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  1. JPK all day

    Autopsy Swans vs. Hawks

    Great win by the blokes. To buggery with that failure of a cricketer north flog saying go hawks with five minutes on the clock. Solid win. I believe boys!
  2. JPK all day

    Preview Round 14 Sydney v The Bye

  3. JPK all day

    Game Day Semi Final 2017: Cats vs Swans

    We got this. I believe.
  4. JPK all day

    Preview 2017 Semi-Final: Cats v Swans

    No changes to the lineup... Come at us Kitty's.
  5. JPK all day

    Preview 2017 Semi-Final: Cats v Swans

    For some reason all day I've been thinking of the number 7.2 I want to believe it is the winning margin this Friday night. Swans by 44 All the way with JPK
  6. JPK all day

    Autopsy Swans vs Bombers @ SCG

    Inb4 someone says drop Towers. Yo crazy...
  7. JPK all day

    Game Day Swans vs Bombers @ SCG

    *Ahem* Xoxox
  8. JPK all day

    Movies & TV What are you watching on TV

    I've been in love with McShane ever since the first time I saw swedgin trying to communicate with Mr Wu.. Mr. Wu: Bok Gwai Lo... c***sucka! Al Swearengen: Yeah, glad I taught you that f***in' word.
  9. JPK all day

    Movies & TV What are you watching on TV

    ho-hum... bye week. I just started re-watching American Gods for the 3rd time. God I love Ian McShane. Can't wait for season 2.
  10. JPK all day

    Universal Love Pictures/GIFs that describe the Swans' season

    I'm not the only one who can't believe we've made the finals from 0-6....
  11. JPK all day

    Autopsy Round 23 2017 Swans Vs Blues

    Feels great to be a Swans fan right now.
  12. JPK all day

    Opinion Who is our most important player?

    Is it wrong to mention I got aroused reading this?
  13. JPK all day

    Opinion Who is our most important player?

    All I will say is JPK. JPK all day. Can we go all the way without JPK? We may go OK, but I like the way we play under the leadership of JPK.
  14. JPK all day

    Game Day Swans vs Dockers

    75 point lead... Poor effort. Horse will give them a spray.
  15. JPK all day

    Prediction Walking the tightrope - The Run Home

    Wish I could like that post twice. Well said.
  16. JPK all day

    Prediction Walking the tightrope - The Run Home

    "Full of youth who will play with nothing to lose".... Sounds like our lads the last couple of months. I can't believe that we are actually likely to make finals at this point... I'm just happy to see us winning again.. It's all icing for me now, but that cherry on top is within reach...
  17. JPK all day

    Autopsy R18, 2017: Swans vs Saints

    Cheers grimlock. Maybe I'll find a better angle on a replay and use that.
  18. JPK all day

    Autopsy R18, 2017: Swans vs Saints

    Has anyone got footage of that freaking awesome bump that Mills did on Acres? I'd love to make a gif from it.
  19. JPK all day

    Game Day Round 18 2017. Sydney vs Stkilda. 19:25 SCG

    I'm new here, and already I can tell that is optimistic by your standards. There you have it everyone, Swans to win by 32.
  20. JPK all day

    Game Day Round 18 2017. Sydney vs Stkilda. 19:25 SCG

    Totally agree. Our boys know what's needed for this match and are used to doing it having been playing sudden death footy for more than two months. We are battle hardened. I don't think the Saints will match our intensity. Maybe for 20 minutes, but not for four quarters.
  21. JPK all day

    Preview Rd 18 2017 Sydney v St Kilda @ SCG - Saturday 22 July (preview on page 8, post #191)

    The Saints were a very different side the last time they beat the Swans at home. Come to think of it, so were we. They were a cracking side that year. Finished as minor premiers before crapping the bed in the finals. We didn't even make the finals. The Swans are a much better side now...
  22. JPK all day

    Autopsy Round 17 2017 Sydney Swans vs Greater Western Sydney Giants. Things you learnt

    Thanks for the welcome Tedeski, There was a point in the 4th where Franklin essentially rucked a long kick in to the 50 to our advantage when I realised "I need to talk about how awesome this team is". If you guys are kind, and have room for a believer, I'll continue to do so.
  23. JPK all day

    Autopsy Round 17 2017 Sydney Swans vs Greater Western Sydney Giants. Things you learnt

    I finally got around to watching this match and although not our best game, I thought we played well generally. It was an ugly match, but these are the kind of games that a team needs to be able to win. The poor kicking at times (which is unfortunately all too common for the swans) was more than...