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    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    How many SANFL games do you think McAdam played last year?

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    He'll be on his way to another club at the end of next year. AFC is the opposite of the bucket of crabs dragging anyone with ability and hope down. We just let those ones leave the bucket and then try to recruit some more crabs.

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    I bet none of those guys have received a jar of Roo's family tomato sauce for Christmas.

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    Ignore? If allowed, I would crowdfund the $3000 to have him permanently banned. Pretty sure it would meet target in about 5 minutes. Unbelievable that we can cop reaction bans for 'reaction trolling', but Wayno is free to fertilize this board with impunity because he is a mod of a board not...

    Rumour Jack Lucrowsius

    Nankervis is a good shout for a wing spot. He wasn't drafted as a defender, more as a slow burn mid.

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    Our biggest deficit by far is sitting up in the coaches box dealing with flies on his scone.

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    Wayne wouldn't be able to describe culture unless the AFC media team put out a press release explaining what it meant.

    List Mgmt. Neal-Bullen nominates Crows

    Fixed it for you.

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    You are a fart sniffer of the highest order Wayno.
  10. SLOWNE

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    Except Wayne. For some God forsaken reason, we cannot ignore him.
  11. SLOWNE

    As a Crow fan, how will YOU handle it if Port Power win the Flag this year?

    Scott is a much better coach than Ken. Cats by 20. Hell, whilst I'm feeling optimistic, that little turd Butters can have a long overdue suspension for a snipe off the ball and a big fine for staging.
  12. SLOWNE

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mismanagement and Trading

    Ripping insight as usual Wayne.
  13. SLOWNE

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    Nank seems VERY popular with the young brigade of our squad.
  14. SLOWNE

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    Having watch Chris Burgess a bit, I am pretty sure Baby John Burgess has him beat for speed.
  15. SLOWNE

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    The rule is in place to stop teams destroying their list profile by swapping all their pics for mature players. They've shown in the past that if the club brings in young players with the traded pics that they will waive the rule. JHF being a 2nd year player when brought it, Powa would appeal...
  16. SLOWNE

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mismanagement and Trading

    Luko is leaving GC because he hates playing in defense, if he nominates us it's because he has been assured he isn't going to be playing any meaningful time back there.
  17. SLOWNE

    Speculation Jack Lukosius [RFA 2026]

    Lol, thats more than we paid for Dawson. And Dawson didn't come along with an albatross of a contract. This has F2 written all over it.
  18. SLOWNE

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    GC can wish in one hand and shit into the other and see which fills first.
  19. SLOWNE

    2024/2025 Gold Coast Draft & Trade Periods

    Does this work for you guys, assuming Luko is out? ADL: OUT- Keane / IN- Luko COLL: OUT- Noble, F3 / IN- Keane GC: OUT- Luko / IN- Noble, Coll F3
  20. SLOWNE

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    Media parasites are the lowest of the low. These same gormless jellyfish refuse to ask Nicks & Co difficult questions, rather target young men fighting for their livelihood. But mental health is a priority, right guys?
  21. SLOWNE

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    Agreed, would see it more as: ADL: OUT- Keane / IN- Luko COLL: OUT- Noble, F3 / IN- Keane GC: OUT- Luko / IN- Noble, Coll F3
  22. SLOWNE

    List Mgmt. 2024 List Mismanagement and Trading

    Pou is going to be an absolute gun. Kid loves to win, more importantly, HATES to lose. If he is gettable, give him the Godfather™ offer and get it done.
  23. SLOWNE

    Rumour 2024 Rumours and Speculation (Rumours total 25, last 28th August)

    If we could get that down to 0%, that would be amazing.
  24. SLOWNE

    Player Watch Josh Rachele - Sent To The Gulag!

    Josh blink twice if you have a gun pressed against your back.
  25. SLOWNE

    Player Watch Josh Rachele - Sent To The Gulag!

    Nicks absolutely sees neutralising the ball as a win. Listen to him speak, every second word is 'contest'. He was a low ceiling scrapper of a player who forged an average career through sheer grunt and effort. He doesn't understand anything else. His disdain for players with flair and vision is...
  26. SLOWNE

    Player Watch Rory Laird

    He's definitely starting to develop the attitude certain types get when they've lost a step and are frustrated.
  27. SLOWNE

    Opinion Matthew Nicks: Adelaide's Coach (Part 3) - The Biggest Loser

    The irony of this comment aside, the fact that we are not able to use the ignore function on you and are thus subjected to your absolute drivel without reprieve is almost as big an indictment on this board as Nicks' premature extension is on the AFC board.
  28. SLOWNE

    Preview R23: Changes vs. Sydney Swans

    I read this is euthanized and thought that sounds better in comparison to watching Nicks & Co ground our ship on the beach.
  29. SLOWNE

    MRP / Trib. Sniper Houston - 5 Weeks

    I spent 10 minutes reading the 🍐 Houston thread, they are the most victim complexed delusional turds in the world. I am now reaction banned for the next week.
  30. SLOWNE

    Speculation Jack Lukosius [RFA 2026]

    The damn hypocrisy from a Cats flair is astonishing.