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  1. T

    GRFL Season 2013

    Well well looks like savagedog has lost his bone and needs some help finding it so he can calm himself down. It happens in many leagues so it's not a one off. . Travelled up to the GF and how did Kirkland get umpires vote in front of Ashley Neal, Callum Harding Davis (VCFL medal) and even Luke...
  2. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    I think Mehan is hiding after the losses. My contact at Wakool said the follow are either unavailable yet or injured ATM. Some playing but only due to player shortage. Injured - Carroll, Kearney, Harrison, Lahy, Harvey, Whelan, Graham, Laursen, Burmeister, Lowry To return Beattie, Perkins...
  3. T

    Golden Rivers FL

  4. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Well Well .. Harry Lahy is just a receiver when it comes to playing football and thinks he is somthing special. Very lazy as every game I have seen him play he wont go in and get the hard ball. Must come from his father as it is he who tries to umpire as well and he to lazy to even blow the...
  5. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Just had to have my say on the Wakool Wandella game. Umpiring was a shocker and Mehan committed 2 Red card offences and how young Laursen got a yellow card just proves the standard of the umpiring. The Lowry infridgement was a deliberate elbow to the head over 5 meters from the play. And the...
  6. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Done some investigating and there are only 3 on the transfer list heading to the Raiders to play colts, Loomes, Pringle and Pasco. Only Pringle has the footy smarts to play at that level. The last time i seen Loomes play all he done for the day was head hunt the smaller players, not good for a...
  7. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    I think it's time bigfooty awarded a weekly biggest BULLSH_T award as thats about all some ppl are doing on here. I wonder what the players involved in all of this are thinking of all the crap spoken about them at times.:eek: PS whats happened to Semptember since he was found out, did he forget...
  8. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Interesting quote from you September as according to my calculations for it to be true you have spent time in the cohuna area and you make a living from being a sparky just as your old man. Now if you say this isnt so then you are the biggest bullsh_t artist on here. As there is only one son of...
  9. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Well in my day there was alot of very hard at the footy players and I never looked at individuals just teams as a whole. From this the worst team going around was Rovers with Moulamein not far behind. But i will never forget the day the slimmy Barry Prendergast thought he would try his dirty...
  10. T

    OT - Ashes

    Well the strenght of the Aussie state teams and the players would prove that we could provide a 2nd team of just as good talent that would if given the chance be up with the main team if allowed to compete in test like situations over a 12 month period. As for the positions todays test player...
  11. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    From what ive heard and seen you have it right Sockit. Wasnt any of them just wanting to ripe money out of a club they wanted to enjoy football and win a premiership and thats what they done. Word has it that Harvey actually put alot of money on the bars in Wakool over weekend and didnt return...
  12. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Didnt attend so no idea there, from my views at celebrations couldnt say any of them are DH's as they all attended and mixed with all who was there. As for the young bloke and his mate i could only say possibly one of the players who missed out on making team, and if this is so have been told...
  13. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Ok Wakool have won, Bode was shocking, we have all had a bash about things. How about who will be moving on and who will be staying at clubs, who's not worth keeping etc. Has anyone got any thoughts on this subject, yes season has just finished but some of us must know some of the talk at clubs...
  14. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    MM wish i was still playing but thats another story. After finaly getting a look at this DVD of the game, Id say Doyle can hold his head high about his award as he didnt give his oponent's much all day. Yes many other players - Graham, Kearney, Wheatley also but Harvey was again brilliant, not...
  15. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    DOCKERS i think he has been pollishing his B & F medal mate. Do you know what one of them look like?? Nah didnt think so. Plenty of ppl know what they look like, and he had a shocker and didnt get much of the ball at any stage. Was a nail bitter in the end and how they can justify the 35+...
  16. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Not getting too involved with this one but the following have played at Kerang that i know of. Thompson, Pollock - Kerang Thorpe, Harrison & 2 Whelans -Barham Doyle, Loomes, Gleeson, Lashbrook, Lahy, McNaul - Under 17's GF's Thomson, Hobson, Carroll - have attended previous GF and know the...
  17. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    What happened to the home club today at Murrabit. Was it a case of not good enough or not switched on. I though they might win considering Nullawils hard game last week.
  18. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Very true Pie as im sure bunny has been feed a bit of mixo. The last function Wakool held there was 9 of the so called players there until stumps at 2am, now thats a decent effort proving they don't just collect and run without spending some of there pay packet back to the local community. Would...
  19. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Glad you seen the game and can reflect on Harvey as from what ive been told was a brilliant display from a team that didnt want to play and thus the huge loss. According to a few ppl Thorpe had very good reason to act the way he did and Humphries knows all about the reason why as do the Nullawil...
  20. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    (No Good)- I think it will come down to who plays the better game of football as I think they are both capable of a win and possibly a big win. When you have got two attacking teams playing it's hard to say who will win. Scoullar will be someone to watch as last week he looked as if he was just...
  21. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    What a load of **** September. You name a local that is unhappy about them playing or is it just the fact that one certain player and his band of merry men and supporters can't come to terms with not playing 1's as he has been past it for a few years and only player shortage has kept him in...
  22. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    FT all he needs is a registration and he can play. Giving out names is not my way of protecting him from being attacked on here and elsewhere. September didn't see or hear any arguing from the team at Quamby but there is plenty of **** flying around from a few in reguards to when its time to...
  23. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Watched Wakool thump Quamby and they done it easy. Harvey with 11 and all without going out of the 50 line was great to see. Wakool had 4 players out and Doyle on the bench injured in the second half and still kicked 33 goals. Also word has it that another Melbounre star (and x AFL) is set to...
  24. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Is there anyone who can shed some light on the reasons why the GRFL play the Grand Final at Kerang and not out at Murrabit. Best GF venue in the district. Kerang has nothing going for it other than a bigger score board. How the league can allow this to happen is a puzzle.
  25. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    I can see your point Catter but by all acccounts many of the Melbourne crew are ex locals and not on payments of any great amounts. Also some just travelling with there mates and playing in the 2's thus is the reason for their improvement over last month. As for the financial downslide YES it...
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    Golden Rivers FL

    I would Lenny but the body won't allow it.
  27. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Pecker agree 100% about the standard of umpiring in the GRFL as it's a damn disgrace at times. The local guys who do the minor grades do a far better job than most of the top grade umpires. Ive seen a few incidents this season that should of had a few weeks of thinking time for players but not...
  28. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Meehan I thought his father was a bit of a bright spark, sportsman not too sure. Have herd he is very keen to head north during the off season for a Darwin club b4 heading south to try the bigger leagues. Was also short listed for a spot in the vic country team but that hasnt happened. I know he...
  29. T

    Golden Rivers FL

    Funny how the club Jono Doyle came from last year, and the club hes been playing for his whole life is Wakool, Hes never played anywhere else. Jack Lahys also a local, These two have just been away at uni and are returning
  30. T

    Over Paid Local Footballers

    This thread is getting interesting.... Well who cares what players are getting, if a club can cover the costs from year to year who cares. The thing i admire about the situation is the amount of big name players who are not only returning to there former clubs etc but the players who have never...