The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

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The last 20 years of Keating's post-politics career has been working with banks forging closer ties between Australia and China. Either Macquarie entering China or the China Development bank.

Saying he has no skin in the game is like saying Raytheon are most worried about your safety and security.

He claims a totalitarian dictator with a rapidly expanding military and aggressive stance towards neighbours poses no threat.

When confronted with human rights abuses, he pivots to Whataboutism and India? What's that got to do with Xi building a massive military, threatening Taiwan and becoming increasingly isolated in his rule.

A great military power run by a single dictator is a threat. Even if the current leader is outright benevolent, the next one with the knife for his back might not be. So the threat it always there.
When you see this sort of pathetic line of questioning you can't help but think Keating was right about the press. Per the Graund blog.
Mitchell asks if Albanese can guarantee that no taxes or levies will be introduced to pay for Aukus:

I can guarantee that this stands on its own merits. We don’t have a hypothecated system so if you’re asking me about hypothecated revenues to pay for this the answer, that is no. We’ll continue to do what we need to do to defend Australia.

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Remember that time when Reagan told Hawke that the US was going to fire a couple of MX Missiles at us "just to see if they work"

Of course Hawke said "yep, no worries old mate"

The Subs decision is right up there with that decision
Incidentally Keating told Hawke he was a F-wit over this
What's Japan's current relationship like with China?

Shinzo Abe and Xi were close. Trump’s Tariff’s brought Japan and China closer. They have island disputes, but every nation in the region has those. Arguably Japan-South Korea relations are arguably worse, but no one suggests a Japan-South Korea war is imminent.

If you read the history of the rape of Nanking then you’ll realise it’s actually China which has the main grievance with Japan, not the other way around.
Cry more to think these are the type of people who will be conscripted to defend our a country lol.

What a disgusting comment.

There’s no way I’ll support Aussie kids being forced to die in the South China Sea region against their will because of the squabbles of old wealthy men in power afraid of losing their power.

If conscription is re-introduced (a bit of a moot point because it won’t be) I’ll support any avenue I can to protect our youth from getting conscripted and assist them in getting exemptions, heck I’d even let them hide on my property so they aren’t press ganged. I’ll attend every protest and glue myself to roads if I have to.

The only way I’ll support generally conscription is if it is mandatory for every child of a politician to be conscripted as well, and they are placed on the frontlines in the first wave of any invasion force (ala Saving Private Ryan the first soldiers at the front of the landing craft who cop the first bullets on D Day are the kids of politicians, and weapons manufacturer executives for good measure too).

As this will never happen then I’ll never support conscription.
The USA will never allow a war to be fought on US soil

They will use other countries.....Hello, Australia

The only reason anyone would want to attack Australia is for our resources, food & minerals. IF we were to deny these resources to the rest of the world, we should expect to be 'in the gun'.

Memo to Mr Keating, there is nothing of value in the cities that might start a land war.

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The last 20 years of Keating's post-politics career has been working with banks forging closer ties between Australia and China. Either Macquarie entering China or the China Development bank.

Saying he has no skin in the game is like saying Raytheon are most worried about your safety and security.

He claims a totalitarian dictator with a rapidly expanding military and aggressive stance towards neighbours poses no threat.

When confronted with human rights abuses, he pivots to Whataboutism and India? What's that got to do with Xi building a massive military, threatening Taiwan and becoming increasingly isolated in his rule.

A great military power run by a single dictator is a threat. Even if the current leader is outright benevolent, the next one with the knife for his back might not be. So the threat it always there.
What Dribble …

Henry Kissinger was on the same Board as Keating.
What Dribble …

Henry Kissinger was on the same Board as Keating.

And no one mentions how Australia is the 6th largest contributor to China's Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, which Australia joined in 2015 when Abbott was PM. Where's all the "Abbott CCP Shill" comments? Why didn't the Liberals (or Labor recently) remove Australia from the AIIB if they are so concerned about Keating being involved with a Chinese bank?

It's such dripping hypocrisy. It makes me want to vomit.
And no one mentions how Australia is the 6th largest contributor to China's Asian Infrastructure and Investment Bank, which Australia joined in 2015 when Abbott was PM. Where's all the "Abbott CCP Shill" comments? Why didn't the Liberals (or Labor recently) remove Australia from the AIIB if they are so concerned about Keating being involved with a Chinese bank?

It's such dripping hypocrisy. It makes me want to vomit.

Exactly … the media is destroying peoples ability to think in this country ..

We need a proper council for Journalism..
Imagine writing an article series essentially claiming World War III is upon us and then complaining that your feelings were hurt when people criticised it for hawkishness.

Between outing Rebel Wilson, mischaracterising the Sydney rail industrial dispute and now this, how many times can Bevan Shields repeatedly embarrass the country’s shared newspapers of record before he’s flicked back to obscurity?
Imagine writing an article series essentially claiming World War III is upon us and then complaining that your feelings were hurt when people criticised it for hawkishness.

Between outing Rebel Wilson, mischaracterising the Sydney rail industrial dispute and now this, how many times can Bevan Shields repeatedly embarrass the country’s shared newspapers of record before he’s flicked back to obscurity?

Unfortunately the purpose of commercial media "Journalism" is no longer to be truthful or inform. It's to make as much money as possible, get as many clicks and views as possible. So articles fearmongering about a potential war (which also benefit arms manufacturers) will generate more views than a long, dry, complex analysis exploring every nuance in a diverse part of the world.

Nah "WAR, WAR, WAR!" is easier and makes more money.
A few days ago our government announced the most significant shift in Australian strategic defence policy in our history.

And in response yet another idiotic trope being dished up by the mainstream media instead of informed rational discussion.

Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 12.32.32 pm.png

A reminder that Ben Fordham (2GB) is an employee of the Nine entertainment Co. - the same organisation that owns the Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

And it's not just Keating, MediaWatch and a host of proper journalists who are calling out Costello's Nine Entertainment Group for its ignorant cheersquad reporting.

Crikey is reporting that The SMH/Age 'War with China is Inevitable' reporting has stirred criticism from staff within the organisation itself: some say worthy subject matter was let down by poor reporting; others say it should never have made it into print.
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Sad as it is, Ukraine would again be Russian IF the Yanks didnt stand up.

The Ukraine war is an example of the Russian people not standing up to a power mad leader warmongering in another country.

It's the equivalent of Americans and Australians not standing up enough to their own power mad leaders over Iraq, and a potential war with China.
A few days ago our government announced the most significant shift in Australian strategic defence policy in our history.

And in response yet another idiotic trope being dished up by the mainstream media instead of informed rational discussion.

A reminder that Ben Fordham (2GB) is an employee of the Nine entertainment Co. - the same organisation that owns the Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

“…It is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship....the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Hermann Goering.
A few days ago our government announced the most significant shift in Australian strategic defence policy in our history.

And in response yet another idiotic trope being dished up by the mainstream media instead of informed rational discussion.

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A reminder that Ben Fordham (2GB) is an employee of the Nine entertainment Co. - the same organisation that owns the Age and Sydney Morning Herald.

Who the hell listens to the opinion of Ben Fordham? He is a f***ing annoying mosquito.
Brilliant from Keating and a whack to our politicians. When asked what did he think impact his comments would have on his relationship with the ALP, he said country before Party. Both sides of politics have failed us with this shit deal.

Loved his comments about the UK abandoning us and we come crawling back.

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The Inevitable War - Keating goes bang

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