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  1. Schneebly11


    I would say a lot have concerns, but will only express them privately. The ALP have always been critiqued for being weak on defence and don’t want the LNP to use it as an attack line. But the base Labor members will not be happy. I bet there’ll be some grass roots opposition, but it’ll probably...
  2. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    These subs aren’t to defend the Australian continent from an external invasion. They are to threaten and choke off Chinese shipping and trade if the US decides to neuter China.
  3. Schneebly11


    Ahhh, the Next adventure we get told that we need to "defend freedom" and then several years later when it turns out to be a disaster "well we could never have seen this coming...."
  4. Schneebly11


    Harpoons are anti-ship missiles - they are used to attack an invading fleet and protect the country. Tomahawks however can attack land based targets, so we can now join the Americans in launching cruise missiles against the Chinese mainland, which will now make us open to retaliation against...
  5. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    That's Keating's point. Yeah, it's one thing to get submarines and military equipment to defend this nation, but all this AUKUS deal does is tie us into the US war machine. Now we are getting Tomahawk missiles too. Great, we can expend some munitions on whatever Chinese target the Pentagon...
  6. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    And the ALP had better realise - the reason why they have a slight majority government rather than a minority government is because of the 4-5 seats they got, and some more that came very close (Deakin), because of Chinese Australian voters swinging to Labor. Whilst they didn't appreciate the...
  7. Schneebly11


    Except he didn't get to announce it. He's probably thinking about what other social welfare they can cut to fund it.
  8. Schneebly11


    Be a bit more honest. A lot are there for supporting jihadist movements, not all Uyghurs want an independent state (the East Turkestan movement is a tiny minority group), and it just so happens that it's happening in a key region of the nation that if it became independent would cut off the...
  9. Schneebly11


    Xinjiang is a bit of a distraction. These submarines aren't being used to stop any "genocide" happening in Western China.
  10. Schneebly11


    Just like a lot of myths about military history, it was a myth that anti war protesters spat on returning soldiers from Vietnam: Inaccurate recollections of war only serve to increase the likelihood of future ones.
  11. Schneebly11


    No they didn't. It's a dishonour to pretend to everyone in war "Sacrificed their lives for us". It actually leads to more warmongering as it stops criticism of war using the "you don't support our troops" line. Every Australian should remember how each government tricked respective generations...
  12. Schneebly11


    Malcolm Turnbull has joined Keating in criticising AUKUS today: Different point of view to Keating but correctly pointing out that the UK, one third of this...
  13. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    Unfortunately all the discussion today is about Keating vs Albo, "internal ALP strife". It's about Keating vs "journalists" - "unfair criticism" It's about Keating being on a bank's board 5 years ago "still a CCP suckhole" But it's not about the very pertinent and pressing points Keating made...
  14. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    Unless the corporate control of the media and influence of lobbyists have denigrated political culture to the point where both major parties are solely influenced by the military industrial warmonger lobby. The last time Australia had a genuine chance for a peaceful government was early 2000s...
  15. Schneebly11


    Interestingly enough former navy man Mark is about to head to Beijing on a trade mission to shore up ties. He knows where this nation's bread is buttered, it would be good for others to do the same. Obviously he isn't being paid by ASPI.
  16. Schneebly11


    Like how they didn't lie about Kuwaiti Incubator babies, or the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, or the sinking of the USS Maine to start the Spanish-American War.....
  17. Schneebly11


    China goes down the path of buying oil, gas and trading goods with Europe, Africa and the Middle East that they need to be choked off in the Straits of Malacca? Is that so evil we need to go to war with them? Here's an idea? Instead of war with the world's largest country how about we re-invest...
  18. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    “…It is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship....the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy...
  19. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    The Ukraine war is an example of the Russian people not standing up to a power mad leader warmongering in another country. It's the equivalent of Americans and Australians not standing up enough to their own power mad leaders over Iraq, and a potential war with China.
  20. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    Unfortunately the purpose of commercial media "Journalism" is no longer to be truthful or inform. It's to make as much money as possible, get as many clicks and views as possible. So articles fearmongering about a potential war (which also benefit arms manufacturers) will generate more views...
  21. Schneebly11


    So Australians have to use $400 billion submarines to sink Chinese cargo ships and oil tankers in the Southern Ocean and kill thousands of Chinese sailors for what? To keep white people on top?
  22. Schneebly11


    The map of Eurasia in that article showing China's trade routes and a US led plan to choke them of resources in a potential conflict also shows China's answer to this which will render these $400 billion dollar submarines eventually obsolete. Look at how China is now transferring it's supply...
  23. Schneebly11


    So now we're moving into "YOU DON'T SUPPORT OUR DIGGERS" nonsense? If Australian soldiers died in the mud of a foreign country fighting to prop up a military dictatorship and the Australian public is generally unaware of this then "Lest We Forget" has utterly failed.
  24. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    And no one mentions how Australia is the 6th largest contributor to China's Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, which Australia joined in 2015 when Abbott was PM. Where's all the "Abbott CCP Shill" comments? Why didn't the Liberals (or Labor recently) remove Australia from the AIIB if they...
  25. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    What a disgusting comment. There’s no way I’ll support Aussie kids being forced to die in the South China Sea region against their will because of the squabbles of old wealthy men in power afraid of losing their power. If conscription is re-introduced (a bit of a moot point because it won’t...
  26. Schneebly11

    The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

    Shinzo Abe and Xi were close. Trump’s Tariff’s brought Japan and China closer. They have island disputes, but every nation in the region has those. Arguably Japan-South Korea relations are arguably worse, but no one suggests a Japan-South Korea war is imminent. If you read the history of the...
  27. Schneebly11


    Did that justify war in Vietnam? Was North Vietnam threatening Australia? Why did 500 Australians die, and contribute to the deaths of many people, a lot innocent (Australian soldiers committed war crimes in Vietnam too) who were just trying to defend their homes? HCM wanted the Americans help...
  28. Schneebly11


    Errrr no. They had intentions of only leaving the land once their chosen leader in the South was safe. And I specifically mean “chosen”. South Vietnamese PM Diem was overthrown and murdered by South Vietnamese Army troops in 1963 with CIA backing and funding. From then on until the victory of...
  29. Schneebly11


    There were polls taken in Taiwan recently. The Taiwanese are less afraid of an armed invasion by China than Australians are. The power of a fearful media and the long term effect of the “yellow peril”
  30. Schneebly11


    A poll is a representative sample of public opinion. It’s not like you say “well They only polled 1500 people so the other 25 million have a different opinion”. C’mon this is basic stuff you should know