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  1. D

    Parkway Drive

    On topic, Parkway are pretty good, used to be a lot more into them than now. They were my first concert and the band that acted as a gateway into hardcore for me, so I'll always have a soft spot for them.
  2. D

    Vic Govt trying to ban Metal gig on Good Friday

    I don't really understand how this would be religious vilification? Nobody is being forced to attend and the show isnt out on the streets where people who may be offended couldn't avoid it. I think you raise a good point about the anti-Islam thing. Personally I'd have no problem with it, so...
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    Amusing names

    I checked urbandictionary, apparently it's "The region of the male genitles.Word must be used as an insult." I did not know that til just now.
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    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

    Not really my kind of thing in general but after hearing the insane amount of hype given to this album, and hearing Runaway and All Of The Lights on the radio, i decided to get this. People aren't wrong. Fantastic album, probably not best of 2010 for me (Rohnert Park by Ceremony was mine) but an...
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    Going To Gigs On Your Own

    I don't really have any friends into the same bands as me so I seem to attend almost all the concerts I go to alone. These are predominantly hardcore shows though, so it's pretty easy to get into it. Just standing around before and between bands sucks
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    Your fav 3 vocalists. An 3 u cannot stand..

    Favourites Damo Morris (RIP) (The Red Shore) Luke Frizon (Jack The Stripper) Davey Havok (AFI) Perhaps a slightly different set of standards to most but eh. Most Hated Kasey Chambers x3
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    No Sleep Til festival.

    This is true, and even less good core bands. Soundwave does have Trash Talk though, that's pretty damn awesome.
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    Pets The Official GD Honey Badger Appreciation Thread

    I wonder who would win if a honey badger fought a mongoose? As a devoted honey badger fan, I do not hesitate to say the badger would make a mockery of the mongoose, silencing the doubters immediately.
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    Soundwave 2011 and sidewaves.

    Well, this is very very interesting. I find myself pretty intrigued as to who will be the replacements. Anyone have any ideas?
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    Musical Discoveries of 2010

    I know we have the Best of 2010 thread but this is a slightly different concept. What band/song/artist/album did you get into this year that you hadnt previously? It doesnt have to be anything current, just what was a personal discovery this year for you, music wise. For me, it would have to...
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    Soundwave 2011 and sidewaves.

    I'm thinking Trash Talk could probably play their entire discography in a half hour set. Upon first glance, Melbourne doesn't seem to have any massive clashes which pleases me. Í'm sure some will emerge but I can see all my 'must see' bands.
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    Family & Relationships Gerry Davis Pt II

    Gen-D :), total minx catisyusef says: really well they say i got a sexy deep voice Gen-D says: like morgan freeman? catisyusef says: yeah kinda apparently Gen-D says: i like morgan freeman... catisyusef says: yeah well i got a deep voice i am told catisyusef says: that is sexy i...
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    Punk Bands - I need help

    I guess it probably wouldn't really be considered punk, more hardcore, but I'm recommending Converge to everyone at present. "Petitioning The Empty Sky" is, quite simply, incredible. A good thing I've noticed is that a lot of punk/hardcore bands include bands they like or were influenced by...
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    Home & Garden Top 10 favourite bands/artists

    No but they are awesome. I'm a tad homo for Trad, used to be for Ahren
  15. D

    Punk Bands - I need help

    There's a lot of great Australian punk/hardcore going around nowdays. Miles Away, Break Even, Extortion (all from Perth), Carpathian and Hopeless from Melbourne to name a few. I'd also recommend Off With Their Heads, Have Heart, Ceremony (especially Rohnert Park) Polar Bear Club and H2O for...
  16. D

    Home & Garden Top 10 favourite bands/artists

    :) My top ten, in no real order, but the top five are a clear top five, others are less favourite, would be Carpathian The Red Shore Brand New Say Anything The Amity Affliction Polar Bear Club Converge The Get Up Kids Have Heart La Dispute Though a few of those spots rotate depending on...
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    Food, Drink & Dining Out Silly Competitions

    Please elaborate on these tactics. I would like to have an edge in any future endurance eating competitions against my friends.
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    Soundwave 2011 and sidewaves.

    Re: Soundwave 2011. Murderdolls, H20, Amity and F**ked Up. Makes me happy.
  19. D

    Albums of 2010

    For me it'd have to be either Youngbloods-The Amity Affliction or Rohnert Park-Ceremony
  20. D

    Soundwave 2011 and sidewaves.

    Re: Soundwave 2011. Seconded. Would love to see them live, new album is great
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    Society & Culture Cleavage

    Not that I'm complaining, but is she wearing the same blue top in all of those videos? And really, GOD-DAMN! Mesmerising
  22. D

    Soundwave 2011 and sidewaves.

    Re: Soundwave 2011. Vaera are pretty tight with A Day To Remember and it kinda shows in their sound. Not exactly the same or anything, but similar style of pop punk. Not too bad, they had a few songs on short fast loud last night. The drummer is a pretty hot girl, i found that awesome.
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    Society & Culture Little Moments of Win

    Yes, it is his own fault but that doesn't mean you have to jump all over it. Just seems like a dog act, especially when accompanied by that attitude.
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    Society & Culture Little Moments of Win

    Agreed. The same applies for me with downloading albums. Big bands have enough money already, small Aussie (or any nationality really) bands need the money and so I'll pay for it.
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    Society & Culture Messages intended for other people

    As does mine. Pressing the hang up button means it goes to the outbox and is not sent. Then I can just delete it from there :)
  26. D

    Soundwave 2011 and sidewaves.

    Re: Soundwave 2011. Trash Talk! Amazing. As is Protest The Hero and rumours of Machine Head and Polar Bear Club are awesome. Personally, I'm hoping for Say Anything (could happen, album out last year, havent been here since.), Murderdolls (also possible, I believe they have a new one out...
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    Society & Culture hating your birthday.

    I want to hear this story. I don't much like my birthday though I do like presents. For me it tends to be that I feel like I should be having such an amazing day and stuff then it's just a normal day.
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    When that little band you love goes big

    To me a lot of the disillusionment with a band after they become successful is due to the live show. When you see a little known band who you love, you can get up close, get a great view and maybe even meet them for a pretty small price. If that same band becomes huge, you'd go see them at Rod...
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    Society & Culture Awkward Situations

    One I hate is when you go into a toilet, particularly on a train, and it smells horrible. You go in to take a leak then when you come out you kind of make eye contact with the person waiting to go in and just realise theyre going to assume it was you that made it smell that bad.
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    Society & Culture Awkward Situations

    ^I hate this. Seems like the only time anyone wants to shake my hand is just after I've washed them. The sinks at my school are shaped in a way so they're almost like a spout aimed directly at your crotch. Plus the taps turn both ways, so if you turn them off too quick, you get sprayed.