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  1. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Wow you have resorted to making a fake account under my usual screen name? That is a first, even the most hysterical alarmists have never done anything that dirty before. Please delete my account on these forums. You want to debate me fine, you want to call me names fine but when you make...
  2. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    The last comment I see is a request to explain to clogged what a firefox fanboy is, which I am not going to waste my time doing. And I have no interest in the Marijuana red herring debate, let alone the rest of this whole specific thread but only initially posted to defend myself. MrCharisma...
  3. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Nope, it is just too easy with Firefox Fanboys puppet.
  4. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Yes they do, see Firefox.
  5. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    I only troll Firefox Fanboys when rational discussion no longer works.
  6. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Not even close and when I was doing tech work (not help desk) over 15 years ago, I never had to reinstall Windows unless there was a catastrophic hardware failure or a damaging malware infection. Sorry you had to deal with incompetent tech support but this had nothing to do with me. This was one...
  7. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    It is called satire get a sense of humor, you were too easy to troll.
  8. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Almost 9 million hits speaks for itself.
  9. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    I agree but you should of seen the Firefox Fanboys back then, they would not shut up and leave people alone. When they started making things up about the browser and misinforming people like AGW alarmists are now I jumped in.
  10. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    That is an inside joke, over your head.
  11. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Answer = Fanboys. It all started when Netscape could not make any money selling their browser because Microsoft was giving one away for free, so naturally people got pissed and demanded that they wanted to pay for their browser! ...oh wait never mind.
  12. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    "Good stuff give it a read..." ROFLMAO!
  13. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Grammar Nazi, give it up you cannot save him. His semantic arguments fail because of his reading comprehension problems. You are not defending his arguments because you can't.
  14. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Are you on drugs right now?
  15. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    So you neither have any professional involvement with Internet related content nor have any technical knowledge on the subject, thanks for confirming this. Can you tell me the Fortune 500 company that does not test their website on all the major web browsers (Chrome, IE, Firefox and possibly...
  16. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Obviously but much farther removed since Webkit was forked from KHTML back in 2001 while Blink was forked just last year. You have no argument and are no good at semantics so please give it up.
  17. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Blink is a fork of WebKit, thus if Opera is now using Webkit it is more like Chrome. You really need to read what people write not how you misinterpret it. You are so desperate to try and find something wrong with what I say but incredibly bad at semantics that you perpetually fail.
  18. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Go look up what "more like" means and what a fork of something is. Get back to us when you figure it out. Thanks for perpetually confirming you cannot understand the context of what someone says. Oh and try reading the article as well, it usually helps.
  19. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    You shouldn't as Opera abandoned its own engine and is becoming more like Chrome, Why is Opera moving to WebKit? Because it has to.
  20. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    John C. Dvorak's Trolling Techniques He is notorious for trolling Apple Fanboys.
  21. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    If a browser does not work with 10-15% of websites is that a weakness or a strength? (Yes or No) ROFLMAO, stick to your janitorial work.
  22. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Look at that you guys all fall for the Apple trolls. ROFLMAO! This is one epic thread of pwnage.
  23. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    It is because you cannot make an actual argument, you just inject really irrelevant commentary delusionally believing it to be witty.
  24. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    Dvorak trolls Apple fanboys and you monkeys fall for it, just like MrCharisma has become my puppet.
  25. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    That is because the conversation is way over your head.
  26. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    It is quite clear you have no remote IT experience with computer illiterate comments like this as legacy support was one of the major reasons Microsoft was so successful on the desktop. It is not a belief but reality that 10-15% of websites at that time did not work properly with Firefox and...
  27. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    It is good to know you next to nothing about the subject then and like most who don't know any better spread urban legends based on unsubstantiated anecdotes. Maybe you should comment in subjects where you have actual expertise, unlike this?
  28. Poptech

    Society/Culture Haha disregard that, Internet Explorer sucks

    I thoroughly enjoy pulling the strings of these guys.
  29. Poptech

    Attenborough abandons his polite silence re: creationism and climate change deniers.

    Keep telling yourself this. I have had access to all the source material and can obtain the source material for anything behind a paywall. The majority of which is freely available online if you know how to find it.