and desreved the 4th spot. I love the way you guys are hitting your strapps at the right time and IMHO have you as one of 3 teams that can do it. All the best.
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    For all of you who are hating Essendon and feeling sorry for the Crows

    Congrats all round to the Sainters...too good and I hope you do well. But if I was a Bomber fan I would be gutted with such an insipid display to farewell Ramma ( especially) , Pevrill , Johnson and Mal. What a feeble and sad end. Good luck Saints.
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    On The Comeback Trail

    Good luck tough customer. On our side we have Trent Hentchle slowing getting back into it after those horrific knees were reconstructed. Not sure if they will use him this year , he is playing SANFL a bit. Might slot him in if we play finals, might just let it go until next year...
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    Two great players near 300 games. Who has been better?

    Great thread.... I just cant split them, 2 of the very best. I remember how in awe of Crawf we all were when he was at his absolute peak...he was the best in the comp IMHO. At times he lifted an ok side into the finals. As for Andy Mac...a rolls royce and has always been a pleasure to...
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    Milburn's tackle

    I think it maybe looked at but will not go anywhere. The fact the umpire didnt even take the ball away ( reverse the decision ) says alot. At best it was an unfortunate end to a good tackle. The only real surprise to me was the fact the free wasnt awarded for the lateness of it all after...
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    Blandest Club..?

    Melbourne by a country mile. Its not that I hate them ( I dont ), its not that I like them ( I dont ).....I feel nothing at all for them....its empty, the Dees provoke no emotion whatso ever. They are the only team that if on the box I am not interested and dont watch. Sorry Dee...
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    Who's The Player ...

    Brett Burton for me. He can do the unbelievable, he also does the unbelievabley stupid. He tries the million dollar stuff when he doesnt even need to. I think he has a double persona... Birdman turns into Birdbrain I know he is a champ but over the years I couldv'e strangled him for...
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    Port vs. Adelaide @ AAMI Game Thread

    1/ That video is bloody hilarious...well done. 2/ On the tough stuff a long time Bulldog supporter ( yes you could include long suffering in a past tense ) Darryl Poole scared the crap out of a few of our boys. I remember our 1st or maybe the second G/F we played ( both...
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    Who will win? - Power vs Crows

    In reality I cannot see the Crows winning...yes it hurts ! Infact I think we will get touched up a bit ( please be wrong me ) Port have not been disgraceful in losing, and I think we have a massive problem up forward without Burton and Porps. We havent gambled in our selection so there are...
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    Happy Birthday Melbourne Football Club

    Dear Trav...thanks for your least you have passion which I think is cool. But the lack of resonse I believe shows the true picture.. Personally I would love to keep all the Melbourne clubs, but it just wont happen, you cannot compete with us hybrid clubs or the clubs the clubs that...
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    Happy Birthday Melbourne Football Club

    I accept what you are saying, and so would most people. I am not trying too make a personal attack on you or your members...but I stand by everything I have written. Apart from a very few, you will be the first to go as you are the most irrelevent and you evloke the least passion amongst all...
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    Happy Birthday Melbourne Football Club

    And here is a perfect exmaple of my opion. I loved the VFL and I love the AFL, but a club or 2 has to go for the sake of the comp. Hammer me please...but I suspect there wont be too many. Dan.
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    Happy Birthday Melbourne Football Club

    I am sorry but I am not going to go along with this "feel good " thread. Now before I start let me say I acknowledge I am an interstater, so dont really feel the love here. From my perspective I feel this whole topic is utter crap. Melbourne Football Club is or is quickly becomming a non...
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    Craig Hutchison V Sam Newman

    My thoughts exactly :thumbsu:
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    Kane Cornes Sledge on Will Minson

    I hear you mate....but isnt it G. Cornes that should move on. Look, what was said was not good at all...but the young fella is sincerely sorry, has phoned ( and copped a gobfull ), gone on national t.v. and admitted he was out of line and its good old Graham keeping it all alive. I think the...
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    Craig Hutchison V Sam Newman

    Hutchy deserves all the crap he gets x10. He is nothing more than a low life scum gossip queen...the sooner he is shunned by the football world the better. Problem is channel 9 built him up as the " scoop" king and will have to back him in his desperate campaign for some sort of...
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    Goal Umpire's Moustaches

    I'm with you here champ....I saw the female goal umpire the other week need a trim on her lip hair ! Its all a conspiracy IMHO
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    Kane Cornes Sledge on Will Minson

    Smack on here champ....G.Cornes is becomming a D grade celebrity and is clinging desperately to any headline he can muster. What is missed in all this crap is Will is GENUINLEY sorry about it Cornes ? Talk about a one sided media build up....Will was wrong, he realised the...
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    Hell this thread annoys me..... here we are screaming out for a half decent stadium ( not in this current economic climate folks) and you are taking about trying to keep upto date with your super team stats !!!!! Just love what you got man...2 of the best stadiums in the world...while loving...
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    Dear Chris Knights

    Exactly...the other thing that happens when we become too clinical is predictable and that makes it easier to coach against us.
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    Dear Chris Knights

    As far as the shocking decision making efforts go ,Knights was no orphan out there tonight ! Some of our very senior players were just as guilty. We seem to have lost our instinctivness and the bit of flair we were playing its all too structured and players seem to be playing...
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    Take a risk!

    It looks as though we are OVER structured and loose the ability to play that free instinctive football when things are not going our way. Agree with your thoughts totally. Open it up and take some risks for crying out loud !!!!
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    Birdman's wings clipped

    Played a ripper didnt he. Too good.
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    Jason Porplyzia

    Has great hands in all grabs everything. Good to see he is noticed across our borders...its a great story, this is his second go at AFL.
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    Goodwin’s Last Quarter Miss

    I must admit when Goodwin missed so poorly I thought here we go, this is slipping through our own lack of finishing skills in crunch time. Then I wondered....the kick was so poor, is he carrying an injury ? It hardly made the distance and was well off line......unusual for Mr. Goodwin and...
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    Hawthorn vs Adelaide, this will become a rivalry to challenge sydney vs WCE

    I certainly think a healthy rivalry is developing....have had some great games recently for sure. I know from our side we look forward to the Hawk clashes and everyone seems to be just that little more geed up for it. It isnt up there in rivalry like the Swans and Eagles though. But whose...