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  1. floodbuster

    Movie What's the last movie you saw? (5)

    Death wish 9.5/10 Up there with my all time favourites, it's simplicity is it's strength's.
  2. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Interesting watching Beto O'Rouke campaign in Texas, he held a rally the other day where 55,000 people turned out (about 10 times larger than Trump's rally crowds). Another thing about Texas is that it has had a record number of people register to vote, since it's always gone Republican I'm...
  3. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    I wouldn't say that Putin was responsible for Trump winning, I've always been of the belief that any idiot could have beaten Hillary :rolleyes:. We know that Putin did aid Trump by admitting it in Helsinki, and that the aid was by throwing online mud at Hillary so who knows how much the...
  4. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Putin's plan to put an imbecile in the WH and blow up the world economy is starting to bear fruit. I wonder if he's positioning as some white Knight who'll ride and save the day from Trump's idiocy...
  5. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    I gotta admit that I didn't even get on how big a scale his lifelong con was, everything he had that made him who he was for all those decades was basically just an allowance from his father. From the time he was a baby to the time his father died when Trump was in his 50's he was getting...
  6. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Yes, he plays the outraged everyman role very well.
  7. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    I don't know if you've seen the footage of the 2 women who had been r*ped confronting Jeff Flake in the elevator. It was some of the most powerful footage I've ever seen, they said they believe Dr Ford because how she described the incident in the testimony was exactly how they would describe...
  8. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    We'll just have to wait I guess, Trump said last week that he wants no doubt (although we all know that's not true) and Jeff Flake said after the hearing that there certainly is doubt. There's a lot of circumstantial evidence against him, he's already proven to have lied about his drinking...
  9. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    In fact out of everyone involved in the whole Kavanaugh episode, Graham comes out looking the worst. Not only did he give a teary eyed speech about why Bill Clinton should be impeached as to not let the office of the President be tainted but in his 2015 autobiography he talks about his time as a...
  10. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Ahhh, you're talking about the the email that was sent to Nancy Pelosi saying that Chinese government connected lawyer wanted to meet with her regarding dirt on Trump, you know the one where she replied "I love it".
  11. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    There's other former classmates now telling all these stories about him, about heavy drinking and spiking girls drinks with quaaludes to pack rape them. Now Kavanaugh defenders will say Dems are setting him up as he went on Fox looking like a good Christian couple with his wife. Problem with...
  12. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    It's funny you say that because a female reporter started to ask a question regarding his accusers and he kept interrupting her ranting and raving about fake news, blah, blah, blah. Every time she tried to finish her question he would yell over her "excuse me, excuse me, excuse me". After a...
  13. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    So Trump held a rare press conference today and oh boy did he not let down. This is a link to some um er .... highlights of the conference, the best part is the first clip where he says the Chinese really respect his very large a-brain. :D...
  14. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Admittedly, to play devils advocate (oh boy, here I go). It would be quite demoralising to the people, especially the one's suffering in the rural areas to see their President being laughed out of town on such a serious stage, but we both know that's not the reason (the average fox news viewer...
  15. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    What this shows me is he knows what he is saying as the delivery is suited to the situation, out is the big bombastic blah, blah, blah, enemy of the people kind of thing and is replaced by a slow monotoned pace with a statesman like look upon his face. But yeah, the truly stupid thing about him...
  16. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Because they know he is not to be taken seriously, he has already done a turn around on certain Chinese products pertaining to safety like child car booster seats etc from being tariffed. He is losing the rust belt as they start to realise that his tariffs are hurting them and not helping. In...
  17. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Trump got up in front of the UN yesterday and forgot that he wasn't at one of his MAGA rallies. Proof, that there is no 4 dimensional chess going on, that he just see's and hear's what he wants.
  18. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    I tend to think he meant to say reforming as in reforming something that exists as opposed to reformation of something that doesn't exist anymore. But if he did mean reformation then your comment gets a like.
  19. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    I'll never knock a Richmond fan, until last year's final series that club had found every conceivable way to destroy their fan base. Yet no matter what over the decades they still kept turning up in numbers the following year, plus I like Hardwick for obvious reasons and Dusty because he...
  20. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    It's the glazed look in their (Trump kids) eyes that does it for me. Or are they starring at the sun too. :drunk:
  21. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    "High school days" Maggie wrote. Each year level would most likely have more than 1 class (my public high school did) So this woman who is currently a doctor who is accusing Kavanaugh of attempted rape back in high school submitted this accusation when she found out he was up for a lifetime...
  22. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Haha, I could imagine him trying that but they would never have him, hurt their base too much.
  23. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    I also believe he will be there for 2020 even if the Democrats take the house as the longer he stays in the oval office the worse he makes it for Republicans. I mean if Republicans get wiped out in the midterms both house and senate and he proves to be a real liability to their future survival...
  24. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Can't do that (be honest), it's the world we live in today, deny, deny, deny and when the evidence is overwhelming point somewhere else and say "look! a car crash" and when everyone looks, run the other way.
  25. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Interesting state of play in the SCOTUS pick where now Congress are going to hold a hearing regarding the allegations that have just come to light. Senators Flake and Corker have pushed for the hearing which has really thrown this nomination on it's head. My own personal opinion is that when...
  26. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Just listening to MSNBC before and how these Republican mega donors (one of which I mentioned the other day) have been leaving the GOP and one of the analyst's brought up a good point about why Trump's approval rating is so high within the GOP itself. Apparently since last year the Republicans...
  27. floodbuster

    Play Nice 45th President of the United States: Donald Trump - Part 6 - It begins. (cont in pt 7)

    Don't know if this belongs here but quite funny and if you were to try and draw a link to Trump well you could say he really talked up the hurricane beforehand... But yeah, this would be drawing a very long bow.